
Foxconn wants to be the king of automobile OEM? These problems cannot be ignored

不久前,被众多热心人士视为"苹果汽车"首选OEM的富士康,在鸿海科技日与玉龙汽车集团合资成立了纯电动汽车品牌富士康,并一次性发布了三款新车。 Not long ago, Foxconn, which has been regarded as the preferred OEM of "Apple cars" by many enthusiastic people, jointly established a joint venture pure electric vehicle brand foxtron with Yulong Automobile Group on Hon Hai Technology day, and released three new cars at one go. 值得一提的是,foxtron与大多数汽车公司不同。在其三款新车中,除了一款纯电动中型SUV C型和一款纯电动中型车e型外,还有一款纯电动公交车t型与乘用车建在同一平台上。 It is worth mentioning that foxtron is different from most car companies. Among its three new cars, in addition to a pure electric medium-sized SUV model C and a pure electric medium-sized car model e, there is also a pure electric bus model t built on the same platform as passenger cars. 在汽车OEM业务方面,富士康除了拥有高度灵活的MIH汽车平台架构外,还拥有强大的雄心。 In terms of automobile OEM business, Foxconn has a strong ambition in addition to the highly flexible MIH vehicle platform architecture. 富士康OEM汽车面临巨大的竞争压力 Foxconn OEM automobile has great competitive pressure

COVID-19 has reduced the number of new scientific research projects by 36%, the most decline in biochemistry, and the most affected female scientists.

敖飞寺博文 Bo Wen from Aofei Temple 量子比特报告官方账号QbitAI Qubit report official account No. QbitAI 自从新冠病毒爆发以来,它给世界各个领域的发展带来了巨大的影响。 Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it has brought great influence to the development of various fields in the world. 科学研究也是其中之一。 Scientific research is also one of them. 最近,西北大学王大顺教授的团队就疫情对研究人员工作时间、新项目启动率、不同学科项目的影响、合作/协作数量等诸多方面的影响进行了一系列分析和调查。 Recently, Professor Wang Dashun's team from Northwestern University has made a series of analysis and investigation on the impact of the epidemic on the working hours of researchers, the launch rate of new projects, the impact of projects in different disciplines, the number of cooperation / collaborations and many other directions. 研究结果发表在《自然》子期刊上: The research results are published in the nature sub Journal: 同时,在不同的科学研究群体中,女性科学家或有幼儿的科学家受到的影响最大。 At the same time, among different scientific research groups, female scientists or scientists with young children are the most affected. 最后,该文件指出: Finally, the paper states: 科学研究的影响在疫情

Guo Yu, a 28 year old programmer with financial freedom, is more free this year after retirement?

如果你年轻,经济自由,你会怎么做? If you were young and financially free, what would you do? 一年前,90后程序员郭宇在社交媒体上发布了一封辞职信,宣布他"28岁退休"。在此之前,他毕业于政治和行政专业,自学代码,进入支付宝,创业,公司被收购。。。。。。 A year ago, Guo Yu, a post-90s programmer, released a resignation letter on social media, announcing that he "retired at the end of 28". Prior to that, he graduated from the political and administrative profession, he taught himself the code, entered Alipay, entrepreneurship, the company was bytes beating acquisition...... 郭瑜关于28岁退休的文章在互联网上引起了激烈的争论 Guo Yu's article on retirement at the age of 28 has caused a heated debate on the Internet 他的经历去年在互联网上引发了热烈的讨论。28岁时,他经济自由,退休了。这些关键词牢牢地吸引了年轻人的注意力,满足了公众在互联网浪潮下积累财富的想象。 His experience triggered a heated discussion on the Internet last year. At the age of 28, he was financially free and retired. These keywords firmly caught the attention of young people and met the public's imagination of wealth accumulation under the Internet wave. 我们观察了郭宇一年,并对他进行了独家采访。 We obser

1000 entrepreneurs, 1000 yuan universe

(张新宇) (Zhang Xinyu) 张新宇、刘世武访谈录 Interview with Zhang Xinyu, Liu Shiwu 编辑乔倩 Editor | Qiao Qian 当我们谈论元宇宙时,我们在谈论什么? When we talk about the meta universe, what are we talking about? 有人说,元宇宙是一个分散的技术乌托邦和虚拟乌托邦。在元宇宙中,我们可以做所有现实世界不能做的事情。 Some people say that the meta universe is a decentralized technological utopia and virtual Utopia. In the meta universe, we can do all the things that the real world can't do. 有人还说,元宇宙将再次创造无数财富,这与互联网和移动互联网的划时代机遇不相上下。因此,我们都必须在元宇宙中。 Some people also say that the meta universe will create countless wealth again, which is comparable to the epoch-making opportunities of the Internet and mobile Internet. Therefore, we must all in the meta universe. 也有人说,元宇宙并不是一个巨人在未来掌握的沉浸式虚拟现实游戏,而是目前所有技术进步的另一种表现。一旦达到奇点,可以说人类已经进入了元宇宙时代。 Others say that the meta universe is not a VR game with great immersion mastered by a giant in the future, but another expression of all the technological progress taking place at present. Once a singularity is reached, it can be said that mankind ha

Where did musk spend all his money?

这一次,埃隆·马斯克频繁地在屏幕上滑动。 This time, Elon Musk swiped the screen frequently. 上周一10月25日,特斯拉的市值超过1万亿美元,成为继苹果、亚马逊、谷歌和微软之后的万亿美元俱乐部的新成员。特斯拉的市值也超过了丰田、大众和通用等11家老牌汽车公司的总和。 On October 25 last Monday, Tesla's market value exceeded $1 trillion and became a new member of the trillion dollar club after apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Tesla's market value also exceeds the sum of 11 old car companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen and GM. 这是马斯克最近的惊喜。早在2015年,他就预测特斯拉的市值将超过苹果,成为第一家市值超过万亿美元的公司。这个预言没有实现。2018年8月,苹果市值超过1万亿美元,成为美国第一家市值超过1万亿美元的公司。2020年8月,苹果的市值超过2万亿美元,成为第一家市值超过2万亿美元的公司。苹果目前的市值为2500亿美元。 This is a late surprise for musk. As early as 2015, he predicted that Tesla's market value should surpass apple and become the first company with a market value of more than $trillion. This prediction failed to come true. In August 2018, Apple's market value exceeded $1 trillion, becoming the first company in the United States with a market value of more than $1 trillion. In August 2020, Apple's

The double 11 dilemma of small and medium-sized businesses: they can't escape and can't afford to play

当时商家参与活动时,平台会给予补贴,但提供的商品必须是全网最低的价格,至少提供10000件库存。 At that time, when businesses participated in activities, the platform would give subsidies, but the goods provided must be the lowest price in the whole network, and at least 10000 pieces of inventory should be provided. "我们以10元左右的价格销售小吃和日用品。我们与厂商谈过合作事宜。平台通过后,产品由平台销售给主播。我们有很多东西,原价超过10元,平台补贴10元。用户只需要几元钱就可以购买。"他回忆道。 "We sold snacks and daily necessities for about 10 yuan. We talked to the manufacturer about cooperation. After the platform was approved, the products were sold by the platform to the anchor. We had a lot of things with an original price of more than 10 yuan, and the platform subsidized 10 yuan. Users only needed a few yuan to buy them," he recalled. 有一天,可能会有多个主播同时播出,飞鱼的店铺订单开始飙升,当天卖出了40多万份订单。突然,命令爆发了。该平台要求确保5分钟的响应速度,并在48小时内交付货物。他只能雇佣20多名临时客户服务人员,制造商开始雇佣临时人员送货。 One day, there may be multiple anchors broadcasting at the same time, and the shop orders of flying fish began to soar, selling more than 400000 ord

Will the meta universe be the "polar paradise" of mankind in the future?

邢善虎在接受《南方人周刊》采访时说:"当我开始做《重启世界》时,我从未听说过元宇宙的概念。后来,我发现我们在做元宇宙。"。 "When I started to do 'restart the world', I never heard of the concept of meta universe. Later, I found out that we were doing meta universe," Xing Shanhu told Southern People Weekly. 当时,roblox已经在线11年了,但这种模式在中国没有先例。"在评估了这个项目后,我们认为没有3亿到5亿元我们就做不到。"邢善虎回忆说,几乎所有公司高管都投了反对票。 At that time, roblox had been online for 11 years, but this model had no precedent in China. "After evaluating this project, we thought we couldn't do it without 300 to 500 million yuan." Xing Shanhu recalled that almost all executives of the company voted against it. 钱很快就用光了。当时,他甚至犹豫是否接受价值2000万美元的区块链以太网货币。"如果你不能,你就不能用虚拟货币,否则你就买不起。" Money soon ran short. At that time, he even hesitated to accept Ethernet currency from the blockchain, which was worth US $20 million. "If you can't, you can't do it with virtual currency, otherwise you can't afford it." 听了项目介绍后,刘二海说:"不要索要虚拟货币。

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