Tesla's third largest individual shareholder is a Chinese professor


It seems that people "suddenly realized" that Tesla broke the trillion market value this week and musk broke the $300 billion mark. In fact, it has already indirectly created countless "Tesla millionaires" --


They became "rich" by buying a lot of Tesla shares. Even Bloomberg suspects that there are many undiscovered billionaires.


Wall Street, which always insists on "living with money", may have long forgotten the past of scolding musk, Tesla and SpaceX to death in 2016.

Just after Hertz holdings, the world's largest car rental company, announced on Monday that it had purchased 100000 Tesla, which made the latter's share price soar by 13%, in addition to the unwilling praise, Wall Street also began to pay attention to the billionaires who "won a big victory" because of Tesla, which surfaced one after another.

例如,根据彭博社的独家报道,除了仅次于马斯克的第二大个人股东、甲骨文(Oracle)联合创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)持有特斯拉1500多万股股份之外,特斯拉在这两人之后的第三大个人股东很可能是一位出生在印度尼西亚的华裔美国商人。

For example, in addition to Larry Ellison, the second largest individual shareholder after musk and the co-founder of Oracle (Oracle), who holds more than 15 million shares of Tesla, according to an exclusive report by Bloomberg, Tesla's third largest individual shareholder after these two people is likely to be an Indonesian born Chinese American businessman.


His name is Liao Kaiyuan.


In addition, he provided Bloomberg with relevant bank records - as of the end of September, he held 6.31 million Tesla shares; It also holds 1.82 million options and has the right to buy Tesla shares at a price of $450 to $550 per share.


"The value of his assets is soaring: reaching $4 billion, $5 billion, and now more than $7 billion."

"KoGuan quantum infodynamics"(kqid)时间引擎的创建者。

The creator of "KoGuan quantum infodynamics" (kqid) time engine.


Of course, this difficult theory was accompanied by around 2015. After donating hundreds of millions of funds to famous Chinese universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University to build teaching buildings, he was presented to the students of four law schools as an elective course.


He was also given the titles of "President" and "honorary professor" by major colleges and universities, and even set up elective courses.


"Combining the existing theories of Newton, Maxwell, Einstein and other scientists, as well as the traditional theories such as the Chinese Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, a simple unified theory is formed: the whole contains parts, and the part contains the whole.


Kqid's' reality 'is very contradictory in nature: fictional but real.


It depicts a truly shocking reality: "existence" is a real-time hologram, digitally projected using quantum tunneling and entanglement mechanism, and comes from one and only one nonlocal singularity quantum multiverse. "


Of course, this "boldness" is also the biggest inducement for him to be attacked.


This kind of "unimaginable" academic understanding in the eyes of many people, as well as his criticism and doubt, extends to his philanthropy such as donations to major universities, as well as the broader perspective of "University sponsorship".


But in fact, we might as well look at this problem from two perspectives:


He donated money to build teaching buildings for Peking University, Tsinghua University and even Shanghai Jiaotong University. Has it brought benefits to these law students?


The answer is undoubtedly yes. Some students even won scholarships provided by Kaiyuan foundation.


So should these schools give titles and even allow classes after receiving his grants? Or let the students go to class?


The answer is in the answer of an anonymous netizen who knows about "does anyone know Liao Kaiyuan?". This is one of the most correct answers to the three outlooks.


Interestingly, in an interview with Bloomberg, he was asked whether he would sell these stocks or cash in some of his earnings. His answer generally means "rise again" --


"Our goal is to accumulate $100 billion or more and use this money to realize our ideas."


Yes, he still spared no effort to promote his "kqid theory" on Twitter and other public occasions, and tried to use "qubits" to do computational interpretation (as well as avatars), and it seems that he has some followers now (but it is not clear whether this is mask's peripheral effect).


update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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