
How does a company with an annual revenue of less than 2 billion US dollars get stuck with apple, Samsung, Huawei and Qualcomm

杨晓 Yang Xiao 线条编辑器 Editor Lina 奇普,我们国家的命脉。 Chip, the lifeblood of our country. 这个小广场成了科技巨头们的致命弱点。 This small square has become the Achilles heel of the technology giants. 2021年,36氪发射了"核心之旅"系列工业观测。本系列将对半导体产业的上下游进行全面深入的研究,包括不断突破摩尔定律极限的制造业巨头、设备供应商、材料供应商、芯片设计企业等。希望我们的内容能为一直以来"缺乏核心"的中国产业提供一些借鉴。 In 2021, 36 krypton launched the "core journey" series of industry observation. This series will conduct a comprehensive and in-depth research on the upstream and downstream of the semiconductor industry, including manufacturing giants, equipment suppliers, material suppliers, and chip design enterprises that constantly break through the limits of Moore's law. I hope our content can provide some reference for China's industry, which has been plagued by "lack of core". 这是36氪星"核心之旅"系列中的第七个,请欣赏。 This is the seventh in the 36 krypton "journey to the core" series, enjoy. 从2020年到现在,arm一直处于风口浪尖,先是迎来了arm和arm中国的换帅浪潮;后来英伟达宣布收购arm,引起了全行业的抵制和不满。...

Europe's sales plummeted 95% and China's 67%. Can Tesla survive?

处于舆论漩涡中的特斯拉至今仍未恢复元气。它4月份的市场表现给它带来了沉重打击。 Tesla, which is in the vortex of public opinion, has not recovered yet. Its market performance in April hit it hard. 5月28日,根据EV sales发布的4月份欧洲新能源汽车销量排名,今年4月份特斯拉Model 3在欧洲市场的销量仅为1244辆,较3月份的28184辆下降了95%。 On May 28, according to the sales ranking of new energy vehicles in Europe in April released by EV sales, the sales volume of Tesla Model 3 in European market in April this year was only 1244, down 95% compared with 28184 in March. 图片来源:未来汽车报 Source: future auto daily 在特斯拉一路火爆的中国市场,销量也戛然而止,把特斯拉从神坛上拉了下来。该协会的数据显示,特斯拉4月份的销量为25845辆,比3月份下降了27%。其中,出口新车14174辆,这意味着在华交付的汽车只有11671辆,与3月份的35478辆相比大幅下降了67.10%,这是特斯拉国产化以来国内销量下降幅度最大的一个月。 In the Chinese market, where Tesla has been booming all the way, the sales have also come to a sudden stop, pulling it down from the altar. Tesla's sales volume in April was 25845 vehicles, down 27% from March, according to the data from the association. Among them, 14174 were new cars for export, which means that only 11671 ca...

Money can't save Meitu

编辑/午夜 Editor / Midnight 美图大举收购加密货币后,董事局主席蔡文胜在朋友圈里说:"一定要有人先吃螃蟹。"。 "Somebody has to be the first to eat crabs." Cai Wensheng, chairman of the board of directors, said in the circle of friends after Meitu's massive purchase of cryptocurrency. 但这种螃蟹的美味是有风险的。在短时间内享受加密货币带来的浮动利润后,美图很快陷入亏损。 But there is a risk in this crab's delicacy. After enjoying the floating profit brought by cryptocurrency for a short time, Meitu quickly fell into a loss. 5月24日,美图因货币炒作亏损1300万元,股价随加密货币涨跌波动。 On May 24, Meitu made a loss of 13 million yuan due to currency speculation, and its stock price fluctuated with the rise and fall of cryptocurrency. "股价与公司主营业务无关,而是与其投资的虚拟货币有关。中国人民大学金融技术研究所高级研究员蔡凯龙曾在接受媒体采访时表示:"股东们会对公司的大方向产生怀疑,这对公司的形象不是一件好事。"。 "The stock price is not related to the company's main business, but to the virtual currency it invests in. Shareholders will doubt the company's general direction, which is not a good thing for the company's image." ...

What does Zhihu rely on to continue the vitality of content?

但如何定义内容,每个平台都有自己不同的标准。理解周元所谓的"获得感",就是理解智虎对美好内容的判断。 But how to define content, each platform has its own different standards. To understand what Zhou Yuan called "sense of acquisition" is to understand Zhihu's judgment of good content. 智虎对"获得感"的解释是,他们综合了近十年来社区认可的数十万条内容,通过访谈、小组讨论、问卷调查等方式收集用户的建议,提炼出内容给出的"获得感"标准,即:,"开阔眼界,带来帮助或引起共鸣。" Zhihu's explanation for "sense of acquisition" is that after synthesizing hundreds of thousands of content that have been recognized in the community in the past decade, and collecting users' suggestions through interviews, group discussions and questionnaires, they have refined the standard of "sense of acquisition" given by content, that is, "to broaden their horizons, bring help or arouse resonance." 从这个角度看,用户可以从纷繁复杂的问答中获得"收获感",这也是智虎近十年来在问答社区领域始终屹立不倒的原因。用户的反馈感也能促使社区中的内容生产者获得根本的动机。 From this perspective, users can get a "sense of gain" from the nume...

Revenue "standing still" media resources down, focus media is overestimated?

受疫情影响,2020年影院媒体收入将降至4.8亿,占比不到4%;建筑传媒收入115.8亿元,占比95.7%。 Due to the impact of the epidemic, cinema media revenue will drop to 480 million in 2020, accounting for less than 4%; The revenue of building media reached 11.58 billion, accounting for 95.7%. 2017年以来,分众传媒自营媒体资源规模呈下降趋势。 Since 2017, the scale of focus's self operated media resources has shown a downward trend. 2017年,自营媒体总数152万家(设备,下同); In 2017, the total number of self operated media was 1.52 million (equipment, the same below); 2018年收购阿里战略投资后,媒体规模猛增,年末资源总量达到266万,同比增长75.4%。 After acquiring Ali's strategic investment in 2018, the scale of media has soared, with the total number of resources reaching 2.66 million at the end of the year, an increase of 75.4% year on year. 到2019年底,减少到249万套,同比减少6.5%; By the end of 2019, it will be reduced to 2.49 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 6.5%; 到2020年底,将进一步减少到237万台,下降4.7%。 By the end of 2020, it will be further reduced to 2.37 million units, a decrease of 4.7%. 福克斯还通过参股和特许经营获得媒体资...

Sun Zhengyi quietly turned over and made a small profit of $2.4 billion

众所周知,孙正义吹出了共享经济的泡沫。后来,他尝到了Wework的失败,错过了Airbnb的苦涩滋味。 As everyone knows, Sun Zhengyi has blown the bubble of shared economy. Later, he tasted Wework's failure and missed the bitter taste of Airbnb. 然而,令人惊讶的是,在研发投入高、回报周期长的医疗行业,他却收获了可观的收益。随着时间的推移,他在这条赛道上的布局价值正在显现。 However, surprisingly, in the medical industry with high R & D investment and long return cycle, he has gained considerable gains. As time goes on, the value of his layout on this track is emerging. 远景基金第一期共投资86个项目,其中10个与医疗卫生有关。从2016年成立到去年12月底,远景基金一期共有5个医疗项目上市,总回报44.22亿元。 A total of 86 projects were invested in the first phase of the vision fund, 10 of which were related to medical health. From its establishment in 2016 to the end of December last year, five medical projects were listed in the first phase of vision fund, earning a total return of $4.422 billion. 这相当于远景基金第一期收入的近五分之一。截至去年底,远景基金一期总回报204亿元。 This is equivalent to nearly a fifth of the revenue for the first phase of the vision fund. By the end of last year, the...

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