The double 11 dilemma of small and medium-sized businesses: they can't escape and can't afford to play


At that time, when businesses participated in activities, the platform would give subsidies, but the goods provided must be the lowest price in the whole network, and at least 10000 pieces of inventory should be provided.


"We sold snacks and daily necessities for about 10 yuan. We talked to the manufacturer about cooperation. After the platform was approved, the products were sold by the platform to the anchor. We had a lot of things with an original price of more than 10 yuan, and the platform subsidized 10 yuan. Users only needed a few yuan to buy them," he recalled.


One day, there may be multiple anchors broadcasting at the same time, and the shop orders of flying fish began to soar, selling more than 400000 orders on the same day. Suddenly, orders burst. The platform asked to ensure a five minute response rate and deliver goods within 48 hours. He could only hire more than 20 temporary customer service, and the manufacturer began to hire temporary people to deliver goods.


"At that time, the order printing machine worked 24 hours a day, and several of them broke down. Even so, it failed to deliver 400000 orders within 48 hours. The platform also deducted our reputation points and fined 5000 or 6000 yuan," he said.


Flying fish was excited to think that this was also the case in the next few days. As a result, there was no order the next day.


Then the problem came again. Because things are cheap, manufacturers find cheap logistics companies such as Tiantian express and Jitu express. They also try their best to reduce costs on the packaging boxes. Many snacks have been pressed out of shape in the hands of users, and many people refuse or return them directly. Later, it was calculated that there was a 40% return rate.


Some users who signed in complained to the store customer service about the bad taste of snacks and the intermittent charging of the data line. No way. During the event, flying fish also urgently took off the shelves several products that sell well but have many complaints.


"Some products have too many orders to send, and some don't even return the 10000 pieces prepared before they are sold." he said, "the shelf life of many cake foods is very short, and those things are basically smashed in the hands of the manufacturers. Finally, we got very unhappy with the manufacturers."


At first, flying fish was posted. For an earphone selling for 11 yuan, the manufacturer quotes 8 yuan, the platform charges 2% of the service fee, and the anchor gets 1% of the Commission. According to the original plan, he can have a small profit of more than 1 yuan. If the single quantity is large enough, the profit is considerable.


But when he actually ran down, in addition to the return, plus the 13% tax point, he lost 5.6 million yuan in the final settlement.


After the resumption, the main reasons are that the product is not good and the instantaneous single quantity is too large.


"In terms of products, the manufacturers who can't promise to prepare goods, can't guarantee delivery within 48 hours, and the price is not low enough can't be selected. In the end, they are looking for slightly smaller factories and sell bad brands. In fact, bad money drives out good money. When selecting products, the manufacturer's licenses are complete, the samples sent to us are no problem, and we don't have many things in a short time How to judge quality. "


In addition, flying fish also admitted that there is a data cable and a headset, and the manufacturer's quotation is 8 yuan. It is impossible to have any high-quality products at this price.


On the double 11 every year, behind the dazzling turnover of the platform and the impressive achievements of the big anchors, there are many small and medium-sized businesses like Zhicheng and flying fish that lose money.


Why can't you make money?


Small and medium-sized businesses place their hopes on double 11, largely because their daily operation is not ideal.


Zhicheng met the "e-commerce cockroach" as soon as he opened his store at the end of last year, that is, the so-called professional dummy. They complained about the store through 12315 on the grounds that unreasonable publicity was used on the product packaging. "The goods should be raised in the Amoy department. There should be 30 days of sales records, buyer shows, user questions and answers. One page is not easy to accumulate and will be emptied once it is off the shelf." he said that it is becoming more and more difficult to open a new store now.


Why do e-commerce platforms deliberately "create Festivals" and try their best to attract users, but some small and medium-sized businesses participating in double 11 complain that they "can't make money"?


Looking at the development of e-commerce in recent years, firstly, the traffic of the whole Amoy system is declining. "When we first started to provide services to Amoy department, we said that half of the traffic from businesses and half of the traffic from categories. At the beginning of 2020, it has become 3 / 4 of the traffic from businesses and 1 / 4 of the traffic from categories, because the traffic on the platform is also declining," Zhicheng said.


Originally, the traffic is small. In addition, the traffic inside the Amoy system is also "fighting". Because of the popularity of live broadcasting with goods, a large number of users have gone to the big anchor live broadcasting rooms such as Weiya and Li Jiaqi. Few people visit Taobao, and the traffic of shops that do not go to the live broadcasting room is also very small.


For small and medium-sized businesses, the selection threshold of Shangda anchor live broadcasting room is too high, and the pit fee is too high. Choosing store self broadcasting or small anchor with goods also keeps stepping on the pit.


Zhicheng once tried to do store self broadcasting on a short video platform. When the daily turnover of the store was less than 30000 yuan, everything was safe. More than a month later, after the store could sell 50000 yuan a day, the turnover could not go up. He found that without spending money on advertising, even if the store has fans, there is no traffic.


He concluded that it is impossible to do business in other people's farms without paying "protection fees". However, it is not a long-term plan to launch information flow advertising. Once the launch stops, it still can not sell goods, and the converted input-output ratio is not ideal.


But if you don't sell, there will be no sales. The store doesn't even have basic data and can't support it at all. In less than a year, Zhicheng has lost more than one million yuan.

此外,双11等大型节日的流量也在下降。海豚俱乐部联合创始人纳明远分析说,电子商务制作的节日太多,让人麻木。而且,用户都知道维雅和李佳琪直播室的东西是最便宜的。他们可以在平时通过观看直播购买低价商品。他们不需要等待double 11,因此double 11购物的用户数量近年来也在下降。

In addition, the traffic of large festivals such as double 11 is also declining. Na Mingyuan, co-founder of dolphin club, analyzed that there are too many festivals made by e-commerce, which makes people numb. Moreover, users all know that the things in the live broadcasting room of Weiya and Li Jiaqi are the cheapest. They can buy low-priced goods by watching the live broadcasting at ordinary times. They don't need to wait for double 11, so the number of users of double 11 shopping has also decreased in recent years.


Specific to the double 11, the feedback of many small and medium-sized businesses is: "if you don't participate in the activity, you will die, and if you participate, you will die". Because there must be discounts and advertising fees to participate in the activities. There are pit fees and commissions to find the anchor. Their own products don't make much money, and the compensation for participating in the big promotion is even worse.


"The double 11 of e-commerce platform is the same as the discount of large shopping malls. Old brands or big stores can get traffic, and new brands and small stores can only focus on participation. Moreover, when many big brands rush performance every year, the platform must be the priority big financier," Zhicheng said.


A few years ago, some small and medium-sized businesses participating in the double 11 also lost money. At that time, the story we told was to lose money and earn money. But now many businesses find that they can't earn money at a loss. The users brought by the double 11 "meat cutting" have no obvious re purchase in the future. In this case, flying fish chose to escape double 11, and Zhicheng is still struggling to maintain by losing money.


Where is the way out for small and medium-sized businesses?


In Na Mingyuan's view, businesses that can't calculate their accounts can not participate in the double 11. Large businesses have capital to lose money and earn cries. Moreover, the profit structure of many categories is different, such as cosmetics, which has low cost and high brand premium. "Whether to participate in the double 11 depends on the purpose of the merchant, whether it is sales volume, profit, influence or inventory clearance. If it is OK to clear inventory and influence, but it is very difficult to pursue profit."


In the future, how should small and medium-sized businesses get out of trouble? It is the consensus of many businesses not to place hopes on great promotion and honestly cultivate internal skills.


Many businesses find that many of the previous logics are no longer applicable to e-commerce. Tiktok, a new shop in the early industry, found 1000 small red books KOC grass, and then 1000 people to make a short video, and choose one of the big anchor, such as Li Jiaqi, Luo Yonghao and so on, to bring goods, plus a shop's master.


But now, the industry volume, these are just routine operations.


Na Mingyuan pointed out that one of the ways out for small and medium-sized businesses in the future is to change their scale thinking and user thinking and turn to profit thinking.


He further explained that the company should first make money and ensure to live. The previous way of draining at a low price and waiting for money in the future is no longer applicable. In fact, it is difficult for businesses to change from low price to high price. Therefore, businesses should raise the price and hold the price on the basis of doing a good job in products, otherwise the brand will disappear. "People who really like a product will no longer care about its price. For the 'wool Party' who cares too much about the price, it is difficult for businesses to make money from him."


In addition, there was no traffic in the station, and many businesses began to cast their eyes outside the station.

那明远补充说,如果想在颤抖的声音上做生意,找大V tiktok比品牌自播要好。大型V带产品的总体投资回报率约为4-5,但品牌自播的投资回报率也为1-2,并且这个数字一直在变化。很多品牌一开始觉得效果不错。在持续投资后,他们发现投资回报率无法恢复,最终大量库存被他们手中折叠起来。

That Ming Yuan far complements, if want to do business on the trembling sound, find big V tiktok better than brand self broadcast. The general ROI of large V-belt goods is about 4-5, but the ROI of brand self broadcast is also 1-2, and this number has been changing. Many brands felt that the effect was good at the beginning. After continuous investment, they found that the ROI could not run back, and finally a large amount of inventory was folded in their hands.

"但企业也应该知道,观看电视直播购物的用户容易冲动消费,回报率高。此外,电视直播销售对品牌建设没有什么价值,因为用户认识到了大v。"Na Mingyuan说。

"But businesses should also know that users who watch live TV shopping are prone to impulsive consumption and return a lot. In addition, live TV selling is of little value to brand building, because users recognize big v." Na Mingyuan said.


Many insiders told shenran that after getting the traffic, the more important step for ordinary businesses is to do "private domain traffic", that is, guide the traffic on the e-commerce platform and transfer it to the brand's own community or even personal social account. Because private traffic is more viscous, more stable and more commercial.


Polishing the products, bidding farewell to the price war and establishing a deep relationship with the target users may not completely "break the circle" for the new brand, but it may give a glimmer of hope to the small and medium-sized businesses trapped in the quagmire. E-commerce has a long way to go, and they can only grope forward.


*The picture is from visual China, and the picture in the text is from pexels. At the request of the interviewee, Zhicheng and flying fish are pseudonyms in the article.


update time:2021-11-08 14:58:01


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