Algorithmic real estate lost more than 2 billion in March! The real estate giant overturned: the price water is too deep for AI to grasp


Mingmin fengse comes from aofei temple


Qubit report official account No. QbitAI


That's ridiculous!


Relying on a set of algorithms a year ago, the revenue was $3 billion. A year later, it was the same algorithm, but it caused a large capital gap and had to lay off staff and realize the assets in hand.


Unexpectedly, the real estate platform will be so exciting with AI algorithm.

2018年4月,他们推出了名为zillow offers的人工智能房地产投机业务,

They launched an AI real estate speculation business called zillow offers in April 2018,

△ zillow旗下的所有品牌和企业

△ all brands and businesses under zillow


Specifically, it is to buy and sell houses, and the purchase price is given by AI.


The company will buy the house from the owner according to the valuation given by AI, then renovate the house and sell it at an increased price.


Commonly known as middlemen earn price difference.


Behind it is an algorithm called zestimate.


Based on 7.5 million statistical and machine learning models, it evaluates the market value of each real estate by analyzing hundreds of data points. The average error can be controlled at about 14% at the beginning.


At the beginning, zillow also spent a lot of effort in order to make a cry for his own algorithm.

早在2017年,他们就发布了zillow prize,这是kaggle上的一项房屋估价竞赛,奖金高达120万美元。

As early as 2017, they released zillow prize, a housing valuation competition on kaggle, with a bonus of up to $1.2 million.


After entering 2021, the share price has reached the peak of $202.94, almost six times higher than that in 2019.


The total revenue in the first quarter was $1.218 billion, 10% higher than the market expectation.


In the second quarter, the revenue reached US $1.3 billion and the profit was US $538 million, a year-on-year increase of 92%.

当时,zillow的首席执行官rich Barton也表示,zillow的业务将继续加速,并在卖方市场非常受欢迎。

At that time, its CEO rich Barton also said that zillow offers business would continue to accelerate and be very popular in the seller's market.


At the same time, the company will sell 7000 homes at a price of $2.8 billion.

据内部人士分析,zillow 93%的房产以低于购买价的价格上市。

According to insider analysis, 93% of zillow's properties are listed at a price lower than the purchase price.


AI can't take the property market


Why rise and fall so fast?


If you want to answer the above questions, you may have to find the answer from the American real estate industry.


In fact, zillow can make a lot of money in just a few years, not only because of its unique business model, but also because of the east wind of the warming U.S. real estate market.

根据trading economics数据,美国房价自2012年以来一直呈现稳定的上涨趋势,但涨幅仍然稳定。

According to trading economics data, U.S. House prices have shown a stable upward trend since 2012, but the increase is still stable.


In 2020, after novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreaks, a new round of housing fever was raised.


According to a report released by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) on August 31, the U.S. House Price Index rose by a record 18.8% in the 12 months to June.


Based on this background, it is not surprising that the business of zillow offers has increased greatly.


Algorithmic real estate speculation has become a new industry


It seems that AI really can't grasp the deep water of house prices.

然而,在美国,基于AI估价的房地产中介服务(如zillow offer)已经形成了一种固定模式,称为即时买家,称为"ibuyer",可以理解为"闪购"。

However, in the United States, real estate intermediary services based on AI valuation such as zillow offer have formed a fixed model, called instant buyer, referred to as "ibuyer", which can be understood as "flash purchase".


The process is platform buy - hold - transform - resell.


With the AI valuation model, the platform can complete the bid and pay the owner in a week, so as to continuously buy undervalued properties.


When listing, AI will also automatically evaluate the house value.


Although the platform directly buys a house and renovates it by itself, the risk is great, but the profit is also high.


Compared with the traditional real estate sales model, the whole "de intermediation" process can also greatly save the transaction cycle (only two weeks at the fastest).


The ibuyer model started with opendoor, which was established in 2014 (listed in December 2020 with a valuation of $4.8 billion).

随后,offerpad(2015)、redfin(2017)和zillow offer(2018)等ibuyers也纷纷进入该网站,利用这一快速增长的"蓝海"技术。

Subsequently, ibuyers such as offerpad (2015), redfin (2017) and zillow offer (2018) also entered the site one after another, taking advantage of this rapidly growing "blue ocean" of technology.


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update time:2021-11-08 10:59:45


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