
Huya brings "Street Fighter: Duel", and the ecology of live broadcast and distribution will change again

12月8日,几位虎牙主播在客厅里带来货物。与我们的理解不同,这次我们带来的商品是手机游戏《街头霸王:决斗》中的"虚拟道具"。 On December 8, several anchors of tiger tooth brought goods in the live room. Different from our understanding, the goods we brought this time were "virtual props" in the mobile game "street bully: Duel". 直播游戏和游戏之间的互动越来越强 The interaction between live games and games is getting stronger and stronger 自2014年直播游戏平台爆发式发展以来,我们看到直播游戏平台对中国游戏产业的巨大影响。 Since the explosive development of live game platform in 2014, we have seen that live game platform has a huge impact on China's game industry. 电子竞技迅速发展的一个重要原因是游戏直播平台的出现,它提供了电子竞技用户与电子竞技赛事之间的双向通道。 One of the most important reasons for the rapid development of E-sports is the emergence of live game platform, which provides a two-way channel between E-sports users and E-sports events. 除了电子竞技,在产品方面,从几年前的《狼人杀戮》和《绝地生存》到《糖豆侠》和《氨我们》,直播游戏平台的影响力开始全方位体现今年,从像《地下城与勇士》这样的老游戏,到像《国王的荣耀》这样的全国性游戏。 In addition to e-sports, in terms of products, the influence of the live g...

SMIC announced the new board of directors, Liang Mengsong still served as co CEO

记者彭欣 Reporter Peng Xin 12月31日晚,中芯国际最新公布的董事名单显示,梁梦松仍然是联席CEO。中芯国际董事会成员包括董事长周子雪、副董事长蒋尚义、联席首席执行官赵海军、梁梦松、首席财务官高永刚、非执行董事陈尚志、周杰、任凯、陆俊、童国华,以及独立非执行董事威廉·图多尔·布朗、刘遵义、范仁达、杨光磊。 On the evening of December 31, according to the latest list of directors released by SMIC, Liang Mengsong is still the co CEO. SMIC's board of directors includes chairman Zhou Zixue, vice chairman Jiang Shangyi, CO CEOs Zhao Haijun and Liang Mengsong, chief financial officer Gao Yonggang, non-executive directors Chen Shanzhi, Zhou Jie, Ren Kai, Lu Jun and Tong Guohua, and independent non-executive directors William Tudor brown, Liu Zunyi, fan Renda and Yang Guanglei. 在此之前,中芯国际先后公布了两条重要人事消息:尚未走出武汉红心风暴的台积电老总蒋尚义将出任第二大;负责研发的联席CEO梁梦松拟辞职。中芯国际当时表示,"正在积极向梁梦松核实自己的真实愿望",梁梦松也是唯一一位弃权任命江尚义的董事,但没有给出理由。 Before that, SMIC successively announced two important personnel news: Jiang Shangyi, the veteran of TSMC, who has not yet stepped out of the Wuhan Hongxin storm, will take the post of second leader; Liang Mengsong, the co CEO ...

US media: Chinese electric vehicle enterprises challenge Tesla

据美国媒体12月31日报道,特斯拉去年在上海开设了一家价值数十亿美元的工厂。得益于其量产汽车,特斯拉今年的高端电动车月销量排名第一。但2020年也是竞争对手迎头赶上的一年。2021年,特斯拉将面临前所未有的激烈竞争。一直站在国内三大电动汽车厂商的前列,与小鹏、小鹏、特斯拉竞争。 According to US media reports on December 31, Tesla opened a multi billion dollar factory in Shanghai last year. Thanks to its mass-produced cars, Tesla ranks first in monthly sales of high-end electric vehicles this year. But 2020 is also a year for competitors to catch up. In 2021, Tesla will face more competitive battles than ever before. Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal, the three local electric vehicle manufacturers in China, have been standing in the front line of competition with Tesla. 中国市场非常重要 The Chinese market is very important 中新网12月29日电据彭博社网站29日消息,特斯拉能否捍卫在中国的领先地位,将是决定其长期增长和盈利轨迹的关键。尽管中国的电动汽车市场还处于起步阶段,但在规模上已经让其他国家相形见绌,中国决心进一步扩大这一市场,同时承诺减少化石燃料的使用。特斯拉在中国的命运也将表明它能否成长为真正的全球汽车制造商,这也是今年将特斯拉股价推高近7倍后投资者的高期望。 Whether Tesla can defend its leading position in China will be the key to determine its longer-term growth and profit trajectory, according to th...

What are the top ten rumors in the circle of friends in 2020?

2020年朋友圈十大谣言 Top ten rumors in the circle of friends in 2020 1万一粮食短缺,我们应该赶紧收米换油 1. In case of food shortage, we should rush to collect rice for oil 典型谣言样本 Typical rumor samples 传言说:"受疫情影响,国内粮荒,要抓紧囤米抢油。" Rumor said: "affected by the epidemic, the domestic food shortage, we should quickly hoard rice to grab oil." 真相: truth: 对此,农业农村部、国家粮食和物资储备局等部门回应:"我国粮食生产库存充足,市场货源充足,价格稳定,米面供应充足,无需抢购囤积。"。所以你可以放心。 In response, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the State Food and materials reserve bureau and other departments responded: "China's grain production and inventory are sufficient, the market goods are sufficient, the price is stable, the supply of rice and noodles is abundant, there is no need to rush to buy and hoard.". So you can rest assured. 2、大蒜水和大蒜酒可杀灭新型冠状病毒。 2, novel coronavirus can be killed by garlic water and liquor. 典型谣言样本 Typical rumor samples 疫情期间,一张"偏方"在网上流传:"吃大蒜喝高级白酒能消灭新冠状病毒,效果比其他防疫用品好。" During the epidemic...

The New York Stock Exchange will delist three Chinese operators in accordance with the trump administration's executive order

纽约证券交易所12月31日宣布,为了符合特朗普政府的行政命令,禁止美国人投资"有军事背景的中国企业",它将取消三家中国公司、中国联通(香港)、中国移动和中国电信。 The New York Stock Exchange announced on December 31 that in order to comply with the trump administration's executive order prohibiting Americans from investing in "Chinese enterprises with military background", it will delist three Chinese companies, China Unicom (Hong Kong), China Mobile and China Telecom. 根据交易所的声明,中国移动、中国电信和中国联通(香港)将于1月7日至1月11日取消。 According to the statement of the exchange, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom (Hong Kong) will be delisted from January 7 to January 11. Link: update time:2021-01-01 10:36:56

Luo Zhenyu's New Year speech: we live in a digital system, and you can let everyone see it at any time

腾讯科技12月31日消息,罗振宇今晚举行新年致辞《时间的朋友》。这一次,他解释了什么是"时间的朋友":分工合作,让彼此更好;互相认同,互相帮助。 Tencent science and technology on December 31, Luo Zhenyu held the new year's speech "Friends of time" tonight. This time, he explained what is "Friends of time": working hard separately, making each other better; identifying with each other and helping each other. 只要我们同时在同一个社区,就会产生"朋友"效应。 As long as we are in the same community at the same time, there will be a "friend" effect. 罗振宇说,中国是一个有组织的网络。该网络规模大、层次丰富、轮回密集。它既有力量又有灵活性。这是我们这一代人信心和信心的源泉。 Luo Zhenyu said that China is an organized network. This network is large in scale, rich in layers and dense in turns. It has both strength and flexibility. This is the origin of the confidence and confidence of our generation. 至于生活方式,罗振宇说,长大后要学会与制度共同进化。因为在未来的数字系统中,一个人的价值,你的友好、合作和建设性,随时随地都能被所有人看到。好的制度,让人真正看得见。 As for lifestyle, Luo Zhenyu said, we should learn to co evolve with the system when we grow up. Because in the futu...

Xiaopeng will push flying cars by the end of 2021. He Xiaopeng's year-end summary: seeking balance in radical fast running

上市不到半年,小鹏的股价就达到了74.49美元的最高点,比发行价上涨了近400%。 Less than half a year after the listing, the share price of Xiaopeng reached the highest of 74.49 US dollars, up nearly 400% from the issue price. 而去年12月,小鹏汽车以每股2.45亿美元的增发价公布了其在美IPO的增发计划。 In December, Xiaopeng automobile announced the issuance of 48 million additional ads shares, with a public offering price of US $45 per share and a planned fund-raising of US $2.16 billion, which is the largest IPO in the history of China capital stock. 作为小鹏汽车董事长兼CEO,何小鹏参与了腾讯新闻话题微访谈Q(详解),回答了网友关于公司、股价、财富等方面的提问。 As the chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng automobile, he Xiaopeng participated in Tencent News Topic micro interview Q (detailed), answering netizens' questions about the company, stock price, wealth and so on. 至于股价,何小鹏认为,我们不能只关注股价的短期起伏。"短期经营效应将使股价大幅上涨。同样,也可能导致大幅下跌。只有着眼于长远利益,才能实现个人和企业的真正成长。" As for the stock price, he Xiaopeng believes that we can't just focus on the short-term ups and downs of the stock price. "The short-term operation ...

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