
Tiktok airborne Chinese CEO: just over 30 years old, nicknamed "the second handsome male god" by Lei Jun

如果说哪家中国公司的海外业务是近两年来最繁荣的,那一定是tiktok业务。如果说是在同一时期内,中国企业的海外业务受到的冲击和挑战最大,那就是蒂克托克。 If we say which Chinese company's overseas business is the most prosperous in the past two years, it must be the tiktok business. If it is during the same period of time that the overseas business of any Chinese company has been impacted and challenged the most, it is tiktok. 前所未有的出海机会让这家中国公司吸引了北美的高层管理人才,比如在迪士尼工作了20年的凯文·梅耶尔。但意外的到来和无休止的阻力,也让这些曾经主宰美国商业舞台的高管们在几个月内转身离开。 The unprecedented opportunity to go out to sea makes the Chinese company attract top management talents in North America, such as Kevin Mayer, who has worked in Disney for 20 years. But the unexpected arrival and endless resistance also make these top executives, who once dominated the business arena in the United States, turn around and leave within a few months. 今天,tiktok再次宣布了一项新的重量级空降任命,该任命由周首席财务官出资出任tiktok首席执行官。 Today, tiktok once again announced a new heavyweight airborne appointment, which is funded by CFO Zhou as CEO of tiktok. 凯文·梅耶尔离职后...

India's epidemic is out of control, Premier aunt modi died of infection! Should mutated virus carry this pot?

这意味着感染的增加。在检测人数不增加的前提下,很多感染者根本没有被诊断的机会,目前曝光的数据只是冰山一角。 This means an increase in infection. Under the premise of no increase in the number of people tested, many infected people have no chance to be diagnosed at all, and the data exposed at present is only the tip of the iceberg. 毫不夸张地说,印度是病毒的天堂。印度是怎么走到这一步的? It's no exaggeration to say that India is a paradise for viruses. How did India get to this point? 我们邀请人民日报印度分社记者胡波峰和健康科学专业的姜永元为我们分析。 We invite Hu Bofeng, a reporter from the Indian branch of people's daily, and Jiang Yongyuan, a health science major, to analyze it for us. (来源:德语) (source: gulte) 新奇的冠状病毒肺炎,印度总理莫迪,已经80岁了。 Novel coronavirus pneumonia, India's prime minister Modi, is 80 years old. 由于疫苗接种率低,聚集活动规模大,无论病毒是否发生变异,感染人数必然上升。 With low vaccination rate and large-scale gathering activities, no matter whether the virus mutates or not, the number of infected people is bound to rise. 人与人之间的距离如此之近,病毒不再具有传染性。 People are so close to each other that it is no longer necessar...

When will the deposit be refunded? David, founder of ofo yellow car, is restricted in consumption

信息来源:金融界、凤凰科技、和讯等 Information sources: financial sector, Phoenix technology, Hexun, etc Link: update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09

Q Theory: what does it mean for China's first space station to launch the "Tianhe" core module?

国际空间站已经走到了生命的尽头,这凸显了中国空间站的价值。天一研究院CTO任维佳给予了非常高的评价。他认为,天河号成功入轨标志着中国将在未来十年乃至更长时间内成为推动大规模空间科学研究的旗手。中国空间站也将是未来十年唯一的大型综合性空间科学装置。 The international space station is at the end of its life, which highlights the value of China's space station. Ren Weijia, CTO of Tianyi Research Institute, gave a very high evaluation. He believed that the successful entry of Tianhe into orbit marks that China will become the standard bearer of promoting large-scale space science research in the next decade or more. The Chinese space station will also be the only large-scale comprehensive space science device in the next decade. 在当前的"你问我答"中,我们邀请业内人士与朋友共同探讨。 In the current "you ask me answer", we invite people in the industry to discuss with friends. 天河核心舱:更大、更重、更功能、更重要 Tianhe core Cabin: larger, heavier, more functional and more important @韩大阳(国家空间天气监测预警中心工程师) @Han Dayang (engineer, national space weather monitoring and early warning center) 熟悉中国航天工业的人都知道,天宫一号是中国第一个空间实验室。它于2011年9月29日发射升空,...

Li Jianxi's equity division details of Samsung products are released, and Li Zairong is still the largest shareholder

三星产品4月30日公告,已故三星电子总裁李健熙的子女李泽楷、李福珍、李旭贤将分别继承1205.72万股,其遗孀洪洛喜将按照法定继承顺序和财产分配比例继承1885.77万股。 Samsung products announced on April 30 that Li Zai Li, Li Fu Zhen and Li Xu Xian, the children of the late Samsung Electronics President Li Jianxi, will each inherit 1.20572 million shares and his widow Hong Luoxi will inherit 1.88577 million shares according to the legal succession order and property distribution ratio. 因此,三星产品第一大股东、三星电子副总裁李泽楷对F(按普通股计算)的持股比例由17.48%上升至18.13%,新罗酒店总裁李福珍和三星福利财团董事长李旭贤的持股比例分别由5.6%上升至6.24%,而洪洛西的新股涨幅为0.97%。 As a result, the largest shareholder of Samsung products and vice president of Samsung Electronics Li's shareholding ratio in F (based on common shares) increased from 17.48% to 18.13%, the shareholding ratio of Li Fuzhen, President of Xinluo Hotel, and Li Xuxian, chairman of Samsung welfare consortium increased from 5.6% to 6.24%, respectively, and Hong Luoxi's new shares increased by 0.97%. Link: update time:...

According to the news, Ali will freeze the salary increase of senior executives in 2021 and give more salary increase to ordinary employees

Link: update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09

What did Ricky do wrong? How to save themselves?

在沉寂了一段时间后,幸运咖啡因为新一轮融资再次成为市场关注的焦点。 After a period of silence, lucky coffee once again became the focus of the market because of a new round of financing. 英国电信财经 BT finance and Economics 今年4月中旬,粉红(lkncy)宣布将与公司股东大正资本和欢乐资本达成新一轮融资,融资总额为2.5亿美元。 In mid April, pink (lkncy) announced that it would reach a new round of financing with Dazheng capital and pleasure capital, the company's shareholders, totaling 250 million US dollars. 根据投资协议,大正资本以约2.4亿美元的定向增发资金购买乐凯咖啡高级可转换优先股;游乐资本还同意通过私募方式投资约1000万美元于乐凯咖啡的高级可转换优先股。在某些情况下,大正资本和欢乐资本可以按比例增加1.5亿美元的资本。 According to the investment agreement, Dazheng capital invested about 240 million US dollars in private placement to purchase senior convertible preferred shares of lucky coffee; Pleasure capital also agreed to invest about $10 million in the senior convertible preferred shares of lucky coffee through private placement. In some cases, Dazheng capital and pleasure capital can increase their capital by US $150 million in proportion. 据悉,此次融资主要用于乐凯咖啡的海外债务重组计...

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