
First line: Suning announces: Jiangsu Football Club stops operation

在此,我要向所有球员和教练的辛勤工作,向与俱乐部同甘共苦的球迷,向中国足协,向江苏省各级政府部门,向关心、指导、支持俱乐部的新闻界和各界伙伴表示衷心的感谢。 Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the players and coaches for their hard work, the fans who share weal and woe with the club, the Chinese Football Association, the government departments at all levels of Jiangsu Province, the press and the partners from all walks of life who care, guide and support the club. 从对外投资孵化阶段到长期自主发展,是足球产业社会化、职业化、市场化、可持续发展的必由之路,也是江苏足球俱乐部发展的方向。然而,由于各种不可控因素的叠加,江苏足球俱乐部无法有效保证继续征战中超和亚冠。半年来,俱乐部多方寻求承接,以极大的诚意转让俱乐部股权,不放弃江苏足球俱乐部继承的机会。在2021赛季结束之际,尽管我们不愿意放弃那些为俱乐部赢得最大荣誉的球员和与俱乐部同甘共苦的球迷,但我们不得不遗憾地宣布,江苏足球俱乐部将从现在起停止旗下球队的运营,同时,我们期待着社会各界有识之士和企业与我们洽谈后续发展。 From the stage of external investment incubation to the long-term independent development, is the only way for the socialization, professionalization, marketization and sustainable development of football industry, and is also the direction of Jiangsu football club's development. However, due to the superposition of various un

80000 people burst! Bitcoin falls below US $45000 / piece

编辑:胡玲 Editor: Hu Ling 根据交易数据,比特币在2月28日11点40分跌破每枚4.5万美元,盘中下跌2.73%。同时,以太坊每台亏损1400美元,盘中跌幅超过4%。莱特币跌至每枚160美元以下,当日下跌7.14%。截至记者发稿,比特币暂报44974.8美元,盘中下跌1126美元。根据比特币的数据主页,近1小时,全网数字货币爆发资金达到9979.57万美元(约6.47亿元人民币);近24小时,全网爆发资金达到4.85亿美元(约31.43亿元人民币),投资者81858人。 According to trading data, bitcoin fell below US $45000 per coin at 11:40 on February 28, down 2.73% within the day. At the same time, Ethereum lost $1400 / piece, down more than 4% within the day. Wright currency fell to below $160 per coin, down 7.14% in the day. As of press release, bitcoin temporarily reported $44974.8, down $1126 within the day. According to the data of bitcoin, in the past one hour, the fund of digital currency burst in the whole network reached US $99.7957 million (about RMB 647 million); in the past 24 hours, the fund of burst in the whole network reached US $485 million (about RMB 3.143 billion), with 81858 investors. Link: update time:2021-02-28 17:33:08

Tesla's employee acceptance rate is less than 0.5%, and even guard musk interviews in person

财经网科技讯据快讯科技报道,马斯克一再强调,自己的招聘不取决于学历,只取决于能力。不过,虽然嘴上这么说,但身上很老实,特斯拉一直只招精英中的精英。 Financial network technology news, according to fast technology news, musk has repeatedly stressed that his recruitment does not depend on academic qualifications, only on ability. However, although the mouth said so, but the body is very honest, Tesla has always only recruited the elite of the elite. 据介绍,spacex的工程师大多是顶尖大学的尖子生,包括门卫在内的前1000名员工都是马斯克亲自面试的。 According to the report, most of space X's engineers are top students in top universities, and the top 1000 employees, including doormen, are interviewed by musk in person. 据了解,space X和特斯拉目前每年收到近100万份简历,就业率不到0.5%,远低于美国许多常春藤名校的录取率。而自成立以来,每个员工的就业都得到了马斯克本人的认可。 It is understood that space X and Tesla currently receive nearly 1 million resumes a year, with an employment rate of less than 0.5%, far lower than the admission rate of many Ivy League schools in the United States. And since its establishment, every employee's employment has been approved by musk hims

Jitter issued punishment notice to crack down on tiktok and other bad content

2月26日,蒂克托克安全中心发布处罚公告,取缔和取缔了一批故意炫富、恶意炒作、违背社会秩序和良好风尚的账户。自今年1月以来,该中心已清理了2862个tiktok视频、324个音频项目和47个主题,取缔了3973个非法账户。 In February 26th, the TikTok Security Center issued a notice of punishment for punishment, and banned and banned a number of accounts that were deliberately showing off wealth, malicious speculation, and against social order and good customs. Since January, the center has cleared 2862 tiktok videos, 324 audio items and 47 topics, and has banned 3973 illegal accounts. 公告称,蒂克托克倡导理性消费和科学文明的生活方式。本届政府主要关注六类不良价值观和不健康的生活方式。包括鼓吹拜金主义、攀比主义、寻欢作乐,歧视、嘲笑、攻击非富群体,发布大量未成年人奢侈信息,制造"自制反击成精英"的个人营销或诈骗装备,故意展示大量现金和砸钱,制作销售视频、图片、文案等丰富素材。 The announcement said that tiktok advocated rational consumption and scientific and civilized lifestyle. This administration focused on six categories of bad values and unhealthy lifestyles. It includes advocating money worship, comparison and pleasure seeking, discriminating against, ridiculing or attacking non rich groups, publishing a large number of luxu

University of national defense science and technology has successfully developed a new programmable silicon-based optical quantum computing chip

国防科技大学计算机科学学院量子团队与军事科学院、中山大学等国内外单位共同研制了一种新型可编程硅基光学量子计算芯片,实现了量子计算的量子算法解决了各种图论问题,并有望在未来的大数据处理等领域得到应用。这一成果已发表在国际权威期刊《科学进步》上。 The quanta team of the school of computer science of the University of national defense science and technology, together with the Academy of Military Sciences, Sun Yat sen University and other domestic and foreign units, has developed a new type of programmable silicon-based optical quantum computing chip, which has realized quantum algorithms for solving a variety of graph theory problems, and is expected to be applied in large data processing and other fields in the future. This achievement has been published in the international authoritative journal science advances. 国防科技大学、军事科学院、中山大学等国内外机构的研究人员研制了一种用于图论量子算法的可编程量子芯片,提出了一种可动态编程多粒子量子行走的量子芯片结构。量子行走是量子物理中一种独特的数学模型,也是一种重要的量子计算模型。它是许多量子算法的重要核心。该结构能充分调节量子行走的演化时间、哈密顿量、粒子同一性、粒子交换特性等因素,实现不同参数的量子行走过程,从而支持基于量子行走模型的一系列量子算法的运行。 Researchers from National Defense University of science and technology, Academy of Military Science

Head mobile phone manufacturers voice: chips out of stock, extremely short!

"目前手机处理器、PMIC电源管理芯片、MCU微处理器芯片缺货",中国台湾一位行业分析师告诉记者,从市场整体缺货情况来看,至少要到今年年底才会出现缺货。 "At present, mobile phone processors, PMIC power management chips and MCU microprocessor chips are out of stock." An industry analyst in Taiwan, China, told reporters that from the perspective of the overall shortage situation of the market, there must be a shortage at least until the end of this year. 在5g、汽车电子、物联网应用需求的带动下,超薄指纹识别、电源管理IC、MOSFET、面板驱动IC、传感器等产品的需求量迅速增加。以电源管理芯片为例,一部4G手机只有一个PMIC,但5g手机需要三个PMIC,这相当于需求的翻倍。 Led by the demand for 5g, automotive electronics, Internet of things applications, the demand for ultra-thin fingerprint identification, power management IC, MOSFET, panel driver IC, sensor and other products has rapidly increased. Take the power management chip as an example, a 4G mobile phone has only one PMIC, but 5g mobile phone needs three, which is equal to a doubling of the demand. 手机供应链人士对记者表示:"PMIC可以生产10万部4G手机,但现在只能生产2万部5g手机。"。 "PMIC can make 100k 4G mobile

Swipe the screen's face changing software, a fire to die?

编辑:黎明 Editor: Dawn "蚂蚁,嘿,蚂蚁,啊,哈,哈,哈……"2021年元宵节,一个带有名人头像摇摆效应的老年BGM,在朋友圈和tiktok的声音中大行其道。 "Ant, hey, ant, ah, ha, ha, ha..." on 2021, Lantern Festival, an old age BGM, with the swinging head effects of celebrity celebrities, became popular in the circle of friends and the voice of tiktok. 触发这种惊人效果的是一款名为avatarify的外国"变脸"软件。只要你上传一张照片,你就可以让任何人"嘿,蚂蚁"。自助餐、麝香、马云、雷军和比尔盖茨都是用来取笑和娱乐公众的。 What triggers this phenomenal effect is a foreign "face changing" software called avatarify. As long as you upload a photo, you can let anyone "Hey, ants". Buffet, musk, Ma Yun, Lei Jun and bill gates are all used to tease and entertain the public. 这个软件生在无聊中,生在恶作剧中。多位产品研发人士告诉申然,这类软件的技术含量并不高,能否继续留住用户,需要围绕核心功能不断开发产品形态,拓展产品环节。 This software is born in boredom, red in mischief. A number of product and development personages told shenran that the technical content of this kind of software is not high, and whether it can continue to retain users needs to constantl

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