There is no bolt on the gate of the car Hailing circuit
编者按:除了地铁、公交等公共交通工具外,共享单车、滴滴等共享交通工具也成为人们出行的首选。作为网约车领域的领头羊,滴滴近年来的竞争对手越来越多。它也在拓展业务领域,希望创造更多的商业价值。本文对网上租车领域进行了深入的分析,希望能对大家有所帮助。 Editor's Guide: in addition to the subway, bus and other public transport, sharing bicycles, didi and other sharing vehicles have also become the first choice for people to travel. As a leader in the field of online car hailing, Didi has more and more competitors in recent years. It is also expanding its business territory, hoping to create more business value. In this paper, the author makes an in-depth analysis of the field of online car hailing, hoping to help you. 一是以内容信息为核心的集中tiktok市场,包括天猫、百度搜索、微信、抖动等在线知识信息、即时通讯信息、商品信息、娱乐信息等。 First, the centralized tiktok market with the core of content information, including Tmall, Baidu search, WeChat, jitter, etc. Online knowledge information, instant messaging information, commodity information, entertainment information, etc. 二是基于位置的分散服务市场,即lbs美团、饿么、口碑、滴滴等品牌为代表。通过网上订购,提供准确定位的线下服务。 The second is the location-based dec...