
North Korea has "Red Star OS". Why doesn't China have its own operating system?

重点 Key points 作者:腾讯新闻知识官扎克·晓生 Author: Zach Xiaosheng, news knowledge officer of Tencent 近年来,全球核心短缺问题引起了广泛关注。与此同时,中国芯片工业和光刻机的困难也一再被提及。但除了芯片和光刻胶,还有一项技术在中国被反复提及:操作系统。 Recently, the problem of global core shortage has aroused comprehensive attention. At the same time, the difficulties of China's chip industry and lithography machine have been repeatedly mentioned. But in addition to chips and photoresists, there is another technology repeatedly mentioned in China: the operating system. 在2月底的华为mate x2新闻发布会上,华为消费业务CEO于成东宣布,华为旗舰手机可能从今年4月起升级至harmonyos 2.0。 At the Huawei mate x2 press conference at the end of February, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, announced that Huawei's flagship mobile phones could be upgraded to harmonyos 2.0 from April this year. 华为鸿蒙自诞生之日起就被视为自主研发的国产操作系统,可以与Android和IOS抗衡。但真的是这样吗?除了宏盟,我们还有哪些国产操作系统?这些操作系统是独立开发的吗?我们有必要开发一个独立的操作系统吗?操作系统的开发有多困难? Since its birth, Huawei Hongmeng has been regarded as a domestic operating system developed independent

Looking forward to Xiaomi Huawei's entry, apple and Samsung will not be lonely. What's the winning chance for mobile phone manufacturers to build cars?

3月30日,小米正式宣布进军智能电动车领域。 On March 30, Xiaomi officially announced that it would march into intelligent electric vehicles. 同日晚,小米宣布了智能电动汽车项目获批。根据规划,小米将成立全资子公司负责智能电动车业务,初期投资100亿元人民币,预计未来10年投资100亿美元。雷军还将担任智能电动车业务的CEO。 In the evening of the same day, Xiaomi announced the project approval of intelligent electric vehicles. According to the plan, Xiaomi will set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to be responsible for the intelligent electric vehicle business, with an initial investment of 10 billion yuan and an estimated investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun will also be the CEO of the smart electric vehicle business. 从今年1月15日到今天的确认,在不到100天的时间里,小米毅然决定"过关"。为此,雷军表示,进入智能汽车行业是小米历史上最重要的决定,也是他一生中最后一个重大创业项目。他愿意用毕生的名誉打赌,带领团队为小米而战。 From January 15 this year to today's confirmation, in less than 100 days, Xiaomi resolutely decided to "cross the border". To this end, Lei Jun said that entering the smart car industry is the most important decision in the histo

Behind the five-day shutdown of Weilai: the import rate of chips reaches 90%, how can domestic chips break the situation?

在以华为为代表的国产手机被国外卡住脖子后,人们突然意识到芯片的重要性。最近,这股"芯片故障潮"已经蔓延到汽车行业。 After Huawei, the representative of domestic mobile phones, was stuck in the neck by foreign countries, people suddenly realized the importance of chips. Recently, this "tide of chip failure" has extended to the automotive industry. 威莱宣布合肥工厂停产5天后,其股价连续两天下跌。截至3月30日,威莱美股收盘报35.53美元/股,累计下跌6.49%。 Five days after Weilai announced that the Hefei plant would stop production, its stock price fell for two consecutive days. As of March 30, Weilai's US stock closed at US $35.53 per share, a cumulative decline of 6.49%. 小芯片为什么能直接导致汽车停产? Why can a small chip directly cause the car to stop production? 如果以人体为类比,芯片就相当于人脑和中枢系统。芯片也因类型不同而用于不同的产品中。比如通信芯片适用于手机,CPU适用于电脑,汽车级芯片是指适合汽车电子元器件规格和标准的芯片。虽然威莱没有透露具体的芯片型号,但不少专家认为,主要原因是板载MCU芯片和IGBT芯片不足。 If we use the human body as an analogy, the chip is equivalent to the human brain and central system. Chips are also used in different products because of different types. For example, commu

Hello launched its own brand accommodation business "Hello inn" and "Hello Hotel"

针对这一事件,哈萨克斯坦3月30日表示,"感谢大家的关注,对这一事件不予置评。" In response to the incident, Kazakhstan said on March 30, "thank you for your attention and do not comment on the incident." 据"哈尔滨饭店"一位员工介绍,目前合肥有3家哈尔滨品牌饭店,成都有1家,近期广州、武汉等城市将有加盟店。该店类似于奥尤酒店的轻加盟模式,操作更方便。 According to an employee of "Harbin Hotel", there are three Harbin brand hotels in Hefei and one in Chengdu, and there will be franchisees in Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities in the near future. The store is similar to the Oyo Hotel light join mode, more convenient operation. 2017年,Oyo模式进入国内后,掀起了一股旋风,带动了中小型单身酒店的普及。18个月,在全国范围内赢得50万间客房,覆盖300多个三四线城市,提高了本地酒店的连锁率,使国内众多传统连锁酒店和新兴互联网企业纷纷步入正轨,如华珠H连锁酒店、通珠程义龙的奥宇,美团的光明大酒店等纷纷推出疯狂的加盟业务。 In 2017, after the Oyo model entered the country, it set off a whirlwind, driving the popularity of small and medium-sized single hotels. In 18 months, it won 500000 guest rooms nationwide, covering more than 300 third and fourth tier cities, and improved the chain rate of local hotels, whi

Hyundai confirmed: Korean factory will stop production in April due to chip shortage

现代汽车表示,供货涉及科纳SUV的前视摄像头系统和IONIQ 5电动车的电动模块。公司正密切关注这一情况,以便及时采取必要措施,根据供应情况优化生产。蔚山第一工厂年产能31.1万辆,包括科纳SUV和IONIQ 5。 Hyundai said the supply concerns the forward-looking camera system of the Kona SUV and the electric module of the IONIQ 5 electric vehicle. The company is paying close attention to the situation in order to take the necessary measures in time and optimize production according to the supply situation. The annual capacity of Ulsan No.1 plant is 311000 vehicles, including Kona SUV and IONIQ 5. 据路透社上月报道,现代是受芯片短缺影响最小的汽车制造商之一,主要原因是它持有大量芯片库存,这与其他全球同行不同。 Hyundai is one of the automakers least affected by the shortage of chips, Reuters reported last month, mainly because it holds a large inventory of chips, which is different from other global peers. 自去年12月以来,芯片短缺的影响日益严重,已经从最初的汽车行业蔓延到包括智能手机在内的消费电子行业。本田和通用上周宣布在北美停产的原因之一是,未来几周的生产将继续短缺。 Since December last year, the impact of chip shortage has become increasingly severe, and has spread from the initial automotive industry to the consumer ele

Luo Yonghao: this "Ming Deng" has no plan to build a car

三岩财经3月31日报道,雷军昨天宣布造车一事引发热议。证券新媒体官方微信"市值风暴"向罗永浩介绍了这个话题,"现在让我们一起祈祷,希望罗永浩老师不要宣布造车。"。 Sanyan Finance reported on March 31 that Lei Jun's announcement of car building yesterday triggered a heated discussion. The securities new media official micro "market value storm" introduced the topic to Luo Yonghao, "now let's pray together, I hope teacher Luo Yonghao will not announce car building.". 对此,罗永浩本人表示,自己没有造车的打算,并回击:"即使我下决心要卖XX,也不会搞金融、市值等方面的事情。" In response, Luo Yonghao himself said that he had no plan to build a car, and hit back: "even if I am down to selling XX, I will not engage in finance, market value and other things." Link: update time:2021-03-31 14:51:27

Weima automobile Shen Hui sent a blessing to Lei Jun to build an electric car

小米正式宣布造车的消息在全行业引起轰动。 The news of Xiaomi's official announcement on the construction of the car caused a sensation in the whole industry. 根据官方公告,董事会已正式批准智能电动汽车业务项目,并计划设立全资子公司,由集团董事长雷军担任CEO。初期投资100亿元,预计未来10年投资100亿美元。雷军是智能电动车业务的CEO。 According to the official announcement, the board of directors has officially approved the project of smart electric vehicle business and plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary with Lei Jun, chairman of the group, as CEO. The initial investment is 10 billion yuan, and the investment is expected to be 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun is the CEO of the smart electric vehicle business. 3月30日晚,雷军在社交平台上撰文称"迎来新的转型,成为电动车行业的新兵"。 On the evening of March 30, Lei Jun wrote on the social platform that he "ushered in a new transformation and became a new soldier in the electric vehicle industry.". 对此,业内资深人士、威马汽车创始人沈晖在一篇文章中表示,一个人最大的魅力在于他卷起袖子努力工作的独特诚意和勇气。从来没有一个成功的企业家,但成功的人会为自己的梦想而奋斗。沈晖说,这个领域非常广阔,希望能和雷军一起发力。 In this regard, Shen H

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