Selling 1.6 million cars in five years, why does Li want to "float"?
以上三段文字出自李翔日前在理想汽车公司发表的一封公开信。但这封我不知道怎么泄露的信,却因为断章取义的"20%市场份额的战略目标"而被媒体追打。 The above three paragraphs come from an open letter issued by Li Xiang in ideal automobile company a few days ago. But this letter, which I don't know how to leak, was chased and beaten by the media because of an out of context "strategic target of 20% market share". 其实,李翔是冤枉的。作为老板,他通过对行业形势和公司经营状况的分析和预测,为公司设定了较高的目标,旨在提高员工士气,加快公司发展。然而,李湘却被媒体斥为"梦"。 In fact, Li Xiang was wronged. As the boss, he set a relatively high goal for the company by analyzing and anticipating the industry situation and the company's operating conditions, aiming to improve the staff morale and speed up the company's development. However, Li Xiang was scolded by the media as a "dream". 作为一个忠实的麝香迷,李翔会说出这样"疯狂"的进球也就不足为奇了。马斯克这么多年来承诺的目标比这更夸张,他受到的质疑和嘲笑也比这些更多。 As a loyal musk fan, it's not surprising that Li Xiang would say such "Crazy" goals. The goals musk has promised for so...