
Weima auto IPO: 51 year old founder, with a valuation of 37 billion yuan

新能源汽车的神奇场景出现:又一股新车制造力量冲向科技创新板。 Magic scenes of new energy vehicles appear: another new car making force rushes to the science and technology innovation board. 据《投资新闻》报道,上海证监局1月29日公告,威马汽车具备在科技创新板上市的指导受理和申请条件。这意味着,威马汽车已经完成上市指引,如果不出意外,不久将正式提交招股说明书,有望成为首个登陆科技创新板的新车制造力量。 According to investment news, Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau announced on January 29 that Weima automobile has the conditions for guidance acceptance and application for listing on science and technology innovation board. This means that Weima automobile has completed the listing guidance, and if there is no accident, it will formally submit the prospectus soon, which is expected to become the first new car making force to land on the science and technology innovation board. 威马汽车成立以来,共经历了12次增资,融资总额超过300亿元。背后是国内外投资者,包括产业投资者、互联网巨头、基金"国家队"和顶级VC/PE风险投资基金。根据《2020年世界独角兽500强企业排行榜》,威马汽车估值已达58.57亿美元(约合378亿元人民币)。 Since its establishment, Weima automobile has gone through 12 capital increases, with a total financing a

There is no bolt on the gate of the car Hailing circuit

编者按:除了地铁、公交等公共交通工具外,共享单车、滴滴等共享交通工具也成为人们出行的首选。作为网约车领域的领头羊,滴滴近年来的竞争对手越来越多。它也在拓展业务领域,希望创造更多的商业价值。本文对网上租车领域进行了深入的分析,希望能对大家有所帮助。 Editor's Guide: in addition to the subway, bus and other public transport, sharing bicycles, didi and other sharing vehicles have also become the first choice for people to travel. As a leader in the field of online car hailing, Didi has more and more competitors in recent years. It is also expanding its business territory, hoping to create more business value. In this paper, the author makes an in-depth analysis of the field of online car hailing, hoping to help you. 互联网公司所信奉的网络效应和风口理论,怎么可能在网络购车市场行不通呢? How can the network effect and tuyere theory that Internet companies believe in not work in the online car Hailing market? 01原"四宗罪":"安全区>护城河"的弱网络效应 01 original "four crimes": the weak network effect of "safe area > moat" 在一个仍在自然成长的行业里,行业参与者就像顺流而下的船只。即使他们保持现状,什么也不做,他们仍然可以成长。通常,他们可能会做小规模的修补,但他们对大的创新不感兴趣,或者他们不是那么迫切。 In

buy whatever you want! Some people spend millions a year to indulge in blind box, how can they not be "pit"?

原题:不能停止购买!有的人一年花几百万沉迷于盲箱怎么不被"坑"? Original title: can't stop buying! Some people spend millions a year addicted to blind box how not to be "pit"? 如今,越来越多的年轻消费者沉迷于盲盒。1月26日,中国消费者协会在其官方网站发布消费警示,指出盲盒市场存在四大问题 Nowadays, more and more young consumers are addicted to blind box. On January 26, China Consumer Association issued a consumption warning on its official website, pointing out four major problems in the blind box market 1、 商家的过度营销让消费者上瘾。 1、 Excessive marketing of businesses makes consumers addicted. 2、 商家涉嫌虚假宣传,所获商品与宣传不符。 2、 The merchant is suspected of false publicity, and the goods they get are inconsistent with the publicity. 3、 产品质量难以保证。假冒伪劣产品和"三不"产品时有发生。 3、 It is difficult to guarantee the quality of products. Fake and shoddy products and "three no" products appear from time to time. 4、 消费纠纷难以解决,售后服务有待提高。 4、 Consumer disputes are difficult to solve, and after-sales service needs to be improved. 什么是盲盒?盲盒时尚是什么时候开始的?为什么人们可以再买再买,然后把钱投进去?我们怎样才

Sweden's medical system is the most developed among the five Nordic countries. Why is the fatality rate the highest?

要点: Key points: 全世界新增牙冠感染人数超过1亿! The number of new crown infections in the world exceeded 100 million! 大约一个月后,另一份官方报告对人口免疫发表了评论。这消息来自英国公共卫生部。 About a month later, another official report commented on the population immunization. The news came from the public health England. 什么是大规模免疫? What is mass immunity? 这要从传染病的流行规律入手。 This should start with the epidemic law of infectious diseases. 传染病在人群中持续传播的必要条件有三个:传染源、传播途径和易感人群。阻止传染病传播,就是要控制以上三个因素:一方面控制传染源,另一方面切断传播途径,另一方面保护易感人群。 There are three indispensable conditions for an infectious disease to continue to spread among people: source of infection, route of transmission and susceptible population. To stop the spread of infectious diseases is to control the above three factors: on the one hand, to control the source of infection, on the other hand, to cut off the route of transmission, and on the other hand, to protect the susceptible population. 所谓群体免疫,原本是疫苗接种领域使用的一个术语,意思是当人群中有相当数量的人具有免疫力时,就可以有效地保护易感者。换句话说,当病原体传播到他们身上时,传播途径就被阻断了。 The so-called

More than five kinds of vaccines have been put into use, and more than 30 million people have been vaccinated. Is the new crown vaccine safe?

新型冠状病毒肺炎已经把全球后腿拖到了第二年。1月26日,全球新确诊病例已突破1亿例。然而,人与疾病之间的决定性战斗将建立在疫苗的使用上。不是生病就是生病。 The novel coronavirus pneumonia has been dragging the global hind legs into the second year. On January 26, the number of new confirmed cases in the world has exceeded 100 million. However, the decisive battle between people and diseases will be based on the use of vaccines. Either people get sick or get sick or get sick. 世界上有多少种新疫苗 How many new vaccines in the world 2021年1月19日,联合国和世界卫生组织关于全球疫苗的最新报告是,目前,该机构疫苗注册平台上有52种新的冠状病毒疫苗处于临床评价阶段,162种疫苗处于临床前评价阶段。 On January 19, 2021, the latest report of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (who) on global vaccines is that at present, there are 52 new coronal vaccines in the clinical evaluation stage and 162 vaccines in the preclinical evaluation stage on the agency's vaccine registration platform. 这些疫苗可分为核酸疫苗、灭活疫苗、腺病毒载体疫苗、重组蛋白疫苗和减毒疫苗五大类。 These vaccines can be divided into five categories: nucleic acid vaccine, inactivated vaccine, adenovirus vector va

Xiaomi suddenly released the space charging technology, and the mobile phone has said goodbye to the anxiety of battery life?

现实生活的发展似乎比小说世界的发展要快得多。前天,小米正式发布了空间隔离充电技术,并宣布在小米11上率先实现。 The development of real life seems to be much faster than that of the novel world. The day before yesterday, Xiaomi officially released the space isolation charging technology, and announced that it was the first to realize it on Xiaomi 11. 无线时代来临了吗? Is the wireless age coming? 空间电荷的作用是什么? What's the effect of space charge? 综上所述,亮点如下: To sum up, the highlights are as follows: 真正的无线充电 Real wireless charging 充电半径可达数米,移动充电,边充边玩 Charging radius up to several meters, mobile charging, play while charging 单设备最高5W,也可支持多设备5W同时充电(未指定最大设备数) Single device up to 5W, can also support multi device 5W charging at the same time (does not specify the maximum number of devices) 不怕被异物覆盖(异物的厚度和材质没有规定) Not afraid to be covered by foreign matters (the thickness and material of foreign matters are not specified) 隔离充电的概念并不新鲜 The concept of isolated charging is not new 这是一项"老技术",让沉闷的长数字圈掀起了关于小水雾空间隔离充电的讨论。 It's an "old technology"

Tesla: it's all the user's fault

日前,南昌特斯拉新车车主涂先生遇到了麻烦,"购买特斯拉Model 3仅6天,用特斯拉官方超级充电桩充电后,突然断电无法启动,车窗也关不上,只能用一张纸挡住。"。 "After purchasing the Tesla Model 3 for only 6 days and charging it with the official super charging pile of Tesla, the power suddenly turned off and it couldn't be started, and the window couldn't be closed, so it could only be blocked with a piece of paper." A few days ago, Mr. Tu, the owner of Tesla's new car in Nanchang, encountered troubles. 据涂先生说,他用特斯拉超级充电桩给汽车充电。当他拔下充电插头准备离开时,汽车剧烈震动,一系列故障代码显示在主屏幕上。 According to Mr. Tu, he charged the car on the Tesla super charging pile. When he pulled off the charging plug and was ready to leave, the car vibrated violently and a series of fault codes were displayed on the main screen. 特斯拉售后人员检查车辆后表示,国家电网电流过大,是瞬时电流过载造成的。很快,"国网南昌供电公司"在其官方微博上回应称,该电源线并未与电动车直接相连,电源线电压保持稳定。 After Tesla's after-sales personnel inspected the vehicle, they said that the current of the state grid was too large, which was caused by the instantaneou

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