How does a company with an annual revenue of less than 2 billion US dollars get stuck with apple, Samsung, Huawei and Qualcomm
杨晓 Yang Xiao 线条编辑器 Editor Lina 奇普,我们国家的命脉。 Chip, the lifeblood of our country. 这个小广场成了科技巨头们的致命弱点。 This small square has become the Achilles heel of the technology giants. 2021年,36氪发射了"核心之旅"系列工业观测。本系列将对半导体产业的上下游进行全面深入的研究,包括不断突破摩尔定律极限的制造业巨头、设备供应商、材料供应商、芯片设计企业等。希望我们的内容能为一直以来"缺乏核心"的中国产业提供一些借鉴。 In 2021, 36 krypton launched the "core journey" series of industry observation. This series will conduct a comprehensive and in-depth research on the upstream and downstream of the semiconductor industry, including manufacturing giants, equipment suppliers, material suppliers, and chip design enterprises that constantly break through the limits of Moore's law. I hope our content can provide some reference for China's industry, which has been plagued by "lack of core". 这是36氪星"核心之旅"系列中的第七个,请欣赏。 This is the seventh in the 36 krypton "journey to the core" series, enjoy. 从2020年到现在,arm一直处于风口浪尖,先是迎来了arm和arm中国的换帅浪潮;后来英伟达宣布收购arm,引起了全行业的抵制和不满。...