Huya brings "Street Fighter: Duel", and the ecology of live broadcast and distribution will change again
12月8日,几位虎牙主播在客厅里带来货物。与我们的理解不同,这次我们带来的商品是手机游戏《街头霸王:决斗》中的"虚拟道具"。 On December 8, several anchors of tiger tooth brought goods in the live room. Different from our understanding, the goods we brought this time were "virtual props" in the mobile game "street bully: Duel". 直播游戏和游戏之间的互动越来越强 The interaction between live games and games is getting stronger and stronger 自2014年直播游戏平台爆发式发展以来,我们看到直播游戏平台对中国游戏产业的巨大影响。 Since the explosive development of live game platform in 2014, we have seen that live game platform has a huge impact on China's game industry. 电子竞技迅速发展的一个重要原因是游戏直播平台的出现,它提供了电子竞技用户与电子竞技赛事之间的双向通道。 One of the most important reasons for the rapid development of E-sports is the emergence of live game platform, which provides a two-way channel between E-sports users and E-sports events. 除了电子竞技,在产品方面,从几年前的《狼人杀戮》和《绝地生存》到《糖豆侠》和《氨我们》,直播游戏平台的影响力开始全方位体现今年,从像《地下城与勇士》这样的老游戏,到像《国王的荣耀》这样的全国性游戏。 In addition to e-sports, in terms of products, the influence of the live g...