The new electric "exoskeleton" allows amputees to walk easily! Energy consumption decreased by 15.6%


Author: Cooper


Editor: Kou Jianchao


Because of some accidents or disasters, there are not a few people who have to be amputated.


Knee amputation has seriously affected the activity ability and quality of life of millions of people. Although there are some leg prostheses on the market that can assist walking, the walking efficiency is very low, the walking economy is poor and people are tired, which is a main problem restricting the mobility of patients.


In order to improve the walking problems of amputees with disabilities, researchers in the Bionic Engineering Laboratory of the University of Utah have developed a set of light powered exoskeleton, which uses motors, microprocessors and advanced algorithms to help amputees walk, just as electric bicycles help riders step on the pedal uphill.


The relevant papers of the research team were published in the journal Nature Medicine. The experimental data show that the use of dynamic hip exoskeleton assisted equipment is a feasible scheme to improve the walking economy of amputees, which can significantly reduce the metabolic cost of walking, have a very positive impact on activity, and can greatly improve the quality of life of patients with supraknee amputation in the future.


The research team conducted a study in which six patients with amputation above the knee recorded their metabolic rate, tested their exoskeleton walking data, and measured their oxygen intake and carbon dioxide level. All the people who tested the exoskeleton increased their metabolic rate and reduced their energy consumption by an average of 15.6%, which is equivalent to unloading a 26 pound (about 11.79? K) A heavy backpack.


Lenzi said that this is a great progress. In the experiment, the walking metabolic consumption of amputee patients is almost no different from that of a healthy person.


Another key factor is that the device has a unique lightweight. The frame is made of carbon fiber, while other parts are made of plastic composite and aluminum. Overall, the exoskeleton weighs only 5.4 pounds (about 2.45 , K).


Researchers proposed a control algorithm, which can automatically optimize exoskeleton assistance when people walk to minimize metabolic cost. This automatic adjustment method may bring the best help. However, compared with the manual non optimal adjustment used in this study, the automatic optimal adjustment requires more walking test time (e.g. 64 minutes), and the longer adjustment time may pose a challenge to the amputee population. In addition, automatic tuning does not explicitly consider subjective preferences. These shortcomings may explain why automatic tuning can not successfully reduce the metabolic cost of walking in amputees, and the scheme still needs to be improved.


Furthermore, more problems will be solved in the future through surgical interventions, such as osteosynthesis or thighplasty. If the auxiliary torque can be increased while maintaining the user's comfort, researchers can increase the energy injected by the electric exoskeleton and further reduce the metabolic cost of walking, which provides a new scheme for establishing a new nursing standard for amputees.


"The NSF grant will enable us to continue this work and create better equipment to help more disabled people restore their walking ability," Lenzi said.


Paper link:


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update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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