Three years ago, the paper exposed the initial plan of FB metauniverse: it is expected to build and sell 100 million hardware within four years



腾讯科技新闻2018年6月31日,oculus执行官Jason Rubin向Facebook董事会成员Marc Andreessen发送了一封主题为"metaverse"的电子邮件。

Tencent technology news on October 31, in June 2018, oculus executive Jason Rubin sent an email with the theme of "the metaverse" to Facebook board member Marc Andreessen.


In this 50 page document, Rubin outlined Facebook's strategy of building a metauniverse. He wrote in the first slide: "we believe that the correct way to break consumers' indifference to virtual reality (VR) is to provide them with what they expect and want, that is, the metauniverse."


In the illustration taken on October 28, 2021, many toy characters appear in front of Facebook's new name meta logo


This document sent three years ago laid the foundation for meta's future ambition. On Thursday local time, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave a one hour demonstration and finally announced the name of the new company. This presentation aims to depict a virtual world completely different from the real world. Facebook is facing a steady stream of negative news related to the addictive nature of its social media products.

扎克伯格在演示中告诉观众,公司将元宇宙视为下一个人们生活、工作和娱乐的技术前沿。但他承认,元宇宙需要5到10年才能成为主流。就在几天前,该公司在其财务报告中宣布,从第四季度开始,其硬件部门reality labs将成为发布财务结果的独立部门。

Zuckerberg told the audience during the demonstration that the company regards the metauniverse as the next technological frontier where people will live, work and play. But he admits that the meta universe will take five to 10 years to become the mainstream. Just a few days ago, the company announced in its financial report that from the fourth quarter, its hardware department reality labs will become an independent department to release financial results.


The document Rubin sent to Anderson in 2018 now looks more like the first draft of history. Imagine users floating in a digital world full of virtual advertising, with many virtual goods purchased by people. They will marry virtual people and spend as little time as possible in the so-called "meatverse". "Physical world" refers to the real world, because people are flesh and blood. Rubin used "shocking and awe" 12 times to describe the experience he wanted.


Mark Anderson, partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a famous venture capital institution in Silicon Valley

安德森是鲁宾的主要接受者之一,不仅因为他自2008年以来一直是Facebook董事会成员,还因为他在这一特定领域有着巨大的影响力。安德森是oculus的早期投资者,通过硅谷著名的风险投资机构Andreessen Horowitz。他还投资了roblox,一个儿童游戏平台,专注于构建自己的元宇宙。

Anderson is one of Rubin's key recipients, not only because he has been a member of Facebook's board of directors since 2008, but also because he has great influence in this specific field. Through Andreessen Horowitz, a famous venture capital institution in Silicon Valley, Anderson is an early investor of oculus. He also invested in roblox, a children's game platform, which focuses on building its own meta universe.

鲁宾还将文件发送给了Facebook硬件部门负责人安德鲁·博兹·博斯沃思(Andrew"Boz"Bosworth)和虚拟现实部门副总裁雨果·巴拉(Hugo Barra)。博斯沃思于今年7月晋升为首席技术官(从明年开始)。披露该文件的人没有被授权谈论该文件,但鲁宾在周五的采访中证实了该文件的有效性。

Rubin also sent the document to Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, head of Facebook's hardware department, and Hugo Barra, vice president of virtual reality department. Bosworth was promoted to CTO in July this year (starting next year). The people who disclosed the document were not authorized to talk about it, but Rubin confirmed its effectiveness in an interview on Friday.


Rubin wrote in the title of the first part of the document: "metauniverse may be the field we will lose." he added that Facebook began to consider the concept of metauniverse as a way to attract ordinary consumers, because VR was not widely welcomed.


The document shows that Facebook spent $2 billion to acquire oculus in 2014. As of June 2018, the company's VR helmets had accumulated 250000 monthly active players. Rubin wrote that although hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in "early users and pioneers", these devices have not been welcomed by non hard core players. "Ordinary consumers are waiting for the day when VR is' fully mature '.".


Rubin wrote: "we believe that 'full maturity' refers to the metauniverse. Only such a large-scale release can attract the attention of VR skeptics and potential users of VR in the future."


Rubin's current title at meta is vice president of metauniverse content. He says his document is widely read, but it's not the only one that gets attention. Rubin said on Friday: "at that time, many people had ideas about the meta universe, and all kinds of documents were full of all kinds of views. I wanted to tell my ideas, which is the way we innovate on Facebook. There were a lot of ideas, a lot of people, and then they were excited. I hope some of them are useful."


"We must act first"


Rubin predicted in the document that the metauniverse project may be completed within four years, and Facebook can complete it alone. But he now realizes that this will take more time, and meta will have to work with a wide range of companies rather than owning and controlling the whole system. "This is another way for us to expand our thinking. We have to cooperate with others and we have to take many steps because it will take a long time," he said


Rubin said when writing the document that he was not sure how much time Facebook still had. He only knew that he had to "find a way out" and it was very important to stand out in the competition. "The first meta universe to gain real attraction is likely to be the last. We must first take action to become bigger and stronger, or we may become one of those suitors," he wrote

他还写道,Facebook可以有效地将谷歌、苹果、索尼、HTC和valve等竞争对手赶出虚拟现实市场。他补充说,索尼专注于Playstation 5,HTC对其潜在的硬件合作伙伴感到不满,Facebook的投资超过了steam的开发者valve。"谷歌和苹果在虚拟现实中还不存在。白日梦是个笑话,"该文件提到谷歌的虚拟现实平台,该平台在发布一年后终止运营。

He also wrote that Facebook could effectively drive competitors such as Google, apple, Sony, HTC and valve out of the VR market. He added that Sony focused on Playstation 5, HTC was dissatisfied with its potential hardware partners, and Facebook invested more than steam's developer valve. "Google and apple don't exist in VR yet. Daydream is a joke," the document said, referring to Google's VR platform, which terminated its operation a year after its release.


Rubin was not keen on cooperation. He said in the document that close cooperation with other potential competitors is meaningless, because Facebook should be the place where all users get a virtual experience. Rubin wrote: "let's not build a metauniverse with plans to help other platforms accumulate and retain consumers. Let's create a metauniverse ourselves to prevent competitors from entering the VR industry in a meaningful way."


Rubin stressed on Friday that meta has abandoned this approach and the plan is to make the metauniverse interoperable and open, rather than "limited to one company".


In an email statement, a meta spokesman said that technology has been developing since 2018, and the focus at that time was mainly VR. The company said it had always expected competition from Microsoft, Google, apple, Sony, roblox and many other companies. The spokesman also said: "it is certain that investing in and building the products consumers want is the key to success; we cannot build a meta universe alone; cooperation with developers, creators and experts is very important."


Priya's virtual marriage


In one chapter of the document, Rubin outlines a scenario in which the protagonist is a fictional user named Priya who visits the metauniverse. Priya entered a virtual city with bowling alleys, shops, theatres and Facebook pavilions, which are described as "the largest building" and occupy a prominent position in the square almost like a church.


Priya can interact with others and use meta cosmic money to buy a new hairstyle for her avatar. Priya finally met another user who looked like a green, warty ogre. But they finally got married.


Rubin wrote: "Priya can work, eat, socialize and sleep in the metauniverse. Her entertainment time is more and more completed in a virtual way, thanks to the integration of Netflix, Facebook, instagram and other metauniverses."

鲁宾说,在这个假设下,十年后,该公司的meta universe硬件销售额将达到1亿,其中50%是oculus品牌或授权产品,其余来自其他硬件制造商。

Rubin said that under this assumption, in ten years, the company's meta universe hardware sales will reach 100 million, of which 50% are oculus brand or authorized products, and the rest come from other hardware manufacturers.

2021年10月28日发布的截图显示,meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在虚拟和增强现实大会上宣布将Facebook更名为meta。图为他与奥运会金牌击剑运动员在元宇宙中击剑

The screenshot released on October 28, 2021 shows that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of meta, announced that Facebook was renamed meta at the virtual and augmented reality conference. The picture shows him fencing with an Olympic gold medal fencer in the metauniverse


In 20 years, people's time spent on the meta universe can be comparable to "the time spent watching TV in the 1990s and using Facebook in recent years". The most important thing for Facebook is that "after deducting developer expenses, the annual net income will reach billions of dollars". These revenues will come from the sale of virtual real estate, hats, weapons and status symbols.


Facebook's revenue will also come from advertising, the market the company knows best. Rubin envisaged that Coca Cola would pay for the best location in its exhibition hall, Ford would pay for its virtual car, Procter & Gamble would publicize its brand on digital billboards, gucci could open a virtual store, and Comcast would invest in buying "a huge billboard that reads' Comcast: make metaspeed function better! '"


Rubin wrote: "if the meta universe is where people spend their time, it is where the real economy wants to go. Our goal is to bring the meta universe to this stage. In short, it doesn't look like a Facebook product."


Considering this deep immersion, Rubin estimates that the revenue brought by 100 million yuan of cosmic users may be more than that brought by 1 billion Facebook users. "I may log on to Facebook many times a day, but I will live and work in the meta universe. I may prefer to spend time in the meta universe rather than work day after day," he wrote


Rubin wrote that to succeed, the metauniverse must be "frightening". In other words, it must be bold and ambitious, full of thousands of hours of game experience, and can change people's lives so that Facebook engineers are afraid of the problems they face.


He wrote: "if the delivery of the metauniverse we started to build hasn't scared us away, it's not the metauniverse we should build, nor what customers want, so it doesn't make any sense. The rest are mini universes."


Rubin said that building all this and reaching out to the necessary customer groups requires more than internal resources. He said that Facebook needs a game studio with a team of more than 100 people to make large multiplayer online games.


"One thing is absolutely clear: no team within Facebook has such cohesion and experience to launch technologically challenging and awesome large-scale games or interactive products and create virtual cities," he wrote, referring to Facebook's digital world goal. "For these reasons, we will need to make acquisitions".


Rubin identified insomniac games and gearbox software as potential targets. Studios like Blizzard and Rockstar are too large, too profitable and too focused on their own game world to be acquired. Rubin finally recommended ready at dawn, the studio of lone echo. Facebook closed the deal in June 2020.


Lay the foundation for the future


Rubin wrote that in addition to the technical achievements of the meta universe, the release of products will also be crucial and need to "create deterrence". If Zuckerberg is not ready for this moment, he should avoid putting a slide with "welcome to the metauniverse" behind him when he takes the stage at the conference.

Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在虚拟Facebook连接活动上发表了讲话。该公司于2021年10月28日在纽约宣布更名为meta

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, delivered a speech at the virtual Facebook connect event. The company announced its name change to meta in New York on October 28, 2021


Rubin wrote: "if we reveal every step of our roadmap because we want to complete the theme meeting, the competition will always be one step behind. We don't want to do that. Let's wait until a real metauniverse appears." however, Zuckerberg didn't fully follow this suggestion. His speech on Thursday was bold, but his world is far from ready for the consumer experience.


This demonstration is similar to the animation launched by Pixar, showing the software that the company hopes to develop. It is full of users who stroll and exercise with their own avatars or cartoon avatars. Zuckerberg admitted that this technology still has a long way to go and may take ten years.


Some people believe that Facebook needs to change the topic and distract the public's attention. Previously, many internal documents disclosed by Facebook's whistleblower brought many destructive reports.


Rubin has different explanations for this. He said that the company now knows that in order to achieve its arduous mission, it needs to involve others and bid farewell to the tradition of "walled garden". "This is a long journey and we will work with many different companies. In this case, you can't keep secrets for too long." (reviewed by Tencent technology / Jinlu)


update time:2021-10-31 18:57:54


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