
Free for all! China's first new crown vaccine on the market, you want to know 7 questions are here

根据各方的信息,我们整理了两张表供大家参考。 Based on the information of all parties, we have sorted out two tables for you to see. 新型冠状苗在我国的市场营销与研发进展 Progress of marketing or research and development of new crown vaccine in China 国外新型皇冠疫苗的市场开发与研究进展 Progress of marketing or research and development of new crown vaccine abroad 1海关检查员参与进口冷链食品 1. Customs inspectors involved in import cold chain food 2港口装卸、装卸、运输等相关人员 2. Port loading and unloading, handling, transportation and other related personnel 三。国际运输从业人员 3. International and domestic transportation practitioners 4因公出国留学 4. Study abroad for business and private 5国境口岸工作人员面临更高的海外风险 5. Frontier port staff facing higher overseas risks 6医疗卫生人员 6. Medical and health personnel 7公安、武警、消防社区工作人员 7. Public security, armed police, fire community staff 8水、电、暖、气相关人员 8. Water, electricity, heating and gas related personnel 9交通、物流、养老、环卫、殡葬、通讯等相关工作人员 9. Transportation, logistics, pension, sanitation, funeral, communication related staff 尚未发现影响疫苗效力的突变。 No mutation has been

Ten scientific events in 2020: two AIDS patients cured, Venus may have life

在21世纪的第三个十年里,事情一开始似乎并不顺利。继2020年元旦钟声之后,是澳大利亚山火蔓延、神户意外死亡,然后,甚至是今天的新皇冠疫情。 In the third decade of the 21st century, it seems that things are not going well at the beginning. Following the bell of new year's Day 2020 is the spread of mountain fires in Australia, Kobe's accidental death, and then, even today's new crown epidemic. 同样从2020年初开始,很多人幻想"重启2020",以避免这些坏事。 Also from the beginning of 2020, many people fantasize about "restarting 2020" to avoid these bad things. 其实,当我们回首来年时,我们发现,"流行病"这个大字的背后,还有很多值得关注的地方。同样,科学界和过去一样,既取得了可喜的成就,又有了令人深思的发现。 In fact, when we look back on the coming year, we find that behind the big word "epidemic", there are many other things worthy of attention. Similarly, the scientific community, as in the past, has made both gratifying achievements and thoughtful discoveries. 2020年就要结束了,它还没能重启。让我们接受今年发生的事情,回头看看科学家们面临着怎样的环境,他们今年取得了怎样的成就?让我们回顾一下! 2020 is coming to an end, and it has not been able to restart. Let's ac

Pinduoduo's share price soared again, surpassing meituan in market value, and Huang Zheng became the second richest person in China

根据12月31日的消息,截至12月30日美国股市收盘,品多多股价上涨7.77%至每股179.11美元,市值超过2100亿美元至2196.47亿美元。美团市值1.69万亿港元,约2180亿美元。 According to the news on December 31, as of December 30, the U.S. stock market closed, pinduoduo's share price rose 7.77% to $179.11 per share, with a market value of more than $210 billion to $219.647 billion. The market value of meituan is HK $1.69 trillion, about US $218 billion. 此外,黄征的财富已达586亿美元,超过马云(509亿美元)和马化腾(533亿美元),成为中国第二富豪。 In addition, Huang Zheng's wealth has reached 58.6 billion US dollars, surpassing Ma Yun's (50.9 billion US dollars) and Ma Huateng's (53.3 billion US dollars), making him the second richest person in China. 目前,阿里美团等众多互联网巨头正处于反垄断的风口浪尖,这在一定程度上对多多和京东有利。从目前投资者的定位来看,拼多多更受投资者青睐。 At present, many Internet giants, such as alimeituan, are on the cusp of anti-monopoly, which is good for Duoduo and Jingdong to a certain extent. In view of the current orientation of investors, pinduoduo is more favored by investors. 根据品多多此前公布的财务数据,品多多第三季度营收为142.1亿元,高于市场预期的

Visiting Shanghai Silicon Wafer Factory: it is true that a large number of people are being recruited, but it will continue to be "out of stock" in 2021

在上海最南端的港区,人类文明一浪接一浪地涌动着;稻田、工厂、薯片是这里共同涌动的三股人类文明浪潮。 In the southernmost port area of Shanghai, human civilization has been surging one after another; rice paddies, factories and chips are three waves of human civilization surging together here. 硅片是半导体和芯片工业的关键原材料,就像大米为人类提供食物一样。它通常作为基板来加工各种器件结构和引线,从而实现集成电路和分立器件等半导体产品的制造。 Just like rice provides food for human beings, silicon wafer is the key raw material of semiconductor and chip industry. It is usually used as substrate to process various device structures and leads, so as to realize the manufacturing of semiconductor products such as integrated circuits and discrete devices. 上海新林的一位高管告诉《it时报》记者:"按照原来的计划,我们一直在把产能从每月15万片扩大到30万片,现在已经扩大到20万片了,换言之,目前新林的扩张并不是这段时间晶圆OEM产能不足造成的。这位高层还指出:"产能建设需要一个周期。如今,下游需求旺盛,上游则无济于事。扩容后,下游没有需求。因此,需要进行战略预测。" "According to the original plan, we have been expanding our production capacity from 150000 pieces to 300000 pieces per month, and now it has expanded to 200000 pieces," a senior execut

Chips get stuck, but high-speed rail and Beidou are not afraid. It's not so difficult to control the industrial chain independently

《中国经济周刊》记者李永华 China Economic Weekly reporter Li Yonghua 党的十九届五中全会提出,"十四五"时期经济社会发展的主要目标之一是显著提高产业链现代化水平。 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed that one of the main goals of economic and social development during the "14th five year plan" period is to significantly improve the level of industrial chain modernization. 2020年12月11日,中共中央政治局会议提出,要增强国家战略科技实力,增强产业链供应链的自主可控能力,形成强大的国内市场。 On December 11, 2020, the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee called for strengthening the national strategic science and technology strength, enhancing the independent and controllable ability of the industrial chain supply chain, and forming a strong domestic market. 后来,中央经济工作会议强调,产业链供应链的安全稳定是构建新的发展格局的基础。 Later, the central economic work conference emphasized that the security and stability of the industrial chain supply chain is the basis of building a new development pattern. 毫无疑问,确保产业链供应链的安全稳定是整个2020年最重要的课题之一。 Undoubtedly, ensuring th

Tesla executives say that there is not much room for future price reduction, dare you believe it?

现在桃林证实国产化率的目标已经基本实现,这也意味着特斯拉工厂已经达到马斯克设定的数字。 Now Taolin confirms that the target of localization rate has been basically achieved, which also means that Tesla factory has reached the figure set by musk. 国产化率的提高一度被业界视为特斯拉再次降价的信号。此前有证券公司预测,特斯拉采用国产供应链后,国产车型3的成本价可能低于20万元,这意味着特斯拉仍有降价空间。 The improvement of localization rate was once regarded by the industry as a signal that Tesla would reduce its price again. Previously, some securities companies predicted that after Tesla adopted the domestic supply chain, the cost price of domestic model 3 may be less than 200000 yuan, which means that Tesla still has room to reduce its price. 不过,对于特斯拉下一步"降价可能性不大"的说法,不少用户并不买账。今年以来,国产车型3从年初的近30万元降到目前的24.99万元,这也吸引了特斯拉"割韭菜"的美誉。在一些用户看来,"特斯拉越说不降价,降价就越猛",有网友甚至开玩笑说:"未来降价空间不大,绝对不超过10万。" However, for Tesla's next "price cut is unlikely" argument, many users do not buy it. Since the beginning of this year, the domestic model 3 has dropped from nearly 300000 yuan a

Why do Japanese companies focus on the waste batteries of Chinese electric vehicles?

根据协议,比亚迪负责回收电动公交车、电动出租车等电动车更换的废旧动力电池,性能测试由深圳初创企业pandpower完成并移交伊藤忠商事。 According to the agreement, BYD is responsible for recycling waste power batteries replaced by electric buses, electric taxis and other electric vehicles, and the performance test is completed by Shenzhen start-up pandpower and handed over to Itochu. 该装置可作为电厂的辅助电源,以及光伏和风力发电储能,预计最早将于2021年投入使用。 The device can be used as auxiliary power supply for plants, as well as photovoltaic and wind power generation energy storage, and is expected to be put into operation as early as 2021. 伊藤忠商事希望通过回收电池,在5年内实现100亿日元(约合6.35亿元人民币)的销售额,并表示,如果要获得稳定的利润,离不开中国和比亚迪提供的稳定的商品供应。 Itochu hopes to achieve sales of 10 billion yen (about 635 million yuan) within five years by recycling batteries, and says that if it wants to make a stable profit, it cannot do without the stable supply of goods provided by China and BYD. 事实上,锂离子动力电池的使用寿命很长,平均使用寿命为5-8年。当其容量衰减到额定容量的80%以下时,就不再适用于电动汽车,将被更换和报废。 In fact, lithium-ion power battery has a long service life,

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