Wechat upgraded the youth mode again, and the video Number exclusive content pool went online
6月1日,微信青年模式保护能力再次升级。设置此模式后,青少年只能在微信视频数字平台上观看选定的适合青少年的内容。目前,这一职能正在逐步覆盖。用户可根据视频号码弹出信息或打开"i-settings-youth mode"后更新至最新版本的微信体验。 On June 1, the protection ability of wechat youth mode was upgraded again. After setting this mode, teenagers can only watch the selected content suitable for teenagers on wechat video number platform. At present, this function is gradually covering. Users can update to the latest version of wechat and experience it according to the pop-up message of video number or after "i-settings-youth mode" is opened. 据微信学校官方账号显示,开通微信青少年模式后,无论是"我关注的内容"还是平台推荐的"青少年内容",孩子们都可以用自己的眼睛了解他人,通过自己的眼睛了解世界。 According to the WeChat school's official account, after opening the WeChat youth model, children can use their own eyes to understand others and understand the world through their own eyes, whether it is "the content of my attention" or the content of "teenage content" recommended by the platform. 同时,2021年5月底,微信团队全面升级了青年...