Tesla's third largest individual shareholder is a Chinese professor


The header is from the network.


It seems that people "suddenly realized" that Tesla broke the trillion market value this week and musk broke the $300 billion mark. In fact, it has already indirectly created countless "Tesla millionaires" --


They became "rich" by buying a lot of Tesla shares. Even Bloomberg suspects that there are many undiscovered billionaires.


Wall Street, which always insists on "living with money", may have long forgotten the past of scolding musk, Tesla and SpaceX to death in 2016.

就在全球最大的汽车租赁公司赫兹控股(Hertz holdings)周一宣布收购了10万辆特斯拉(Tesla),使后者的股价飙升13%之后,除了不情愿的赞扬之外,华尔街也开始关注那些因一个接一个出现的特斯拉而"大获全胜"的亿万富翁。

Just after Hertz holdings, the world's largest car rental company, announced on Monday that it had purchased 100000 Tesla, which made the latter's share price soar by 13%, in addition to the unwilling praise, Wall Street also began to pay attention to the billionaires who "won a big victory" because of Tesla, which surfaced one after another.

例如,根据彭博社的独家报道,除了仅次于马斯克的第二大个人股东、甲骨文(Oracle)联合创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)持有特斯拉1500多万股股份之外,特斯拉在这两人之后的第三大个人股东很可能是一位出生在印度尼西亚的华裔美国商人。

For example, in addition to Larry Ellison, the second largest individual shareholder after musk and the co-founder of Oracle (Oracle), who holds more than 15 million shares of Tesla, according to an exclusive report by Bloomberg, Tesla's third largest individual shareholder after these two people is likely to be an Indonesian born Chinese American businessman.


His name is Liao Kaiyuan.


In addition, he provided Bloomberg with relevant bank records - as of the end of September, he held 6.31 million Tesla shares; It also holds 1.82 million options and has the right to buy Tesla shares at a price of $450 to $550 per share.


"The value of his assets is soaring: reaching $4 billion, $5 billion, and now more than $7 billion."


Of course, putting eggs in one basket is a great risk. He mentioned that from 2020 to early 2021, Tesla's share price plummeted, and his shares almost lost value, but he said he still continued to buy.


"Buy stock options with high short-term value and take profits when the stock price rises; use some of the proceeds to buy real stocks and invest the rest in another option investment. In other words, double the bets again and again." Bloomberg quoted Liao Kaiyuan as saying.


Second, he is one of the loyal fans of Tesla fan group. "He believes that the company is on the one-way street to become the world's largest electric vehicle manufacturer," Yun said.

一个是Shi international,一家由他和前妻创建的软件转售服务公司。他仍然是这家it服务提供商的董事长,年收入为100亿美元,客户(如IBM)持有40%(此数据可能会改变);但实际的接线员是他的前妻泰利。

One is Shi international, a software resale service company founded by him and his ex-wife. He is still the chairman of this it service provider with an annual revenue of US $10 billion and customers such as IBM, holding 40% (this data may change); But the actual operator is his ex-wife Thai Lee.

2015年,56岁的白手起家的女性亿万富翁泰莉(Thai Lee)在一次采访中简要透露了与廖开元共同创立史的背景。据《福布斯》保守估计,她身价超过18亿美元

In 2015, Thai Lee, a 56 year old self-made female billionaire who was conservatively estimated by Forbes to be worth more than US $1.8 billion, briefly revealed the background of establishing Shi with Liao Kaiyuan in an interview


"They found a business opportunity in 1989. A software company named lautek was on the verge of bankruptcy, but they had a department specialized in selling 2B software business licenses, which was still closely related to software suppliers such as IBM.


She thinks there is some commercial value in it. Therefore, they bought it with deposits and loans and renamed it Software House International (Shi, world software house). As the name suggests, it is a service provider that provides many enterprise IT departments with cumbersome services such as multi type software purchase, business license and payment. "


Later, the company's annual revenue exceeded $6 billion, and the two became billionaires.


Unfortunately, Liao Kaiyuan refused Forbes's interview at that time.


His other identity may be very familiar to many people in China. Because six years ago, this identity brought a lot of shock and controversy to the Chinese public, especially the domestic academic circles

"KoGuan quantum infodynamics"(kqid)时间引擎的创建者。

The creator of "KoGuan quantum infodynamics" (kqid) time engine.


Of course, this difficult theory was accompanied by around 2015. After donating hundreds of millions of funds to famous Chinese universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University to build teaching buildings, he was presented to the students of four law schools as an elective course.


He was also given the titles of "President" and "honorary professor" by major colleges and universities, and even set up elective courses.


For example, as for the definition of kqid, according to the official data we found on the Kaiyuan foundation website, it is more like a complex that seems to be a mixture of "all disciplines you can think of in heaven and earth":


"Combining the existing theories of Newton, Maxwell, Einstein and other scientists, as well as the traditional theories such as the Chinese Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, a simple unified theory is formed: the whole contains parts, and the part contains the whole.


Kqid's' reality 'is very contradictory in nature: fictional but real.


It depicts a truly shocking reality: "existence" is a real-time hologram, digitally projected using quantum tunneling and entanglement mechanism, and comes from one and only one nonlocal singularity quantum multiverse. "


The answer is undoubtedly yes. Some students even won scholarships provided by Kaiyuan foundation.


So should these schools give titles and even allow classes after receiving his grants? Or let the students go to class?


The answer is in the answer of an anonymous netizen who knows about "does anyone know Liao Kaiyuan?". This is one of the most correct answers to the three outlooks.


update time:2021-10-31 18:57:54


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