
Apple M1 MacBook Air / Pro screen cracks in normal use

It home news 7月31日,外国媒体9to5 MAC报道称,有多起报道称,苹果M1 MacBook的屏幕在正常使用过程中破裂,M1 MacBook Air和M1 MacBook Pro均受到影响。 It home news on July 31, foreign media 9to5 MAC reported that there were several reports that the screen of Apple's M1 MacBook cracked during normal use of the device, and both M1 MacBook Air and M1 MacBook Pro were affected. 在某些情况下,苹果免费维修或更换了这台机器,而大多数其他用户则被收取了费用。 In some cases, Apple has repaired or replaced the machine for free, while most other users have been charged. "我也是。把它放在我的桌子上——当你回家打开它时,它就裂开了。" "So am I. Put it on my desk -- when you get home and open it, it cracks. " "我们四个月前买了一台M1 MacBook Air。上周末,我妻子在Netflix上看了一部电影,调整了边缘的屏幕以改变视角。屏幕变黑,左侧只有一个区域有不规则的亮线。我把MacBook Air带到当地的苹果专卖店,他们告诉我我妻子造成了压力裂缝,这不在保修范围内。维修费是725美元,这让我很难过。当屏幕断裂时,其角度不应改变。" "We bought an M1 MacBook Air four months ago. Last weekend, my wife watched a movie on Netflix and adjusted the screen at the edge to change the viewing angle. The screen turned black and only one area on th

Hongxing Erke system collapsed, and the consumption logic of Internet heavy users changed

徐坦 Xu Tan 7月29日凌晨,红星二科发出紧急通知。由于短期订单激增,公司系统崩溃,仓库空无一人。这已经达到了许多企业想要的理想状态。在这个品牌被收购并崩溃之前,它应该有多热。 In the early morning of July 29, Hongxing Erke issued an emergency notice. Due to the surge of short-term orders, the company's system crashed and the warehouse was empty. This has reached the ideal state that many enterprises want. How hot should the brand be before it can be bought and collapsed. 如果不是河南省洪灾中的5000万捐款,红星二科实际上将是一个逐渐远离消费者的品牌。特别是"Z一代"(95后和00后)的大量互联网用户和新消费品牌的大量用户。 If it had not been for the 50 million donation in the flood in Henan Province, Hongxing Erke would actually be a brand that is gradually moving away from consumers. Especially for the "Z generation" (post-95 and Post-00) of heavy Internet users and heavy users of new consumer brands. 红星二科于2000年创立于"中国鞋都"晋江,与安踏、特步、匹克、361du、高贵鸟相比,红星二科严重落后。2020年收入28.43亿元,净亏损2.2亿元,安踏收入355.1亿元。 Hongxing Erke was founded in Jinjiang, the "shoe capital of China" in 2000. Compared with Anta, Tebu, peak, 36

IBM develops AI model to predict the progress of Parkinson's disease and build the world's largest longitudinal patient database

人工智能在医疗领域的应用正在取得突破。IBM已经开发了帕金森病的人工智能统计模型,并有望建立迄今为止最大的帕金森病患者纵向数据库,以帮助医生更好地了解这一目前无法治愈的神经退行性疾病。 The application of artificial intelligence in medical treatment is making breakthroughs. IBM has developed an artificial intelligence statistical model of Parkinson's disease and is expected to establish the largest longitudinal database of Parkinson's patients so far to help doctors better understand this currently incurable neurodegenerative disease. "人工智能提供了一个很好的解决方案。它利用新技术对精神疾病进行客观、长期和大规模的研究,进行计算机建模,开发和形成系统的工具和方法。"陈天桥在接受第一财经记者采访时说,"我们的目标是将局部数据转化为整体数据,将短期数据转化为长期数据,主观数据转化为客观数据,少量数据转化为全部数据。" "Artificial intelligence provides a good solution. It uses new technology to carry out objective, long-term and large population research on mental diseases, carry out computer modeling, and develop and form systematic tools and methods." Chen Tianqiao said in an interview with the first financial reporter, "our goal is to turn local data into overall data, short-

Xiaolong 888 overturned, Xiaomi 11ultra was hot like a warm hand treasure, and Xiaomi responded to the positive internal test equilibrium mode

作者/艾金融通讯社迟文 Author / AI financial news agency Chi Wen 编辑/游勇 Editor / you Yong 7月30日,小米社区针对小米11 ultra在日常使用中出现的供暖问题发布公告。小米表示,小米手机的均衡模式已经进入内部测试阶段。普通用户默认均衡模式,基本平稳省电(预计8月推出)。根据不同的应用,智能切换分辨率和刷新率,对后台应用(包括后台联网、大小核调度、同步、唤醒、锁定等)的控制更加严格。在保证流畅的同时,提高手机的耐久性,减少异常发热。 On July 30, Xiaomi community issued an announcement in response to the heating problem of Xiaomi 11 ultra during daily use. Xiaomi said that the equalization mode of Xiaomi mobile phone has been in the internal test stage. Ordinary users default the equalization mode, which is basically smooth in power saving (it is expected to be launched in August). According to different applications, it can intelligently switch the resolution and refresh rate, and be more strict in the control of background applications (including background networking, large and small core scheduling, synchronization, wake-up, locking, etc.). While ensuring fluency, improve the endurance of the mobile phone and reduce abnormal heating. 公告称,修复后的代码将首先在开发版本中进行验证,验证稳定后将陆

Is Ballmer really the most "failed" Microsoft CEO?

7月28日,微软发布了2021年全年财务报告,年收入同比增长18%,净利润同比增长38%。微软成立46年后,作为硅谷的一个老巨人,它的增长仍然稳定——"大象"还在跳舞。 On July 28, Microsoft released the full year financial report of 2021. The annual revenue increased by 18% compared with the same period last year, and the net profit increased by 38% year-on-year. 46 years after its establishment, as an old giant in Silicon Valley, Microsoft's growth is still steady - "elephant" is still dancing. 就在一个月前,微软成为继苹果之后市值超过2万亿美元的第二家上市公司。来自世界各地的掌声献给了微软现任首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉。随着azure云计算平台的季度同比增长超过50%,微软的股价在他任职的七年中飙升了六倍。微软甚至打破了这一先例,将董事长兼首席执行官的双重王冠授予了"金童"。 Just a month ago, Microsoft became the second listed company with a market value of more than $2 trillion after apple. Applause from all over the world was dedicated to the current Microsoft CEO Satya NADELLA. With the quarterly growth of more than 50% year-on-year of azure cloud computing platform, Microsoft's share price soared six times in his seven years in office. Microsoft even broke the prec

Fresh e-commerce escape: an attempt destined to lose money?

但站在最后并不意味着笑在最后。远低于预期的每日优鲜上市将被打破,定东蔬菜收购融资将减少70%。在"烧钱"求生存的大趋势下,他们似乎已经走在了行业的前列。目前尚不清楚他们能否挽救人头离开、用户流失和内外部困难的危机。 But standing last doesn't mean laughing last. It is far less than expected that the daily excellent fresh listing will break, and the Ding Dong vegetable purchase financing will be reduced by 70%. Under the general trend of "burning money" to survive, it seems that they have been at the forefront of the industry. It is unknown whether they can save the crisis of head departure, user loss and internal and external difficulties. 在"烧钱"的过度催化下,这场竞选没有赢家。 There was no winner in this campaign over catalyzed by "burning money". 出气口已经通过,领导和消费者已经逃离 The air outlet has passed, and leaders and consumers have fled 张昌明是美团优化、橙心优化、星盛优化、石晖集团等多个社区团购负责人,他在过去两个月里不再提到让邻居来他的朋友圈里买菜。"事情很麻烦,赚不了多少钱,所以他就是不干。" Zhang Changming, who is the head of group buying in many communities such as meituan optimization, orange heart optimization, Xingsheng optimization

Today's in-depth selection Tesla has to rely on it if they want to reduce prices again; AI talent high salary myth shattered

今日关注: Focus today: 有了它,特斯拉将再次降价 With it, Tesla will cut prices again 随着汽车制造新势力的崛起,以及华为、小米、360等科技企业的进入,具有先发优势的阿波罗计划的存在感越来越弱。事实上,百度的自动驾驶仪系统还没有大规模生产。 With the rise of new forces in car making and the entry of technology enterprises such as Huawei, Xiaomi and 360, the sense of existence of Apollo program with first mover advantage is becoming weaker and weaker. As a matter of fact, there is no large-scale production of Baidu's autopilot system. 网民逃离"住房补贴区" Internet people flee the "housing subsidy area" Link: update time:2021-07-31 17:18:08

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