
According to the news, Didi automatic driving is about to complete a new round of over 300 million US dollars financing and introduce GAC investment

温万里。 Wen Wanli 编辑:黄俊杰 Editor: Huang Junjie 滴滴网的美国同行优步(Uber)和LYFT在过去6个月里出售了自动驾驶业务,称这是一个更好的选择。迪迪做了一个不同的选择。它选择通过自动驾驶继续融资。 Uber and LYFT, Didi's American counterparts, have sold their automatic driving business in the past six months, saying it is a better choice. Didi made a different choice. It chose to continue financing by autonomous driving. 晚报独家获悉,滴滴汽车即将完成新一轮融资,融资金额超过3亿美元,其中广汽集团投资2亿美元(广汽集团直接投资1亿美元,广汽资本旗下基金投资1亿美元)。知情人士透露,投资完成后,滴滴自动驾驶的估值将超过小马智行。 Latepost exclusively learned that didi autopilot is about to complete a new round of financing, with a financing amount of more than US $300 million, of which GAC Group invested US $200 million (GAC group directly invested US $100 million, GAC capital's fund invested US $100 million). People familiar with the matter said that after the investment, the valuation of Didi's automatic driving will exceed that of Xiaoma Zhixing. 自2019年分拆以来,滴滴共募集资金超过11亿美元。 Since its split in 2019, Didi has raised more than US $1.1 billion in total. 滴滴虽然不被

Xu Lei, CEO of Jingdong retail, made an internal speech: the ideal is to "sell goods all over the world" and "sell goods all over the world"

面对这一系列变化,徐磊认为,要时刻保持紧迫感,既要关注现状和同行业,也要关注消费者,以及跨行业甚至更大角度的变化,以便始终保持警惕,作出更迅速的反应。" In the face of this series of changes, Xu Lei believes that to maintain a sense of urgency at all times, we should not only pay attention to the current situation and the same industry, but also pay attention to consumers, as well as changes in cross industry and even in a larger perspective, so as to always remain vigilant and make a more rapid response. " 对于京东零售的未来,徐磊也提出了明确的目标:"京东零售的理想是'卖全世界的货'、'卖全世界的货'!" For the future of Jingdong retail, Xu Lei also put forward a clear goal: "the ideal of Jingdong retail is to" sell all the goods in the world "and" sell all the goods in the world! " 徐雷认为,在这种理念下,构建供应链中间平台的能力尤为重要。首先是能够穿越和连接场景;第二,需求与供应链的有效匹配能力;三是订单和供应链调度管理能力;四是商品管理和物流管理能力。对于京东需要采购、入库、备货的商品,京东还需要具备产品选择、定价、采购物流配送、库存管理等能力。 Xu Lei believes that under this concept, it is particularly important to build the ability of the middle platform in the supply cha

The proxy war between Weiya and Li Jiaqi

在直播和投递的世界里,这样的"暴徒"可能是评选团队、营销团队、公关团队,甚至是寻找主播的品牌方。围绕着巨大的利益,他们的底线在哪里? In the world of live broadcasting and delivery, such "thugs" may be the selection team, marketing team, public relations team, or even the brand side who is seeking the anchor. Around the huge interests, where is their bottom line? 老伙计桂桂桂兄弟正将下沉的市场定位于降低老铁的价格。尽管存在许多争议,但粉丝们仍然希望在快车道生态系统中跟随。桂冠、中国广告协会、第一财经数据中心等平台发布的直播商业主播影响力4月排行榜显示,排名前十的主播在快跑中占据3席,其中大美女和蛋童好友属于辛巴一家。 Brother Kwai Kwai, old fellow, is positioning the sinking market to lower the price of the old iron. Despite many controversies, fans still want to follow in the fast track ecosystem. Kwai Kwai, the China Advertising Association, the first financial and business data center and other platforms released live broadcast business anchor influence April list shows that Top10 anchor in the fast runner takes up three seats, of which the big beautiful and the egg kid friends belong to Simba family. 只有李嘉琪和薇雅共用一个平台。尽管他们已经开辟了其他直播渠道,但最终的下单平台还是需要回到淘宝。两位主播的&q

Meituan released a very frightening financial report

01 01 让悲观者更悲观,让乐观者更乐观。 Let the pessimist be more pessimistic, let the optimist be more optimistic. 这是美团(03690)在2021年第一季度的第一印象。 This is the first impression of meituan (03690) in the first quarter of 2021. 对于乐观主义者来说,美团的财务报告好得吓人,它的势头就像彩虹 For optimists, meituan's financial report is frighteningly good, and its momentum is like a rainbow 一个季度,美团每年新增活跃买家超过5900万,创下了美团的历史纪录。第一季度,美团在中国所有平台上的新用户数量最多。不是所有的电子商务平台,而是所有的平台。2020年,美团新增用户仅6000万,其中第四季度单季度新增用户3410万。2021年,基本完成去年全年用户增长。 There were more than 59 million new annual active buyers in a single quarter, which set a historical record for meituan. Meituan had the largest number of new users on all platforms in China in the first quarter. Not all e-commerce platforms, but all platforms. In 2020, only 60 million new users will be added to meituan, of which 34.1 million will be added in Q4 in a single quarter. In 2021, the increase of users in the whole year of last year will be basically completed. 在新用户数量激增的同时,人均消费量也大幅增加,达到30.5%。新用户增长越快,单个用户的年平均

Zhao CHANGPENG: in the middle of cryptocurrency

赵昌鹏创立了coin an,在加密货币领域有着巨大的能量,但他并不是这一领域的典型企业家。他不是一个坚定的信徒或狂热的传教士。 Zhao CHANGPENG, who founded coin an and has great energy in the cryptocurrency world, is not a typical entrepreneur in this field. He is not a firm believer or a fanatical preacher. 他的特点是"缺乏特色"。赵长鹏不高不矮不胖不瘦。他的想法和做事方式是一样的。在连锁产业中,他是中间派。 His characteristic is "lack of characteristic". Zhao CHANGPENG is not tall, not short, not fat, not thin. His ideas and ways of doing things are the same. In the blockchain industry, he is the one in the middle. 他最初被加密货币的自由所吸引。自2014年卖掉在上海的房子并购买比特币以来,他逐渐将大部分个人资产转移到加密货币。据他说,加密货币资产现在占他个人财富的99%。由于"流动性差",他从未买过房子或其他固定资产。 He was initially attracted by the freedom of cryptocurrency. Since he sold his house in Shanghai and bought bitcoin in 2014, he has gradually transferred most of his personal assets to cryptocurrency. According to him, cryptocurrency assets now account for 99% of his personal wealth. He never bought a house or other fixed assets because of "poor li

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