Jia Yueting shouted musk: we are comrades in arms

Techweb 11月7日报道。最近,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在社交平台上表示,如果我们当时无法获得特斯拉的商标,它将被称为"法拉第",但最终竞争对手使用了它。

Techweb reported on November 7. Recently, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, said on the social platform that if we could not obtain the trademark of Tesla at that time, it would be called "Faraday", but eventually the competitor used it.


In this regard, Jia Yueting responded that we are comrades in arms in the development of human science, not competitors. Let Faraday and Tesla continue to be great in the 21st century, and pay tribute to the adventurers who dare to promote the progress of human society and build an intelligent electric travel ecology.


In addition, when asked whether he plans to return home, Jia Yueting said, "that's necessary."


update time:2021-11-08 10:59:45


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