Where did musk spend all his money?


On October 25 last Monday, Tesla's market value exceeded $1 trillion and became a new member of the trillion dollar club after apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Tesla's market value also exceeds the sum of 11 old car companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen and GM.


This is a late surprise for musk. As early as 2015, he predicted that Tesla's market value should surpass apple and become the first company with a market value of more than $trillion. This prediction failed to come true. In August 2018, Apple's market value exceeded $1 trillion, becoming the first company in the United States with a market value of more than $1 trillion. In August 2020, Apple's market value exceeded $2 trillion, becoming the first company with a market value of more than $2 trillion. Apple currently has a market capitalization of $250 billion.


A very important reason for the sharp rise in Tesla's market value is that Hertz, the largest car rental company in the United States, announced on the same day that it would buy 100000 model 3 from Tesla before the end of 2022, with a total value of $4.2 billion.


Tesla will complete the delivery in batches in the next 14 months. This order directly locks in about 10% of Tesla's annual production capacity, which is the largest single transaction of electric vehicles in history.


On October 5 this year, Forbes released the 2021 U.S. rich list. Bezos occupied the title of "the richest man in the world" with us $2010 billion. He is also the first rich man on the Forbes rich list with a wealth of more than US $200 billion. Elon Musk followed with $190.5 billion.


At the end of September this year, musk once surpassed Bezos to become the richest man. He said: "I want to send him (Bezos) a huge statue with the number '2' and a silver medal."


I don't know if musk really sent the statue and silver medal of "2" later. He may have been overtaken by Bezos before he could send it, but now he can send it.


He created and subverted the three major fields of Internet services, new energy and space exploration, making the United States a strong return to the automobile market and business rocket launch market.


On December 8, 2010, Musk's space X Falcon 9 rocket successfully launched the "dragon spacecraft" into earth orbit, which is the first spacecraft launched into space by a private enterprise and can turn back smoothly in the world's history. The whole aerospace industry was shocked.


Since then, space X has become the preferred service provider of NASA, responsible for sending supplies to the international space station. The cost is only about one tenth of NASA's original cost.


Of course, Musk's innovation is not only to serve the United States. Others are worried about the country and the people. He is worried about the earth. He always feels that sooner or later, the earth will make the earth unfit for human habitation, whether it is nuclear weapons out of control, the environment out of control, or robots out of control. Therefore, we should find and build a base for human migration as soon as possible.


Once musk said in response to a reporter's question, "why should I try to hold stocks? Because building a city on Mars requires a lot of resources, which means a lot of money. Half of my money will be used to help solve the problems on earth, and the other half will be used to build a self-sustaining city on Mars to ensure the continuation of all life."


On October 27, Senator Ron Wyden, chairman of the US Senate Finance Committee, proposed a bill to levy asset "unrealized income" tax on taxpayers with assets of more than US $1 billion or annual income of more than US $100 million for three consecutive years.


Many millionaires in the United States welcomed the "billionaire tax". On November 1, more than 250 millionaires jointly wrote to the top of the Democratic Party that day, asking them to include the "billionaire tax" in the Biden government's social expenditure bill.


However, musk is very unhappy about this. If the proposal is implemented, he will have to pay an additional $50 billion in taxes.


He said that only $6 billion would save 42 million people. If you don't take out the money, someone may starve to death. Bisley specifically named Bezos and musk, the two richest people in the world. Musk can save these people by donating 2% of his personal wealth.


Musk immediately tweeted back: "if the world food program can explain how to solve the problem of global hunger by $6 billion, I am now ready to sell Tesla's shares to solve the problem of global hunger. But the financial report must be made public so that the public can see exactly how the money is spent."


With the help of netizens, they said that the world food program raised $8.2 billion in donations last year. First explain how the money is used.


If entrepreneurs rank in a charity spectrum, one end is a penny pinching jobs, and the other end is Bill Gates, who makes a naked donation to charity full-time, musk is very close to jobs. It should be noted that Bill Gates was unwilling to donate money to charities and United Nations agencies in his early years, and did not agree with being forced to donate. His later way of doing charity was to do charity full-time instead of donating money to other institutions.


Musk and his brother set up a foundation in 2002, but in the past two decades, the foundation has not received much donation, let alone charity. However, this does not seem to indicate that musk is unwilling to do charity. For example, he is very concerned about Haiti. After Haiti was hit by the tsunami, he generously took relief measures. When he went to Haiti, he did not forget to fill his private plane with iPads and other teaching materials to send to Haitian children.


Like many entrepreneurs, musk hates the inefficiency and corruption of bureaucrats and traditional large enterprises, and believes that the less resources they occupy, the better. His attitude towards charities is the same. With more and more wealth and more people who force him to donate morally, he feels more and more pressure. Bezos once sought advice on twitter, and so did musk. In January this year, he tweeted: "by the way, I always welcome critical feedback and suggestions on donation methods that can really promote change (which is much harder than it seems)."


This man was a good friend of musk. At that time, musk had to borrow his friend's villa to hide her. In Silicon Valley, he has never bought a real estate. When he needs to spend the night, his assistant will send an email to his friends and ask "is there a spare room". If a friend replies that there is, musk will appear at the door of his friend's House late at night. Generally, he stays in the guest room, nestles on the sofa, plays video games, relaxes for a while, and often falls asleep on the sofa.


Riley and musk got married and divorced, remarried and divorced. Riley got little money in the first divorce and only $18 million in the second divorce.


Musk has since had three or two girlfriends, a marriage and a son, but none of them cost him much money, which is very different from the world's richest man such as Bezos and Bill Gates. In particular, Bezos paid $66 billion when he divorced his wife Mackenzie, who had been married for 25 years. Mackenzie donated most of these money to charity.


When musk divorced his first wife Justin, who had been in love for 10 years and married for 8 years, he was sued by Justin because he was unwilling to pay all kinds of fees. Justin also appeared on CNBC programs and wrote articles for women's magazines.


Even if musk has cash, it is estimated that he is not willing to spend much on feelings and marriage. He wants to use the money for the development of Tesla and SpaceX to realize his electric car dream and space dream.


In fact, musk asked Justin to sign a post marriage agreement two months after he married Justin. It is said that the board of directors of x.com urged musk to let his wife sign the agreement to avoid the serious impact of the founder's marriage on the development of the company. From the perspective of investors, this is very wise. Many venture capitalists have lost their jobs because of this dramatic reason.


This is also in line with Musk's character. When dancing at the wedding banquet, musk reiterated to Justin: "I am the leader in this relationship." he is indeed the leader. He pursued Justin for 10 years and finally got married. He resolutely ended this marriage when Justin hesitated and repeatedly.


However, it seems that the reason why musk ended his marriage is not that he no longer loves Justin, or he has another new love. He once said: "I will spend the last penny on the company, even if we have to move into Justin's parents' basement." obviously, musk regarded Justin as his family until he divorced, Although Justin thinks musk treated her as a business rival when she divorced.


Musk's divorce seems just to solve the matter as soon as possible in order to focus on his work. After the divorce, Justin still couldn't normally talk about the relationship between her and musk for a long time. Even if she knew musk so well, she was shocked by his ruthlessness and coldness.


Musk is really a wonderful flower. Most people can't understand him. In April 2014, he visited China for the first time. At an event, a famous domestic financial program host took out a carefully prepared photo, which was taken by musk at the exchange on the day Tesla was listed.


He held up the picture and asked musk if you put this picture in the most prominent place at your desk and home? Musk looked confused and said I didn't have this picture. I don't remember taking this picture. The host had to ask directly, is Tesla's listing the most brilliant moment in your life?


Musk was stunned. He obviously didn't understand the logic of this question, but he didn't ask. He pondered for a long time to answer. The main idea was that going public was for financing and Tesla's development, which had nothing to do with whether it was brilliant or not.


Musk can't understand this problem, which is normal, because the logic behind this problem is that it is brilliant when it is listed and cashed out. However, Musk's listing is not for cash out, so we can't understand this logical relationship.


This logical relationship can only be established in the values with making money as the ultimate goal. In order to make money, make big money and make fast money, listing can discount the money that can be made in the next 10000 years and forever to today. Of course, it is brilliant.


For musk, glory is to send people to Mars, preserve human beings and continue life. He didn't want the company to go public. Tesla went public in June 2010 because of lack of money and no way. SpaceX was unwilling to let it go public.


On June 7, 2013, he specially wrote an email to all employees to explain why SpaceX should not be listed, at least not before the completion of the Mars carrier system.


Creating life on Mars is the fundamental goal of SpaceX, and listing will reduce the probability of achieving this goal. The experience of Tesla and Sun City tells him that the short-term profit seeking characteristics of the capital market will have a serious negative impact on companies such as SpaceX that need long-term development, especially when there are great changes in technology. The stock price will fluctuate violently, for both internal reasons and uncontrollable external economic reasons. He doesn't want everyone to be led by the nose by the stock market with manic depression and distract their time and energy. Everyone's time and energy should focus on how to create great products.


Pods burned to cook peas,


Beans cry in the kettle; Peas weep in the pot;


Grow from same root, please,


Why is it too urgent to fry each other. Why boil us so hot?


This version deliberately translates the Osmunda into pod, which just rhymes. Both pod and Osmunda are used as firewood, so it does not affect the meaning. Cao Zhi wrote this poem with the rhyme of I, so he used the Osmunda. If he used the rhyme of IA, he should use the pod. This is the masterstroke of Mr. Xu Yuanchong's pursuit of spiritual similarity rather than physical similarity.


What does musk want to express when he chooses to publish such an ancient Chinese poem at this moment? Some people say that this is a silent protest against the proposal of "unrealized income tax" on billionaires' assets in the US Senate; Others said that he was a silent protest against the forced donation of the owner of the United Nations World Food Programme; Some people say that this is a silent prayer and blessing for China's reunification and world peace.


It is estimated that no one wants peace and stability in China more than musk. China is his blessed land. In the third quarter of this year, Tesla delivered 241300 vehicles worldwide, a year-on-year increase of 64%, of which 55.3% came from Tesla's Shanghai Super factory. In addition to the production base, Tesla's revenue in the Chinese market in the third quarter was US $3.113 billion, a year-on-year increase of 78.5%, which is the second largest market after the United States. Tesla's revenue in China in the first three quarters was $9.015 billion, accounting for about 25% of Tesla's global revenue.

On October 25, Tesla announced that both Shanghai R & D innovation center and Shanghai Super factory data center were completed and put into use in the near future. This means that Tesla has not only realized localized production in China, but also further realized R & D in China.


On the same day, Tesla's market value exceeded $1 trillion. Musk shouted that the stock market was crazy. Musk had said several times that Tesla's share price was too high, but this did not prevent the share price from rising.


People seem to trust this "technology maniac" very much. When Tesla has frequent accidents and even caused many casualties, they still support Tesla. They believe that this is the price that must be paid in the development of human innovative things. They believe musk will face up to the problems and solve them in time.


In China, people are the same, even more so, although Tesla's public relations sometimes make people worry that its "arrogance and Prejudice" will make Tesla a a killing machine without knowing it.


Anyway, Musk's poem shows his interest and respect for Chinese culture, and also set off an upsurge of learning Chinese ancient poetry and history among musk fans all over the world. He can be regarded as a Chinese cultural ambassador.


Jobs has never been to China. He has been to Nepal and India and Japan countless times, but he has never been to China. He doesn't know much about Chinese culture. In his impression, Oriental civilization is the civilization of Japan and India. After his death, China became Apple's largest market. Countless fans in China mourned him every year. I don't know what his spirit in heaven thinks.


Musk, who replaced him as a new symbol of American innovation ability, has deep feelings for his blessed land China (especially Shanghai). Now he has begun to express his feelings in ancient Chinese poetry. He is called ma Shike. Congratulations.


"Picture | visual China"


update time:2021-11-08 10:59:45


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