
Three years ago, the paper exposed the initial plan of FB metauniverse: it is expected to build and sell 100 million hardware within four years

集中 Focus 腾讯科技新闻2018年6月31日,oculus执行官Jason Rubin向Facebook董事会成员Marc Andreessen发送了一封主题为"metaverse"的电子邮件。 Tencent technology news on October 31, in June 2018, oculus executive Jason Rubin sent an email with the theme of "the metaverse" to Facebook board member Marc Andreessen. 在这份50页的文件中,鲁宾概述了Facebook构建元宇宙的战略。他在第一张幻灯片中写道:"我们认为,打破消费者对虚拟现实(VR)漠不关心的正确方法是为他们提供他们期望和想要的东西,即元宇宙。" In this 50 page document, Rubin outlined Facebook's strategy of building a metauniverse. He wrote in the first slide: "we believe that the correct way to break consumers' indifference to virtual reality (VR) is to provide them with what they expect and want, that is, the metauniverse." 在2021年10月28日拍摄的插图中,许多玩具角色出现在Facebook的新名称meta徽标前 In the illustration taken on October 28, 2021, many toy characters appear in front of Facebook's new name meta logo 三年前发表的这份文件奠定了Meta未来雄心壮志的基础。当地时间周四,Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)进行了一个小时的演示,最后宣布了新公司的名称。本演示旨在描绘一个与真实世界完全不同的虚拟世界。Facebook正

Tesla's third largest individual shareholder is a Chinese professor

标题来自网络。 The header is from the network. 人们似乎"突然意识到"特斯拉本周突破了万亿美元的市值,马斯克突破了3000亿美元的大关。事实上,它已经间接创造了无数"特斯拉百万富翁"-- It seems that people "suddenly realized" that Tesla broke the trillion market value this week and musk broke the $300 billion mark. In fact, it has already indirectly created countless "Tesla millionaires" -- 他们通过大量购买特斯拉的股票而变得"富有"。就连彭博社也怀疑有许多未被发现的亿万富翁。 They became "rich" by buying a lot of Tesla shares. Even Bloomberg suspects that there are many undiscovered billionaires. 一直坚持"靠钱生活"的华尔街可能早就忘记了在2016年斥责马斯克、特斯拉和SpaceX的过去。 Wall Street, which always insists on "living with money", may have long forgotten the past of scolding musk, Tesla and SpaceX to death in 2016. 就在全球最大的汽车租赁公司赫兹控股(Hertz holdings)周一宣布收购了10万辆特斯拉(Tesla),使后者的股价飙升13%之后,除了不情愿的赞扬之外,华尔街也开始关注那些因一个接一个出现的特斯拉而"大获全胜"的亿万富翁。 Just after Hertz holdings, the world's largest car rental company, announced on Monday that it had purchased 100

The performance did not exceed expectations, but Ningde era still reached 1.5 trillion

10月29日下午,宁德时报股价一度飙升至645元的历史高点,总市值超过1.5万亿元,在a股中排名第三。 On the afternoon of October 29, the share price of Ningde times once soared to a historical high of 645 yuan, with a total market value of more than 1.5 trillion yuan, ranking third in a shares. 来自市场的消息点燃了资本市场。据36kr报道,知情人士透露,特斯拉从宁德时报订购了45gwh磷酸铁锂电池。 A news from the market ignited the capital market. According to 36kr reports, people familiar with the matter disclosed that Tesla ordered 45gwh lithium iron phosphate battery from Ningde times. 这一消息超出资本市场预期的一点是特斯拉订购的磷酸铁锂电池数量。根据特斯拉3型的配置计算,45gwh铁锂电池足以装备约800000个3型。这意味着特斯拉有信心在未来销售80万辆标准寿命车型3和Y。 The point that this news exceeded the expectations of the capital market is the number of lithium iron phosphate batteries ordered by Tesla. According to the configuration calculation of Tesla Model 3, 45gwh iron lithium battery is enough to equip about 800000 model 3. This means that Tesla is confident to sell 800000 standard life models 3 and Y in the future. 当特斯拉的高速增长开始成为现实时,绑定到特斯拉的宁德时代的业绩增长几乎注定了。特斯拉

Jitu's acquisition of Baishi express may be a win-win situation: one party stops bleeding and the other expands market share

10月29日,白石集团宣布将以68亿元的价格将其白石快车出售给吉图。该交易预计将于2022年上半年完成。 On October 29, Baishi group announced that it would sell its Baishi express to Jitu at a price of 6.8 billion yuan. The transaction is expected to be completed in the first half of 2022. 白石集团创始人、董事长兼首席执行官周少宁发出内部信函称,根据协议,集团将把国内快递相关公司的股权、资产、网点、中转中心、人员、技术和系统转让给吉途快递。"此次业务转移仅涉及国内快递业务,对国际、快递和供应链业务没有影响。" Zhou Shaoning, founder, chairman and CEO of Baishi group, sent an internal letter saying that according to the agreement, the group will transfer the equity, assets, outlets, transfer centers, personnel, technology and systems of domestic express related companies to Jitu express. "This business transfer only involves domestic express business, which has no impact on international, express and supply chain business." 根据财务报告,2020年,白石集团实现收入300亿元,其中快递收入194.18亿元,占比近65%。在外部世界,快递业务的出售意味着白石集团为了生存正在断臂。 According to the financial report, in 2020, Baishi group achieved a revenue of 30 billion yuan, of which the express revenue was

Apple discontinued the 21.5-inch IMAC equipped with Intel chips, and all its official websites have been taken off the shelves

It home在10月31日报道,苹果已经悄悄地停止了配备英特尔芯片的21.5英寸IMAC,该芯片仍然是适合教育机构的低端配置。客户可以选择24英寸和27英寸IMAC机型。 It home reported on October 31 that Apple has quietly discontinued the 21.5-inch IMAC equipped with Intel chips, which is still available as a low-end configuration suitable for educational institutions. Customers can choose between 24 inch and 27 inch IMAC models. Link: update time:2021-10-31 11:25:04

Founder of fast forward Kwai Wah's CEO Internet tycoon is not willing to be CEO when he makes money.

运营商财务康照/文 Operator finance Kang Zhao / Wen Link: update time:2021-10-31 11:25:04

Li Ziqi and Hangzhou weinian, who can't leave who?

在网络红色经济时代,网络红色需要资本的支持,资本需要网络红色的流动来换取利润。两者是共生的。李子棋作为全网流量最高的IP,已经名扬四海。没有杭州威年,它可以兑换成其他资本。杭州伟年投资李子棋的成功纯属偶然,带来了高额回报。尽管它可以在没有李子奇的情况下投资其他网络名人。但要重现李子奇那样的第二个顶级IP肯定非常困难。最好的办法是两人为了更好的未来和解。 In the era of online Red economy, online Red needs the support of capital, and capital needs the flow of online red in exchange for profits. The two are symbiotic. Li Ziqi, as the IP of the top traffic in the whole network, has become famous. Without Hangzhou weinian, it can be exchanged for other capital. The success of Hangzhou weinian's investment in Li Ziqi is purely accidental and has brought high returns. Although it can invest in other online celebrities without Li Ziqi. But it must be very difficult to recreate the second top IP similar to Li Ziqi. The best way is for the two to reconcile for a better future. 从上述观点来看,两者之间的相互起诉实际上是相互伤害。究其原因,主要是由于存在的利益分配问题。坦率地说,我们可以分享困难,但不能分享快乐。但是,目前双方都忽视了一个问题,那就是未来的发展。如果我们考虑将来的发展,双方将来会赚更多的钱。毕竟,为互联网超级流量赚几十亿甚至几百亿的钱是很容易的。 From the above point of view, the mutual prosecu

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