Owner claimed by Tesla: "want to prove that he didn't humiliate Henan people"


On October 28, Tesla sued Han Chao for reputation infringement and held a hearing in Beichen District People's Court of Tianjin. On the same day, Han Chao told the author of prism that he was still waiting for the results, and the court did not pronounce a sentence in court.


In May 2019, Han Chao purchased a second-hand model s through official channels and was identified as an "accident car". On the eve of the national day, after more than two years of long litigation, Han Chao sued Tesla for false sales. The judgment was pronounced in the second instance, and Han Chao won the lawsuit. But at the same time, he was sued by Tesla for reputation infringement and claimed 5.05 million yuan.


Also sued by Tesla for reputation infringement is Ms. Zhang, who previously staged "roof rights protection" at the Shanghai auto show. She received the indictment on August 14 and was claimed 5 million yuan.


The author of prism learned from Han and Zhang that a car owner in Shanghai was also claimed 5 million yuan. However, the car owner refused to comment on this.


Such a change from defenders to defendants claiming for exorbitant prices rarely occurs in Chinese car owners' rights protection cases. Even in the United States, there are few cases of Tesla suing rights owners for reputation infringement.


A lawyer who has long been concerned about the incident told the author: "Tesla's judicial resources are seriously unequal with the car owners. Tesla can hire professional and senior lawyers, but the car owners may be reluctant to spend the money."

特斯拉全球副总裁陶琳(Tao Lin)曾在微博上回复网友说,特斯拉不想把时间和精力花在营销和公共关系上。马斯克本人多次声称特斯拉受到媒体的不公平对待。这让外界相信,用法律手段对付维权者符合特斯拉的企业文化,因为他们不想把精力花在营销和公共关系上。

Tao Lin, global vice president of Tesla, once replied to netizens on her microblog that Tesla did not want to spend time and energy on marketing and public relations. Musk himself has repeatedly claimed that Tesla has been unfairly treated by the media. This makes the outside world believe that using legal means to deal with defenders is in line with Tesla's corporate culture, because they don't want to spend energy on marketing and public relations.


"I'm facing a lot of public pressure now. Everyone says that Henan people are liars and I'm a female car trouble. My biggest selfishness is to prove myself. I don't humiliate Henan people. I'm not a liar or a car trouble." Ms. Zhang of Henan told the author that she was not deterred by the sky high price claim and was prepared to fight on her own without hiring a lawyer.


The author asked Tesla's public relations personnel about a series of claims. As of press time, no response has been received.


A disputed judgment


"Zipper brother" Chen Junyi was the first owner sued by Tesla.


On the evening of August 12 last year, in a community in Wenzhou, Chen Junyi drove a high-speed model 3 into a bar at the entrance of the parking lot and seriously collided with other vehicles. Chen Junyi was injured in the accident. After the operation, he left a long scar on his belly, just like a "zipper", and the rights owners jokingly called him "brother zipper".


At present, Tesla's lawsuit against Chen Junyi's reputation infringement has been pronounced in the first instance, and Chen Junyi lost the lawsuit.


According to the judgment of the first instance, after the accident, the local traffic police entrusted Wenzhou society of automotive engineering to test the vehicle. The conclusion is that before the collision, the accelerator pedal was fully depressed and the brake pedal was not depressed, that is, "the brake became the accelerator". However, Chen Junyi still claimed that it was "brake failure", so Tesla claimed 500000 yuan from Chen Junyi. However, the court finally reduced the amount of compensation to 50000 yuan.


In the afternoon of October 11th, the judgment circulated on the Internet. Chen Junyi's ID number and home address were published. There were also a lot of attacks on his website. At that time, Chen Junyi had not received the judgment, which made him very dissatisfied.


Two days later, he told the author that it was only a judgment of first instance that had not yet taken effect, and he would resolutely appeal. That night, he posted a microblog called "I believe justice will come eventually".


It is not known whether justice will eventually come, but the controversy will come soon.


The judgment shows that in a transcript, Chen Junyi said he had no objection to the appraisal opinion and admitted that he stepped on the accelerator as the brake at that time. This is also an important basis for the court to rule against him.


However, in the microblog response, Chen Junyi said that after the accident, he took notes four times, and the judge adopted it only the fourth time. The reason why the appraisal results were recognized at that time was that the owners of other vehicles in the accident had been asking him for compensation. In order to handle insurance claims as soon as possible, they recognized it. In the previous transcript, he has always denied that he did not step on the brake.


Meanwhile, Chen Junyi believes that the EDR data identified and the background data compared are provided by Tesla, and the authenticity is in doubt.


Based on those data, he came to a conclusion: the accelerator pedal was released from 100% to 0 and then to 100%, and the change interval was only 0.2 seconds. This kind of extreme operation could not be completed by himself.


A few months ago, when the Internet was still full of anti Tesla emotions, Chen Junyi's response also received a lot of support. But after the judgment came out, netizens no longer bought it. They came to this microblog to make a mockery: even if it's true as you said, you were suspected of cheating on insurance.


Netizens even pointed the spearhead at Han Chao and Ms. Zhang, thought they were "liars" like Chen Junyi, and claimed that the long hyped "brake failure" incident had reversed.


Among the rights owners, Han Chao's experience was quite tortuous. He won Tesla once, but then he was sued by Tesla.


"If you say the car prices are bad, you have to pay 5 million?"


In May 2019, Han Chao purchased a model s used car through Tesla's official channels at a price of 379700 yuan. At that time, the salesperson promised him that there was no major accident and no structural damage. However, Han Chao had many problems during driving. After testing by a third party, he found that it was an accident car.


In December of that year, Han Chao took Tesla to court on the grounds of suspected fraudulent sales and demanded compensation for three times the purchase price.


Immediately, the two sides fell into a "protracted" lawsuit. First, Tesla raised an objection to the jurisdiction, Han Chao withdrew the lawsuit from Tianjin Hexi court, and then went to Beijing Daxing court to sue. After four court sessions, on December 4, 2020, Daxing court ruled that Han Chao won the case, Tesla refused and appealed.


Until September 16, 755 days later, the Beijing Second Intermediate People's court made a final judgment, Han Chao won the lawsuit, and later received three times the compensation from Tesla.


Six months later, looking back on the past, Ms. Zhang said frankly to the author that when she was in the detention center, when she learned from her husband that Tesla was going to apologize to them, she once felt that the matter had finally come to a conclusion.


"At that time, my husband read Tesla's statement to me on the phone and said he would apologize to us. At that moment, he was full of bitterness and felt that there was finally a result, even if he paid a great price." Ms. Zhang said, "if they really apologized at that time, the matter would be over. He sold his car and I lived my life."


However, when she came out of the detention center, a Tesla employee apologized to her husband on the phone, but also said that he did not represent Tesla, but only on his own, which was difficult for Ms. Zhang and his wife to accept. They thought it was just Tesla acting under pressure.


Followed by a number of litigation disputes between the two sides. For example, Ms. Zhang sued Tao Lin, global vice president of Tesla, for infringing her reputation, Tesla for infringing the ownership and right to know of her vehicle data, Tesla for vehicle quality problems, and Tesla for infringing Ms. Zhang's reputation.


"As the owner of the accident, it is reasonable and legal to ask Tesla to provide complete background data to find the truth of the accident. However, Tesla not only does not actively cooperate with the owner, but sues the owner for reputation infringement and asks for huge compensation. This is ridiculous," Ms. Zhang said.


She doesn't think she will lose the lawsuit, because what she says is objective experience. As a consumer, she has the right to comment and criticize the purchased goods and services.


When Chen Junyi's judgment circulated on the Internet, Ms. Zhang was also attacked by netizens. However, she felt that her case was different from Chen Junyi's case. Chen Junyi recognized the identification of "accidentally stepping on the brake" in her notes, and she always insisted that there was no driver's operation error in the accident.


"To take a step back, even if I can't provide complete evidence to prove that you have brake failure, you can't provide evidence to prove that your car doesn't have brake failure," Ms. Zhang said.


For many people, the 5 million claim may make them "bankrupt", but Ms. Zhang's family is rich and has not been frightened. On the contrary, she told the author that the $5 million claim was "not very harmful and insulting".


"My heart and spirit, my husband and parents, the harm we have suffered can not be measured by money," Ms. Zhang said.


More than half a year's rights protection has brought great changes to her peaceful life, but Ms. Zhang did not regret standing on the top of the car six months ago. She told the author that although it was too extreme, it was the most effective way since safeguarding rights. Before that, she couldn't get the vehicle data. After standing on the roof, she got the data on the third day.


How did the sky high claim come from?


How is the claim of 5 million yuan calculated? Han Chao and Ms. Zhang failed to give a clear reply.


On September 27, Han Chao sent a microblog quoting Tesla's complaint against other car owners. The complaint wrote that the defendant wantonly distorted the facts and slandered Tesla on his microblog. It is conservatively estimated that 10 potential consumers did not buy Tesla cars because they were affected. According to Tesla's minimum profit of 59400 yuan per car, the plaintiff lost more than 500000 yuan.


The "roof rights protection" incident in April pushed Tesla to the forefront of the storm. Tesla's sales fell and its share price once fell. There is even a story on the Internet: Ms. Zhang is the woman with the highest appearance fee in the world. As soon as she appeared, Tesla's market value decreased by 100 billion.


However, the decline in Tesla's sales and share price is only a flash in the pan.


On October 25, according to the documents submitted by Tesla to the SEC, Tesla achieved a revenue of US $9.015 billion in China in the first three quarters of this year, accounting for about 25% of Tesla's global revenue, which is the second largest market after the United States. This figure has also exceeded Tesla's annual revenue of $6.662 billion in the Chinese market last year.


The next day, Tesla's market value exceeded $trillion. Musk's personal Tesla stock was worth $297 billion, higher than that of Toyota, the second largest carmaker by market value.


"If the sales volume declines, you have to claim against me. If the sales volume does not decline, should I share the increased profits?" Ms. Zhang asked. She believes that Tesla's "sky high claim" is to deter other rights holders.


In fact, such claims litigation has indeed played a certain deterrent effect.


Last March, a car owner in Zhengzhou bought a model 3, and a traffic accident occurred in the early morning of May this year. He believes that the vehicle has the problem of brake failure, and once defended his rights during an auto show in Zhengzhou.


After Tesla's claim to the owner was reported, the owner's family advised him to delete some content posted on the platform. After hesitating for some time, he was unwilling to provide more information to the author. However, he said he had sued Tesla and hoped to solve the problem through judicial channels.


Ms. Zhang told the author that for the 5 million claim, the lawyer's fee alone would cost hundreds of thousands, and they do not intend to hire a lawyer at present. She felt that she would not lose the lawsuit and would resolutely protect her rights to the end. On the other hand, public opinion had forced her to a dead end.


After the roof rights protection, Ms. Zhang began to complain to market regulators at all levels step by step, asked Tesla for raw data, and launched a number of lawsuits with Tesla, but the process was very slow, and she was dragged into an endless black hole.


Musk and his reputation dispute


Ms. Zhang is not the first person to "protect rights on the roof".


In April 2019, a female car owner defended her rights at the top of a Mercedes Benz 4S store in Xi'an, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole network and seriously damaged the reputation of Mercedes Benz.


However, Mercedes Benz did not sue the owner. In fact, in the face of excessive rights protection of car owners, car enterprises generally choose private reconciliation and rarely Sue car owners for reputation infringement.


Even in the United States, the author of prism inquired through public channels and found no case of Tesla suing car owners for infringement in the United States. On the contrary, there are cases of musk himself and Tesla infringing on the reputation rights of others.


For example, last August, hottie, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, sued musk for violating his personal reputation.


Hottie has always questioned Tesla's production capacity. In February 2019, in order to investigate the actual production capacity of model 3, he parked his car in the public parking lot of Tesla sales center, and then clashed with a security guard. In April of that year, hottie met a Tesla test car while driving, and then took photos on the Internet.


These things have attracted the attention of musk, who is now the richest man in the world.


Musk said in a reply to a website editor that hottie "almost killed Tesla employees" when he clashed with security. In April 2019, Tesla also applied for a "restraining order", saying that horty almost caused a collision when shooting the test vehicle, threatening the lives of employees.


Hottie said that Musk's remarks made him receive a lot of "hate speech" against him and lost his job, so he sued musk for violating his personal reputation.


According to Bloomberg, musk tried to overturn the lawsuit, but the judge rejected Musk's claim that the lawsuit was groundless and aimed at stifling his freedom of speech, considered it reasonable to try, and added that horty might win.

马斯克卷入的另一起名誉侵权案发生在2018年。当时,一群泰国青年足球队被困在一个山洞里。英国潜水员弗恩·恩斯沃思(Vern Unsworth)公开告诉媒体,马斯克的微型潜艇毫无用处,只是一个公关噱头。然后马斯克在推特上给另一方打电话"pedo guy",自找麻烦。

Another reputation infringement case musk was involved in was in 2018. At that time, a group of Thai youth football team was trapped in a cave. British diver Vern Unsworth publicly told the media that Musk's Micro submarine was useless, just a public relations gimmick. Then musk called the other party "pedo guy" on twitter, asking for trouble ".

Vern Unsworth起诉musk,要求赔偿1.9亿美元。之后,马斯克删除了推特并道歉。然而,加州法院最终裁定马斯克的"名誉侵权"是站不住脚的。

Vern Unsworth sued musk and sought $190 million in compensation. After that, musk deleted the tweet and apologized. However, the California court finally ruled that Musk's "reputation infringement" was not tenable.


In addition, there are some cases of Tesla's infringement of others' reputation rights on the Internet.

2017年,前特斯拉工程师克里斯蒂娜·巴兰(Christina balan)起诉特斯拉在离开公司后诽谤她。例如,特斯拉发言人声称,巴兰秘密记录了与主管和其他员工的会议,不仅将工作时间用于私人项目,还未经批准预订了前往纽约的行程。

In 2017, Christina balan, a former Tesla engineer, sued that Tesla slandered her after she left the company. For example, Tesla spokesman claimed that balan had secretly recorded meetings with supervisors and other employees, not only used working hours for private projects, but also booked a trip to New York without approval.


Balan said that the real situation was that she found Tesla's internal design defects and thought there were potential safety hazards. Then she tried to communicate directly with musk, but it attracted pressure from senior management and the company and was forced to leave. At present, the case is still under arbitration.


The protagonist of another case is Martin Tripp, a former employee of Tesla's Nevada super factory. In 2018, Tesla terminated its labor contract and filed a lawsuit against him, claiming that Tripp stole trade secrets and made a false statement to the media. Tripp once told the media that Tesla had problems of low production efficiency and production delay when producing model 3.


Since then, Tripp filed a libel counterclaim against Tesla, which was rejected by the judge. Finally, after two years of struggle, Tripp paid $400000 and settled Tesla's allegations of stealing trade secrets.


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update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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