Guo Yu, a 28 year old programmer with financial freedom, is more free this year after retirement?


If you were young and financially free, what would you do?


A year ago, Guo Yu, a post-90s programmer, released a resignation letter on social media, announcing that he "retired at the end of 28". Prior to that, he graduated from the political and administrative profession, he taught himself the code, entered Alipay, entrepreneurship, the company was bytes beating acquisition......


Guo Yu's article on retirement at the age of 28 has caused a heated debate on the Internet


His experience triggered a heated discussion on the Internet last year. At the age of 28, he was financially free and retired. These keywords firmly caught the attention of young people and met the public's imagination of wealth accumulation under the Internet wave.


We observed Guo Yu for a year and had an exclusive interview with him.


Because of the loss of the linear sex appeal of time, looking back on this year, many things lost many coordinates and no longer emerged as quickly as usual. A little trouble. When making travel plans, I don't know the day of the week. After going out temporarily, he hit the evening peak. Once or twice, Guo Yu began not to make long-term travel plans. The plan was too far, but it went wrong, and he could have started at any time.


Guo Yu recorded the surrounding scenery when he was in Heichuan


When he worked in Beijing five years ago, he was not like this. He planned a trip. He knew very well that it was the day of the month, the day of the week, or even the hour to the hour. Is this road blocked. On double 11, he will buy all the tickets for the first half of the next year and arrange every weekend.


"During the most intensive period of flight, I took HNA hu7919 and hu7920 every two weeks, took off at 9 p.m. on Friday, came back at 2 a.m. on Monday, landed at 5:30, returned home at 6:30, slept for a while, got up and went to work." he once described that period. Of course, these are the past tense.


If you have to say "routine", it may be diet. In the past, he was not very restrained and his weight went up. He began to try ketogenic diet and learned to cook by himself. Eat salad and tuna fish every day, drink milk at home, and fry steak and chicken by yourself. After two months, I lost more than ten kilograms, which is much thinner than in the past.

4月底,他完成了为期两周的联合住宿(即联合住宿的强化培训形式)学习如何驾驶,并成功获得了手动变速器驾驶执照。6月底,郭宇看中了一款深绿色718 Spyder 6mt手动装备。一周后,他买了这辆车,花了大约110万元。

At the end of April, he finished two weeks of joint accommodation (which means the intensive training form of joint accommodation) to learn how to drive and successfully got his manual transmission driver's license. At the end of June, Guo Yu took a fancy to a dark green 718 Spyder 6mt, manual gear. A week later, he bought the car and spent about 1.1 million yuan.

郭宇购买718 Spyder 6mt

718 Spyder 6mt purchased by Guo Yu

去年夏天,他开始体验野营。今年,他买了一本书,教人们独自露营时如何做饭,并在家里练习;他花了15万买了一辆二手车Jim Ni,升级了他的露营装备,甚至拿出了他的a7s3,拍摄并编辑了两部露营录像,并记录了他在长野露营、在半岛鹿儿岛站观看电车以及7月份在高地徒步旅行的经历。

Last summer, he began to experience camping. This year, he bought a book to teach people how to cook when camping alone and practiced at home; He spent 150000 to buy a second-hand car, Jim Ni, upgraded his camping equipment, even took out his a7s3, filmed and edited two camping vlogs, and recorded his experiences of camping in Nagano, watching trams at Kagoshima station in Peninsula and hiking in highland in July.


Of course, he didn't forget the driver's license test. After understanding it, he found that it was faster to sign up in Tokyo. At the end of August, he signed up. In early October, Guo Yu got his ship driver's license. He expects the new travel mode to bring him more new travel perspectives. Japan has many outlying islands, driving at sea, no speed limit and no roads.


"But from one point to another, it's not so simple. You need to know all kinds of knowledge about sailing and need continuous training to master it. When driving, you can stop to rest and eat when you're tired, but on the ship, if you don't bring food, you may really have to learn fishing. Such a trip is more profound, and you'll reach some places you can't reach at ordinary times."


It's like a car on the road and a ship on the sea. Compared with those friends of the same age who have families, children and are obsessed with what international school their children want to go to, he has chosen a different path in life.


A similar "contradiction" is also reflected in the contrast between the topics he focuses on and the real life he lives. He once wrote such a microblog, "sometimes it's wonderful to think about it. When the world crazy releases new electric vehicles, I'm learning manual gear and experiencing how to master the semi clutch state..."


He pays attention to and is willing to share some cutting-edge topics with a strong sense of science and technology, such as metauniverse, blockchain and other issues related to the Internet of his old business. But he also said that he had a "full life", learned to block manually, and embraced and felt the real world by means of hiking, diving, surfing and sailing, which was completely different from the world he thought about. What he is thinking about is essentially an investment. Observing the world and taking action is a habit and the main source of his income.


But he has no enthusiasm for this kind of potential development direction of the world. "Maybe some young people think that the meta universe is the future, and I also want to live such a life. Wearing VR glasses, living on the Internet and becoming a digital wanderer. I won't. You see my life choice, you know I don't have such an idea. I hope that every day I live is peaceful, stable and full, and I can live a very traditional life with nature."


Guo Yu eats plain noodles in the antique shop he often goes to


From frequent travel to Japan to settling in Japan in recent years. The sense of inheritance and craftsmanship shown by the Japanese social environment and interpersonal communication model extending from hot spring hotels to other fields are loved and recognized by Guo Yu.


The lives of young people in developed countries have also impacted him to some extent. Those young people who spend all day surfing on the beach in summer may just drop out of school for a year because they don't want to go to college after their junior year in high school; If I don't want to work for a period of time, I resign to deliver takeout. I can earn more than 1 million yen, about 60000 yuan a month; The annual salary of workers in construction companies can reach 2 million yuan.


Sometimes seeing this, Guo Yu seems a little melancholy. "We may have worked hard for 10 years, but we have reached the level of young people in developed countries, and they may have been like this at the beginning."


This may be that after a young person has achieved a class leap, compared with other people with financial freedom, the most direct observation is the younger self and younger group of people a few years ago. After financial freedom, it seems that everything is light, which is also in line with Guo Yu's statement of "living".


Guo Yu snorkeling on gonggu Island


Among the investment directions, space travel is one of the few things he is really interested in - but it is also in line with the logic of learning a new skill to open up a new world. He didn't think much about death, but he imagined his funeral - putting himself in a rocket and launching into space. "This is a good business direction, don't you think?"


His oral expression has the same "coldness" as his words. I asked him, "talking about these, I feel that you have desire, but not so strong, or are you just expressing very calm and your heart is still hot?"


He gave a very "rich man" answer - "there's nothing I particularly desire. I think this thing can be done, it should be done, and I'm confident that I can do it well. In fact, there's no place on earth that I particularly want to go but can't go. So that's why those rich people have to spend tens of millions of dollars on a ticket and travel around low earth orbit."


City Pictorial: in China, while discussing financial freedom, we are also talking about "996" and "inner volume". What do you think of the struggle of young people now?


Guo Yu: I don't pay much attention to this kind of information now. But the state seems to be in charge of this. I hope everyone, especially young people, can live a more relaxed life, which may have a stronger desire for fertility. I think it's a good direction. Because even if the government does not manage from this perspective, the Internet industry has entered a field of stock competition. If you force everyone to add more classes, there will be no more new users. This matter itself is meaningless.


Since we want to do long-term things and have a long-term vision, we must (consider) the long-term things such as everyone's sense of happiness and goal in life.


update time:2021-11-08 14:58:01


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