Musk is considering running a university, challenging MIT or upgrading "Lanxiang technical school"?


After becoming the richest man on earth, what are your dreams?

当地时间10月29日,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在社交媒体推特上表示,他正在考虑开设一所新的大学——德克萨斯理工学院。这是马斯克将特斯拉总部迁至德克萨斯州后的又一宏伟计划。

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on social media twitter on October 29 local time that he was considering opening a new University - Texas Institute of technology. This is another grand plan after musk moved Tesla headquarters to Texas.


Last week, Tesla's market value just exceeded $trillion, and Musk's personal wealth soared to $300 billion (about 1.92 trillion yuan), becoming the world's richest man. Musk's tweets about running a university also hit the twitter hot list; In China, this news has also become a hot search.


"College is just for fun"


However, it is unclear how serious the billionaire is about running a school. When a twitter user asked musk if he had raised money for the University, musk replied, "obviously." he also said that the university would make history.


Musk is famous for "boasting" on social media. He once said he planned to privatize Tesla, was fined for making false statements in violation of the securities law, and resigned from Tesla's board of directors.


Musk's own feelings for traditional universities have been tepid. He has laughed at his university experience many times. Last year, musk said: "going to college is just for fun, to prove that you can do these simple jobs, but not for learning." he also said that applying for Tesla does not require a college diploma, "because it's ridiculous".


However, musk can't believe all this. He himself came from a famous school - graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, obtained double degrees in physics and economics, and combined the two disciplines perfectly. He successfully applied physics knowledge to business, led Tesla electric vehicle company to set off an electrification revolution in the automotive industry, and opened the prelude to the commercial interstellar journey of mankind.


At present, enterprises including Tesla and the boring company are recruiting on a large scale in Texas. Especially after Tesla moves its headquarters to Texas, it is expected to make an important contribution to the state's tax revenue.


Ihsmarkit, a research institution, made statistics on Tesla's economic contribution to California, where Tesla was originally headquartered, in 2018. The statistical results show that Tesla contributed more than US $5 billion (about RMB 32 billion) to the economy of California in 2017, paid US $328 million directly to the state government and local tax departments of California, and provided more than 50000 jobs for California in 2017.


The research data also show that Tesla will generate an additional $8 for every $1 spent in economic activities throughout California. For every $1 Tesla pays California employees, it will help consumers across the state reduce their spending by $9.


School running suggestions come from Chinese scholars


In retrospect, Musk's idea of running a university is related to the China development high level forum held earlier this year. At the forum held in March this year, musk and Xue Qikun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, President of Southern University of science and technology and well-known scientist in the field of condensed matter physics in China, first mentioned the topic of running a school in a dialogue on the cultivation of physics talents.


Both musk and Xue Qikun believe that physics teaching is very important, but we must explain the charm of physics to people and make it a subject with temperature. Xue Qikun suggested that Tesla, as an enterprise, should set up a university, better combine education with the development of economic industry, and engage in higher education more purposefully.


In this regard, musk responded: "Tesla now lacks talents in robot programming, which is a good suggestion and worth considering."


Musk said: "the principles of physics are very important. There are also innovative ideas in physics, which can encourage students to think and practice the phenomena in the real world. This is a very good learning framework. Learning physics earlier can better participate in scientific research in the future."


However, he pointed out that the main problem of the current lack of university education is the lack of interaction and professors, which is difficult to stimulate students' interest in physics. "In today's physics classroom, a professor often expresses his own views, and the form of education is still single." Musk said. "I think the classroom is used for discussion, not one-way instilling knowledge. To stimulate students' interest, we should strengthen the interaction in the classroom."


update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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