
Jia Yueting shouted musk: we are comrades in arms

Techweb 11月7日报道。最近,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在社交平台上表示,如果我们当时无法获得特斯拉的商标,它将被称为"法拉第",但最终竞争对手使用了它。 Techweb reported on November 7. Recently, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, said on the social platform that if we could not obtain the trademark of Tesla at that time, it would be called "Faraday", but eventually the competitor used it. 对此,贾跃廷回答说,我们是人类科学发展的战友,不是竞争对手。让法拉第和特斯拉在21世纪继续伟大,向敢于推动人类社会进步、构建智能电动旅游生态的冒险家致敬。 In this regard, Jia Yueting responded that we are comrades in arms in the development of human science, not competitors. Let Faraday and Tesla continue to be great in the 21st century, and pay tribute to the adventurers who dare to promote the progress of human society and build an intelligent electric travel ecology. 此外,当被问及是否打算回家时,贾跃亭说:"这是必要的。" In addition, when asked whether he plans to return home, Jia Yueting said, "that's necessary." Link: update time:2021-11-08 10:59:45

Alipay's big move! "Borrowing" becomes "credit loan", and the user's credit investigation is not affected by the adjustment

每位编辑:何晓涛、易启江 Every editor: he Xiaotao, Yi Qijiang 支付宝有很大的动作。 Alipay has big moves. 11月7日,一些网民发现支付宝的"借款"名称改为"信用贷款"。产品截图显示,"信用贷款"页面将在显著位置显示"XX银行提供的金融服务"信息。进入贷款页面后,您还可以在"贷款明细与协议"中看到日利率、初始年利率、利息总额等信息。 In November 7th, some netizens found that Alipay's "borrow" name changed to "credit loan". The product screenshot shows that the "credit loan" page will display the information of "financial services provided by XX bank" in a prominent position. After entering the loan page, you can also see the daily interest rate, initial annual interest rate, total interest amount and other information in "loan details and agreement". 问:我的信用调查会受到影响吗? Q: Will my credit investigation be affected? 答:您的信用调查记录不受此次调整的影响,为您服务的金融机构将在调整后继续报告。请按时还款,并做好信用调查记录。 A: Your credit investigation record will not be affected by this adjustment, and the financial institution serving you will continue to report after the adju

Algorithmic real estate lost more than 2 billion in March! The real estate giant overturned: the price water is too deep for AI to grasp

明民风色来自敖飞寺 Mingmin fengse comes from aofei temple 量子比特报告官方账号QbitAI Qubit report official account No. QbitAI 那太荒谬了! That's ridiculous! 依靠一年前的一套算法,收入达到了30亿美元。一年后,这是同样的算法,但它造成了巨大的资金缺口,不得不裁员并变现手中的资产。 Relying on a set of algorithms a year ago, the revenue was $3 billion. A year later, it was the same algorithm, but it caused a large capital gap and had to lay off staff and realize the assets in hand. 出乎意料的是,房地产平台将是如此令人兴奋的人工智能算法。 Unexpectedly, the real estate platform will be so exciting with AI algorithm. 2018年4月,他们推出了名为zillow offers的人工智能房地产投机业务, They launched an AI real estate speculation business called zillow offers in April 2018, △ zillow旗下的所有品牌和企业 △ all brands and businesses under zillow 具体来说,就是买卖房屋,购买价格由人工智能给出。 Specifically, it is to buy and sell houses, and the purchase price is given by AI. 该公司将根据AI给出的估价从业主处购买该房屋,然后翻新该房屋并以更高的价格出售。 The company will buy the house from the owner according to the valuation given by AI, then renovate the house and sell it at an increased price. 俗称中间商,

Foxconn wants to be the king of automobile OEM? These problems cannot be ignored

不久前,被众多热心人士视为"苹果汽车"首选OEM的富士康,在鸿海科技日与玉龙汽车集团合资成立了纯电动汽车品牌富士康,并一次性发布了三款新车。 Not long ago, Foxconn, which has been regarded as the preferred OEM of "Apple cars" by many enthusiastic people, jointly established a joint venture pure electric vehicle brand foxtron with Yulong Automobile Group on Hon Hai Technology day, and released three new cars at one go. 值得一提的是,foxtron与大多数汽车公司不同。在其三款新车中,除了一款纯电动中型SUV C型和一款纯电动中型车e型外,还有一款纯电动公交车t型与乘用车建在同一平台上。 It is worth mentioning that foxtron is different from most car companies. Among its three new cars, in addition to a pure electric medium-sized SUV model C and a pure electric medium-sized car model e, there is also a pure electric bus model t built on the same platform as passenger cars. 在汽车OEM业务方面,富士康除了拥有高度灵活的MIH汽车平台架构外,还拥有强大的雄心。 In terms of automobile OEM business, Foxconn has a strong ambition in addition to the highly flexible MIH vehicle platform architecture. 富士康OEM汽车面临巨大的竞争压力 Foxconn OEM automobile has great competitive pressure

It's settled! Huawei sells x86 server business with multiple buyers

11月8日,工商登记显示,华为控股的hyperfusion Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.股东已变更为河南hyperfusion energy。此前有传言称,华为x86服务器业务的出售取得了实质性进展。 On November 8, the industrial and commercial registration showed that the shareholder of hyperfusion Digital Technology Co., Ltd. controlled by Huawei had been changed to Henan hyperfusion energy. It was previously rumored that the sale of Huawei's x86 server business had made substantial progress. 《第一财经》记者独家获悉,华为x86服务器业务的买家将包括产业基金、海外主权基金、互联网公司、银行和其他社会资本。 The first financial reporter exclusively learned that the buyers of Huawei's x86 server business will be composed of industrial funds, overseas sovereign funds, Internet companies, banks and other social capital. 一位知情人士告诉记者:"此次工商变革只是第一步,其他投资者将陆续完成工商变革。"。 "This industrial and commercial change is only the first step, and other investors will complete the industrial and commercial change one after another," a person familiar with the transaction told reporters. Link:

Where did musk spend all his money?

上周一10月25日,特斯拉的市值超过1万亿美元,成为继苹果、亚马逊、谷歌和微软之后的万亿美元俱乐部的新成员。特斯拉的市值也超过了丰田、大众和通用等11家老牌汽车公司的总和。 On October 25 last Monday, Tesla's market value exceeded $1 trillion and became a new member of the trillion dollar club after apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Tesla's market value also exceeds the sum of 11 old car companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen and GM. 这是马斯克最近的惊喜。早在2015年,他就预测特斯拉的市值将超过苹果,成为第一家市值超过万亿美元的公司。这个预言没有实现。2018年8月,苹果市值超过1万亿美元,成为美国第一家市值超过1万亿美元的公司。2020年8月,苹果的市值超过2万亿美元,成为第一家市值超过2万亿美元的公司。苹果目前的市值为2500亿美元。 This is a late surprise for musk. As early as 2015, he predicted that Tesla's market value should surpass apple and become the first company with a market value of more than $trillion. This prediction failed to come true. In August 2018, Apple's market value exceeded $1 trillion, becoming the first company in the United States with a market value of more than $1 trillion. In August 2020, Apple's market value exceeded $2 trillion, becoming the first company with a mar

The double 11 dilemma of small and medium-sized businesses: they can't escape and can't afford to play

具体来说,在电商平台上,中小企业不仅面临着整个电商生态流量的下降,而且面临着双11对用户吸引力的下降。商品直播兴起后,他们也面临着被大主播直播室抢走交通的困境。 Specifically, on the e-commerce platform, small and medium-sized businesses are not only facing the decline of the whole e-commerce ecological traffic and the decline of the attraction of double 11 to users. After the rise of live broadcasting with goods, they are also facing the dilemma of being robbed of traffic by the big anchor's live broadcasting room. 如果你不能去大主播直播室,你应该回到第二位,用中小型主播带来商品。利润仍然赶不上亏损。切换到电子商务的短视频平台并不容易。它不把钱花在交通和营业额上。一旦推出,平台规则也是一个"黑箱",投入产出比仍然令人费解。 If you can't go to the big anchor live studio, you should go back to the second place, and use small and medium-sized anchors to bring goods. The profits still can't catch up with the losses. It is not easy to switch to the short video platform for e-commerce. It does not spend money on traffic and turnover. Once it is launched, the platform rules are also a "black box", and the input-output ratio is still puzzling. 在

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