The owner of Weilai found vomit in the car after changing the power, because the Commissioner carried a drinking friend


According to Sanyan financial news, the owner of Weilai recently said that he called a remote power on service in Luoyang, Henan Province in the early morning and late at night. After the car was sent back, he found that there was wine gas in the car, vomit mark in the co driver's seat and vomit on the foot pad. The owner suspected that the staff used the customer's vehicle to pull people.


It is understood that the staff of Weilai Henan said that they could apply for a new car and personal compensation of 10000 yuan to solve it privately, but it was rejected by the car owner.


Many people questioned the requirement for cash compensation of 200000 in scheme 2. In this regard, the owner responded, "when the car is returned to Wei Lai, I have to pay back the remaining 200000 loans. As soon as I get out and in, I just get back the 260000 and 25000 insurance car products I have paid to Wei Lai. I don't want any more. The refund is just a smaller discount!"


update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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