
Who will take the lead in the "meta universe" battlefield?

简言之,"元宇宙"实际上来源于1992年出版的美国科幻小说《雪崩》,中文名为"雪崩"。据说"元宇宙"是一个与现实生活平行的世界。 In short, "metauniverse" actually comes from an American science fiction "snow crash" published in 1992, which is called "avalanche" in Chinese. It is said that the "meta universe" is a world parallel to real life. 利用增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和互联网等技术,可以将现实世界逐一投影到元宇宙中。你也可以去数字化和有一个网络存在那里。 The real world can be projected into the meta universe one by one by using technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and Internet. You can also go digital and have a cyber presence there. 在元宇宙中,人们可以做他们在现实中能做或不能做的事情。例如,你可以在那里吃,喝,工作和结婚,就像在现实中一样。 In the metauniverse, people can do what they can or cannot do in reality. For example, you can eat, drink, work and get married there, just like in reality. 同时,你可以找到你在现实中没有的经验——如果你失去了你的手臂,你可以在那里体验打篮球;你也可以创造一个在现实中死去的人,让Ta永远"活"在元宇宙中。 At the same time, you can find the experience that you don't have in rea

Apple smashed Facebook's job

调查显示,多达80%的用户会选择"不"。 The survey shows that up to 80% of users will choose "no". 早在2010年,苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)就发现,很多人并不在乎自己掌握了多少信息,但他仍然认为,人们应该有权知道数据的用途。 As early as 2010, apple co-founder Steve Jobs found that many people didn't care how much information they had got, but he still believed that people should have the right to know the use of data. 乔布斯说:"隐私意味着人们知道自己注册的目的,每次都应该给他们简明的术语,有权在是和否之间做出选择。" "Privacy means that people know what they're registered for, and they should be given concise terms each time, with the right to choose between yes and no," Jobs said 最近,苹果现任CEO库克含蓄地指出Facebook:"如果一个公司建立在误导用户、数据开发和利用的基础上,一些'完全不能给你选择的多项选择题',这不是我们应该表扬的,而是我们应该改进的。" Recently, cook, Apple's current CEO, pointed to Facebook implicitly: "if a company is built on misleading users, data development and utilization, and some" multiple choice questions that don't give you a choice at all, "this is not something

One step closer to 40000 small targets: SpaceX launches the 25th batch of satellite chains

北京时间周四上午11点44分(美国东部时间周三晚上11点44分),SpaceX Falcon 9号从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的slc-40发射了第25批60颗Starlink卫星。 At 11:44 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday (11:44 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday), SpaceX Falcon 9 launched its 25th batch of 60 Starlink satellites from slc-40, Cape Canaveral Air Force base, Florida. 这次任务是猎鹰9号B 1060助推器的第七次发射。截至目前,SpaceX已向太空发射了1505颗卫星,在轨卫星1434颗,距离4.2万颗的目标又近了一小步。 This mission is the seventh launch of Falcon 9 booster B 1060. Up to now, SpaceX has launched 1505 satellites into space, with 1434 satellites in orbit, a small step closer to the target of 42000. (来源:SpaceX) (source: SpaceX) SpaceX公司总裁格温恩·肖特韦尔(Gwynne shotwell)早些时候表示,第28批卫星发射成功后,SpaceX将实现"全球全连接"。 Gwynne shotwell, President of SpaceX, said earlier that SpaceX would be "fully connected globally" after the successful launch of the 28th batch of satellites. "猎鹰9号"火箭助推器先后发射了美国航天部队的GPS III卫星、土耳其的土耳其卫星5A卫星和SpaceX公司的4颗"星链"任务。SpaceX这次仍在计划恢复它。当它从太空返回时,预计将在大西洋的一艘名为"刚刚阅读指令"的无人自动助推器回收船

Fall, eat apple

想象一下苹果吸收黄金的能力有多糟糕。 Imagine how terrible Apple's ability to absorb gold is. 苹果同比表现(2012-2021) Year on year performance of apple (2012-2021) 更引人注目的是增长率。从上图可以看出,自2012年以来,苹果的增长明显放缓。虽然近年来恢复了增长势头,但仍只有10%-20%左右的同比增长。然而,今年苹果的收入增长了53.7%,营业利润增长了114%。这是苹果自2012年以来的最大增幅。 What's more striking is the growth rate. As can be seen from the above figure, Apple's growth has slowed down significantly since 2012. Although it has regained its growth momentum in recent years, it is still only a year-on-year growth of about 10-20%. However, this year, Apple's revenue increased by 53.7% and its operating profit increased by 114%. The increase is Apple's biggest since 2012. 为什么苹果本季度实现了如此惊人的反弹?正如我们前面提到的,从去年1月到3月,世界各地都有疫情爆发,所以苹果在去年同期的表现不是很好。尤其是iPhone的业绩同比下滑,迫使它们在2月份发布盈利预警。但本季度,全球疫情开始缓解,消费市场略有好转,导致业绩大幅增长。 Why did Apple achieve such an amazing rebound this quarter? As we mentioned earlier, there were outbreaks around the world from January to March last year, so Apple's performance in the sam

Tesla released the data, why did it lead to more questions?

特斯拉不需要公关。 Tesla doesn't need pr. 周三,高盛前高管加里布莱克(Gary black)在推特上发文,问特斯拉首席执行官埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk),他以"专注于产品"为由拒绝了。马斯克的答案在意料之中。毕竟,特斯拉几乎是中国的"交通之王"。 On Wednesday, Gary black, a former Goldman executive, tweeted, "are you considering hiring a public relations person?" Asked Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who declined on the grounds of "focusing on products.". Musk's answer is expected. After all, Tesla is almost the "king of traffic" in China. 一方面,特斯拉曾一度成为市场关注的焦点,公布了今年一季度的盈利和净利润;另一方面,随着"刹车失灵"事件的持续发酵,特斯拉也成为包括公众、专家和业界在内的讨论对象。 On the one hand, Tesla once became the focus of the market in the first quarter of this year's earnings and net profit; On the other hand, as the "brake failure" incident continues to ferment, Tesla has also become the object of discussion, including the public, experts and the industry. 特斯拉站在众说纷纭的聚光灯下。 Tesla is standing in the spotlight of mixed praise. 同时,也有一些特斯拉车主站在这盏"灯"下,其中安阳特斯拉汽车代言人女士就是代表。看着她

Blue origin of Bezos, the world's richest man, is about to sell space tickets

世界首富贝佐斯的太空公司BlueOrigin在周四发布的一段视频中说,它将很快开始销售太空旅游火箭"新谢泼德"的门票。 The world's richest man Bezos's space company Blue origin said in a video released on Thursday that it would soon start selling tickets for the space tourism rocket "new Shepard.". (来源:蓝源) (source: Blue origin) 本月中旬,"蓝色起源"号再次成功发射"新谢泼德"火箭,成功测试了可重复使用的火箭助推器和可将人类送上太空边缘并返回的太空舱系统。 In the middle of this month, blue origin successfully launched the "new Shepard" rocket again, successfully testing the reusable rocket booster and the space capsule system that can send humans to the edge of space and return. (新谢泼德发射现场,图片来源:蓝色起源) (New Shepard launch scene, source: Blue origin) 新型谢泼德一次可搭载6人,舱内有巨大的窗户,让乘客可以欣赏到美丽的风景。在返回地球之前,有一个10分钟的零重力状态。在先前的试飞中,太空舱可以达到340000英尺(100多公里)以上的高度。 The new Shepard can carry six people at a time, and the capsule has huge windows to let passengers enjoy the beautiful scenery. Before returning to the earth, there was a 10 minute zero gravity state. In the previo

The fourth test flight of the US Mars helicopter failed to take off as planned

witty任务小组的成员说,在地球上的测试表明,修复计划大约85%的时间是有效的。同样的问题可能会出现在29号,刚好遇到15%的不幸几率。但在机智的任务小组进行必要的分析之前,我们无法获得更多的信息。 Members of the witty mission team said that tests on earth showed that the repair plan was effective about 85% of the time. The same problem may appear on the 29th, which just meets the 15% chance of misfortune. But we won't be able to get more information until the witty mission team does the necessary analysis. 今年2月18日,机智而有毅力的火星探测器降落在耶泽洛陨石坑,那里曾是古代一个大型湖泊和河流三角洲。4月3日,意志力通过腹部释放智慧,开始为飞行做准备。这项活动的目的是表明在火星上进行空气探测是可能的。 On February 18 this year, wit and willpower Mars rover landed in yezelo crater, where there used to be a large lake and River Delta in ancient times. On April 3, willpower released wit through her abdomen and began to prepare for her flight. The purpose of this activity is to show that air exploration on Mars is possible. 截至目前,smart已于4月19日、22日和25日进行了3次飞行。这些飞行已经变得越来越雄心勃勃,wit在4月25日的80秒飞行中,以每小时7.2公里的最高速度飞行330英尺(约100米)。 So far, the smart has carried out three flights on April 19

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