Jitu's acquisition of Baishi express may be a win-win situation: one party stops bleeding and the other expands market share


On October 29, Baishi group announced that it would sell its Baishi express to Jitu at a price of 6.8 billion yuan. The transaction is expected to be completed in the first half of 2022.


Zhou Shaoning, founder, chairman and CEO of Baishi group, sent an internal letter saying that according to the agreement, the group will transfer the equity, assets, outlets, transfer centers, personnel, technology and systems of domestic express related companies to Jitu express. "This business transfer only involves domestic express business, which has no impact on international, express and supply chain business."


According to the financial report, in 2020, Baishi group achieved a revenue of 30 billion yuan, of which the express revenue was 19.418 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 65%. In the outside world, the sale of express business means that Baishi group is breaking its arms to survive.


Since 2020, Zhou Jian, senior vice president of Baishi group and general manager of Baishi international, Guo Lei, chief accounting officer, senior vice president and general manager of Baishi finance, and Zhou Shaohua, senior vice president and general manager of Express Business Department of Baishi group, have left one after another. In the echelon of "four connections and one access", Baishi has the greatest profit pressure. From 2015 to 2020, Baishi group has accumulated a loss of about 6.4 billion yuan.


Zhao Xiaomin, an expert in the express industry, believes that Jitu's acquisition of the express business of Baishi group is for both sides to get what they need. Baishi can pack light and focus on express and international business. At present, express has ranked second in market share; The international business of Baishi group is also developing rapidly, especially in Southeast Asia. "After selling the express business, Baishi may usher in new development opportunities." and Jitu may also take this opportunity to access Amoy system, improve its asset value, and be more conducive to its future financing.


As Ali is the largest shareholder of Baishi group, and 90% of the early business of Jitu came from pinduoduo, it seems that Ali will strongly oppose Jitu's acquisition of Baishi out of the need of competition.


However, many people familiar with the matter told finance and economics that the sale of Baishi express was a decision made by the founder team of Baishi group after a year of consideration. "During the transaction decision-making process, Ali respected the opinions of the founder team to the greatest extent." the aforementioned person close to the transaction told Caijing, "the Alibaba business accessed by Baishi will maintain normal operation and will not be affected by the transaction. This is also Ali's positive attitude towards interconnection."


Several Baishi management personnel also said that although Ali is one of the shareholders of Baishi, the actual controller of Baishi has always been the founder Zhou Shaoning. Ali only plays the role of investor and does not interfere with Baishi's daily business decisions, including the sale of express business.


It is understood that the direct reason why Baishi sells express business is that China's express industry has many players and fierce competition. Price competition, as the main means, directly tests the viability of express companies. Moreover, express is an industry that emphasizes basic capacity-building. If it is slow, it will be slow step by step. The integration is an inevitable trend for the benign development of express industry.


A person close to Jitu said that in the future, Baishi express network and Jitu express network may be connected to the grid rather than merged. In China's express delivery industry, there is no enterprise that can tell both domestic and international stories well. If Jitu gets these two tickets, it is most likely to run out and catch up with SF and other traditional giants.


Zuo Xiaoqing, general manager of Baishi express, may stay in the express business. After all, he has been with Zhou Shaoning for a long time, and the management of Jitu is still choosing a new Baishi Express Manager, because Jitu express is a professional manager system and in the early stage of development, so there is a shortage of talents.


A franchisee of Baishi said that Baishi in Guangdong, Fujian, Guizhou and other places now has two or three networks in parallel. In addition to Baishi's own business, it also carries Fengwang or Jitu.


Fall in a new round of price war


Baishi is not without efforts. In fact, before 2020, Baishi has been in the upward momentum of rapid progress, only one step away from breakeven.


Since its listing in 2017, Baishi has developed rapidly. The loss in 2019 narrowed to 120 million yuan from 920 million yuan two years ago. The revenue, net profit, market share and market value of that year reached an all-time high.


COVID-19 suddenly broke out in early 2020, which allowed SF to gain the highest quarterly growth rate in the history, with its business volume surging by 75%. Most of these increments come from e-commerce preferential parts, rather than commercial parts in its traditional advantage fields. In the previous years, SF's market share had been far behind Tongda 100. Such performance has greatly increased SF's confidence and strengthened its counter attack on the e-commerce parts market.


At the same time, the admission of another "player" Jitu directly intensifies the competition intensity of relying on subsidies to grab market share at a low price. According to media reports, a mantra of Li Jie, founder of Jitu, is that "franchisees are ready to lose two years first".


Under the new round of "price war" triggered by extreme rabbit, the single ticket income obtained by express companies decreased rapidly, and Baishi, which has the weakest cost control, took the lead in feeling the pressure. In the first half of 2020, the revenue of Baishi express was 5.152 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.4%. The financial report explained that "the package unit price decreased by 20.7% year-on-year mainly due to the fierce market competition." Zhou Shaoning said at the financial report telephone conference at that time, "in order to improve the profit margin and profit margin, we will not blindly follow the pricing of the market or other peers."


But more than half a year later, in March 2021, in order to reverse the decline, Baishi had to lower the receiving price in Yiwu, and the express business volume quickly flowed to Baishi. Then Jitu and several Tongda express also joined the "price war". Until Baishi and Jitu were punished by the local regulatory authorities, the express companies recalled the price.


But this round of price war that led to the sale of Baishi express is neither the beginning nor the end in the short term. In the past decade, the price war has always been accompanied by the express industry, and small and medium-sized express companies will be out every few years. "Strictly speaking, Baishi express is also lucky this time. It is only sold and the business will continue to operate, but it is not completely out. In this regard, we should also thank Ali and other investors for their understanding of the transaction decision," said an insider of Baishi express.


According to the data of the State Post Office, in 2020, the domestic express business volume totaled 83.36 billion, compared with 3.67 billion 10 years ago. However, the unit price of express tickets in the industry has dropped from 20.65 yuan 10 years ago to 10.55 yuan in 2020, which is almost halved.


Some experts in the express industry believe that it has always been the international practice of the express logistics industry for the leading enterprises to clear the industry and improve the concentration through price war at the expense of short-term profits in exchange for greater market share. In the 1980s and 1990s, the American Express industry gradually formed the industry pattern of UPS, FedEx and USPS through two rounds of 12-year price war.


"Technical school" of "four links and one Dali"


Of course, the price war may only be a fuse, not all the reasons. Whether it can withstand the price war is whether the express company has strong enough basic network capacity and can support the effective operation of the network at low cost.

白石的气质始终与四通一达的其他前四名保持着一定的距离感。圆通、中通、申通、云达总部均设在上海青浦,只有白石总部设在杭州。周少宁的背景也不同于其他几位express创始人。其他人来自浙江省桐庐农村,从零开始,而宁波人周少宁有一份技术精英的简历:他是世界著名贝尔实验室的中国高管,负责全球数据和无线通信部门的技术总监;曾任UT Starcom全球高级副总裁兼中国区总裁,为中国通信企业创造了年销售额25亿美元的销售奇迹;他还曾担任谷歌全球副总裁兼大中华区总裁。与李开复、王淮南一起,他被称为谷歌中国的"三驾马车"。

Baishi's temperament has always maintained a certain sense of distance from the other top four of four links and one da. Yuantong, Zhongtong, Shentong and Yunda are all headquartered in Qingpu, Shanghai, and only Baishi is headquartered in Hangzhou. Zhou Shaoning's background is also different from several other express founders. Others came from rural Tonglu, Zhejiang Province and started from scratch, while Zhou Shaoning, a native of Ningbo, has a resume of technical elites: he was a Chinese executive in the world-famous Bell Labs and the technical director in charge of global data and wireless communication departments; He once served as senior vice president of UT Starcom worldwide and President of China, creating a sales miracle for Chinese communication enterprises with annual sales of US $2.5 billion; He also served as Google's global vice president and President of Greater China. Together with Li Kaifu and Wang Huainan, he is known as the "troika" of Google China.


After Zhou Shaoning, with computer and engineering background, entered the express industry, he was famous for "technology flow" and emphasized the use of intelligent technology to drive the logistics industry on different occasions. In contrast, Baishi pays less attention to the investment in underlying logistics facilities than other companies.


A person who has visited Tongda 100 headquarters introduced to burning finance and economics, "after Zhongtong and Yuantong took the land in Qingpu, Shanghai, they have built modern high-rise office buildings as their headquarters, but Baishi headquarters is located in Huaxing modern industrial park in the downtown area of Hangzhou, and even the office buildings are rented."


Interface news research shows that among the several express giants that adopt the franchise mode, only Baishi does not buy land. According to wind statistics, as of the first half of 2019, only one Baishi group disclosed zero amount of land use right. In terms of amount, even Yunda, which has the least land use right, has an annual amortization amount of 73 million yuan.


Baishi's operation center also uses the lease mode. Baishi only made a few modifications to the leased site to meet the needs of the site, and did not own vehicles. Instead, it adopted the mode of outsourcing and financial leasing to build a fleet for trunk transportation.


According to the lease fee data, as of June 30, 2019, the non current assets of Baishi through operating lease use rights accounted for 23.88% of the total assets; In contrast, the venue rental fee in the long-term deferred expenses disclosed by Shentong, Yuantong, Yunda and Shunfeng express giants accounts for only 1.5% of the total assets.


In other words, from the financial results, the leasing model may not contribute to profits.


The R & D expenses of Baishi group accounted for 70% of the net profit in the first three quarters of 2019, while the R & D expenses of SF, the second largest, accounted for only 22% of the net profit. According to wind statistics, except that Zhongtong did not disclose its R & D expenses, Baishi group is the company that invested the most in technology R & D in the franchise system.


According to the analysis of a person familiar with the express business model of Tongda department, whether the express company can survive and grow under the background of express price war lies in the competition of cost control, and the key of cost control lies in the transshipment cost. Whoever can minimize the transshipment cost can survive the fierce price war, grab the market share of competitors at a relatively low price, and ensure that he does not lose money or even make a small profit.


Since 2017, Zhongtong has come from behind, and its market share and profit margin have long been the leader of Tongda 100. The secret is that the transshipment cost of Zhongtong is the lowest among Tongda 100 express. Behind this, it is closely related to the capacity construction strategies of Zhongtong, such as increasing the direct operation of transfer centers and trunk lines, leading the layout of inter provincial shuttle buses, self purchased land and building modern transfer centers. Several other Tonglu express companies have increased investment in similar directions in recent years.


This person believes that the focus of Baishi's layout has gradually opened the gap between basic network capabilities and other competitors. "Basic capabilities should be built for a long time. If they are slow, they will be slow and eventually fall behind".


What's left of Baishi after selling the express

知情人士告诉fuel finance,"白石决定出售快递业务。一方面,它可以改善财务状况。同时,它也希望通过这一转型,专注于供应链、国际物流和其他业务,并在更加差异化的市场中获得机会。"

People close to the acquisition told fuel finance, "Baishi decided to sell the express business. On the one hand, it can improve the financial situation. At the same time, it also hopes to take this transformation to focus on supply chain, international logistics and other businesses and obtain opportunities in a more differentiated market."


In the second quarter of 2021, Baishi's total liabilities were 17.5 billion yuan, with an asset liability ratio of 95.21%, higher than several other franchised express companies and SF. For example, the asset liability ratio of midterm is 19.75%, and that of SF is 57.04%.


Li Zhiwei, a former middle-level manager of Baishi, told Nanfang Weekend in September this year, "in the past period of time, Baishi has been unable to find money, high debt ratio and poor performance." in recent years, Baishi has also been actively replenishing cash flow through equity financing, bill financing and listing financing.


According to the analysis of the above-mentioned people familiar with the express business model of Tongda department, the capital consumption point of Baishi group is not only express, but also diversified expansion in finance, convenience stores, international and other fields in recent years.


For Baishi, who wants to do comprehensive logistics supply chain services, it may not be a good thing to go to battle light after getting rid of the express business.


In fact, Baishi, established in 2007, did not acquire the online express business of Huitong express until 2010.


Although express accounts for more than half of Baishi's revenue, it is far from all. In Zhou Shaoning's mind, there has always been an idea: use information technology and artificial intelligence to create comprehensive online and offline logistics and supply chain service capabilities, including express, express, warehouse distribution supply chain management, international and cross-border e-commerce logistics, etc.


Each of these businesses requires huge investment. After cutting down the convenience store and express business, the strategic contraction of Baishi can stop the bleeding point and return the funds for the development of strategic emerging businesses.


In terms of supply chain, freight and cross-border logistics, each track has a market scale of 100 billion. However, the industry remains in the development stage of small, scattered and chaotic. The degree of scale is not high, and there is great potential for information upgrading. Baishi has also laid a certain foundation before.


In terms of supply chain, Baishi has many high-quality customer resources in clothing and underwear, food and beauty, small household appliances, 3C digital and other industries, which can provide customers with full link supply chain optimization from factories to warehouses, dealers, stores and consumers.


Baishi is also the vanguard of "four links and one access" in international logistics. Since 2016, Baishi has expanded its cross-border logistics services to Australia, Japan and other countries. Since 2018, Baishi has successively carried out local express services in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia and other countries. In August this year, Baishi also opened a full link cross-border logistics service from China to Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Cambodia, responsible for the collection and outbound of parcels and the landing and distribution abroad.


According to Wang Sheng, who won the first-class agency right in a certain region of Jitu, the business model of Jitu is "direct sales first, supplemented by franchise agents". Most of the direct sales regions are also in the charge of employees from oppo and vivo teams, and most of the first batch of channel merchants who chose to join Jitu were original oppo and vivo.


Wang Sheng told burning finance that he had heard of the news that Baishi sold itself to the rabbit for a long time, but for the finally agreed price, he said that the actual price may be more than he originally thought. "I didn't expect that the final transaction price was more than the existing market value of Baishi, but for this result, I think both sides are beneficial."


"Jitu acquired Longbang express at the beginning of its domestic business and obtained the express market license by borrowing the shell of Longbang express. After swallowing Baishi, it must not be the shell of Baishi, but the real content of Baishi." Wang Sheng believes that although Jitu has a strong momentum now, it is still "deeply unstable" compared with the access system that has dominated the industry for many years, "First, Baishi has scattered its outlets all over the country; second, Baishi has accumulated many logistics talents who have been struggling in the industry for many years for so many years; finally, I think the most important thing is that Jitu can connect with Taobao with the help of Baishi."


"Although the reputation of Baishi is not good, the problems are similar to that of Jitu, and most of the complaints are focused on Logistics speed and personnel services, in terms of market share, Jitu has greatly improved its market share after swallowing Baishi, and we have been trying to optimize the complaints step by step," said Wang Sheng, Although the headquarters of Jitu has not issued a notice on cooperation with local Baishi outlets, he feels that there should be further integration planning in the near future, and expresses more confidence in the development of Jitu after the acquisition of Baishi.

*图片来自微博@extreme rabbit express,有些图片来自visual China。

*The pictures are from microblog @ extreme rabbit express, and some pictures are from visual China.


*Wang Sheng is an alias in the text.


*Disclaimer: under no circumstances shall the information or opinions expressed herein constitute investment advice to anyone.


update time:2021-10-31 11:25:04


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