
Showing posts from July, 2021

The halo of famous schools in northern Qing Dynasty disappeared on the Internet

培训机构为这些光环付出了高昂的代价。一名青贝毕业生在总公司的起薪大多为30-40年——这是许多人一生都无法实现的年薪。 Training institutions pay a high cost for these halos. The starting salary of a Qingbei graduate in the head organization is mostly 30-40 years - an annual salary that many people can't achieve in their whole life. 结果也很明显。北京大学2020届毕业生中,语文系三个典型的教育就业单位均为培训机构。从2019到2020,进入教育产业的清华大学毕业生,包括培训机构,从316上升到436。 The results are also obvious. Among the graduates of Peking University in 2020, the three typical educational employment units of the Department of Chinese language and literature are all training institutions. From 2019 to 2020, the number of Tsinghua university graduates entering the education industry, including training institutions, rose from 316 to 436. "清杯光环"也成为许多人在短视频流量世界中行走的通行证。 Qingbei halo has also become a pass for many people to walk in the world of short video traffic. "吴一凡你好。我是李雪芹。今天我来到清华大学。看,这是清华大学的大门。多白啊!"关于李雪芹的受欢迎程度,100人可以给出100种分析,但没有人能避免的一个因素是她作为北京大学毕业生的身份。这是她大部分矛盾紧张的背景色。 "Hello, Wu ...

Chen Xiangdong: gaotu must strictly abide by the "double reduction", and the cash on the account is enough to support the development of gaotu

我们每个人都活了一辈子。为了生活,我们必须找到生活的意义,找到生活的意义,让我们的生活有意义。因此,我们需要学习、成长,与我们这样的人在一起,成为一群渴望美丽的伙伴。我们一起创造美,成为美。 Each of us lives a lifetime. To live, we must find the meaning of life, find the meaning of life, and make our life meaningful. Therefore, we need to learn, grow, be with people like us, and be a group of partners who yearn for beauty. Together, we create beauty and become beauty. 我们每个人都希望有一个幸福的生活,被幸福宠爱,被幸福"击中",像盛开的玫瑰一样幸福。"因此,我们成为我们的选择"。正如我们常说的那样,我们想做的是通过科学技术使教育更好,我们想做的是成为一个受人尊敬的教育机构。 Each of us hopes to have a happy life, to be favored by happiness, to be "hit" by happiness, and to be happy like the fragrance of roses in full bloom. Therefore, we choose our choice and become our "we". As we often say, what we want to do is to make education better through science and technology, and what we want to do is to become a respected educational institution. 我们每个人都想拥有一个一生都想从事的职业。我们都希望有一份好工作,一群好伙伴,一起奋斗,一起努力,为彼此尽最大努力。如果是的话,那该有多好。正如我们常说的,教育,好的教育,其实就是做慈善,就是做最大的慈善...

Fresh e-commerce escape: an attempt destined to lose money?

但站在最后并不意味着笑在最后。远低于预期的每日优鲜上市将被打破,定东蔬菜收购融资将减少70%。在"烧钱"求生存的大趋势下,他们似乎已经走在了行业的前列。目前尚不清楚他们能否挽救人头离开、用户流失和内外部困难的危机。 But standing last doesn't mean laughing last. It is far less than expected that the daily excellent fresh listing will break, and the Ding Dong vegetable purchase financing will be reduced by 70%. Under the general trend of "burning money" to survive, it seems that they have been at the forefront of the industry. It is unknown whether they can save the crisis of head departure, user loss and internal and external difficulties. 在"烧钱"的过度催化下,这场竞选没有赢家。 There was no winner in this campaign over catalyzed by "burning money". 出气口已经通过,领导和消费者已经逃离 The air outlet has passed, and leaders and consumers have fled 张昌明是美团优化、橙心优化、星盛优化、石晖集团等多个社区团购负责人,他在过去两个月里不再提到让邻居来他的朋友圈里买菜。"事情很麻烦,赚不了多少钱,所以他就是不干。" Zhang Changming, who is the head of group buying in many communities such as meituan optimization, orange heart optimization, Xingsheng optimization...

What are the "big thoughts" of accelerating the layout of robot track and byte beating?

记者陆志高 Reporter Lu Zhigao 字节跳转开始对机器人轨迹进行编码。 Byte jump begins to encode the robot track. 近日,接口新闻获悉,未来机器人已获得新一轮融资。本轮融资的投资者包括byte jump、联想风险投资和中鼎资本。天燕茶app显示,该公司最近增加了三名股东,包括北京量子飞跃科技有限公司、宁波鼎富企业管理咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)和天津联想海河智能科技产业基金合伙企业(有限合伙)。 Recently, the interface news learned that the future robot has obtained a new round of financing. The investors in this round of financing include byte jump, Lenovo venture capital and Zhongding capital. Tianyancha app shows that the company has recently added three shareholders, including Beijing quantum leap Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo Dingfu enterprise management consulting partnership (limited partnership) and Tianjin Lenovo Haihe intelligent technology industry fund partnership (limited partnership). 这不是机器人轨道布局中的第一次。早在2020年4月,byte beat就投资了云鲸智能。它显示byte beat在这条轨道上销售了7次,并投资了5家公司,其中4家是今年投资的。除了投资机器人轨道的公司外,去年我们还投资了两家与机器人轨道相关的公司。 This is not the first time in the robot track layout. As early as April 2020, byte beat invested in cloud whale intelligence. It orange ...

Gree spent 6.2 billion yuan to buy back 2% of its shares

两个月前,格力的150亿元回购计划曾一度曝光。现公司公布回购进展情况。近日,格力电气在回购股份比例达到2%时,发布了股份回购进展公告。公告显示,截至7月23日,公司第三期回购计划已通过回购专用证券账户集中竞价回购公司股份1.21亿股,占公司总股本的2.0187%,实收总额62.33亿元。 Two months ago, Gree's 15 billion yuan repurchase plan once brushed the screen. Now the company announced the progress of repurchase. Recently, Gree Electric issued an announcement on the progress of share repurchase when the proportion of shares repurchased reached 2%. The announcement shows that as of July 23, the third phase of the company's repurchase plan has repurchased 121 million shares of the company through centralized bidding through the special securities account for repurchase, accounting for 2.0187% of the company's total share capital, and the total amount paid is 6.233 billion yuan. 两个月内回购62亿美元 $6.2 billion repurchase in two months 今年5月26日,格力电气宣布计划利用自有资金以集中竞价交易的形式回购部分公开股,用于公司股权激励或员工持股计划。格力本次回购资金总额不低于75亿元(含),不超过150亿元(含),回购价格不超过70元/股。 On May 26 this year, Gree Electric announced that it plans to use its own funds to b...

Smart Bracelet "king of inner volume" appears suddenly! The screen goes around your wrist, really? Xiaomi responded

每日财经独家报道,快速关注 Daily finance exclusive, quick attention 小米手镯出来了? Millet bracelet is coming out? 最近,一张怀疑小米手镯内部方案会议的照片在网上曝光。图为小米的内部员工正在讨论新产品"小米手镯X"。 Recently, a photo of a suspected Xiaomi Bracelet internal scheme meeting was exposed online. The picture shows that Xiaomi's internal employees are discussing a new product "Xiaomi Bracelet X". 小米公关部总经理王华在他的个人微博上回应说,照片是真实的,产品不是真实的。"这是小米内部新员工培训过程中的沙盘模拟"。 Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi's public relations department, responded on his personal microblog that the picture is true and the product is not true. "This is a sand table simulation in the process of Xiaomi's internal new employee training". 来源:微博 Source: microblog 业内人士表示,上一代小米手镯屏幕太小,信息显示有限。该设计扩大了屏幕显示空间,无带设计是同类产品的创新。 Industry insiders said that the screen of the previous generation of Xiaomi bracelet was too small and the information display was limited. The design expands the screen display space, and the strap free design is an inno...

The transmission efficiency is up to 90%, a new breakthrough in wireless charging technology, and the charging direction can be adjusted automatically

根据美国媒体技术XPLORE,最近,芬兰阿尔托大学的研究人员设计了一种新的无线充电系统,可以同时对多个设备充电。 According to US media tech Xplore, recently, researchers at Aalto University in Finland designed a new wireless charging system that can charge multiple devices at the same time. 通过设计无线充电系统中发射机的核心部件天线线圈,研究人员实现了无线充电系统无需首先定位充电设备即可直接充电,并可在设备移动时自动调整充电方向。 By designing the antenna coil, the core part of the transmitter in the wireless charging system, the researchers realize that the wireless charging system can charge directly without locating the charging equipment first, and can also automatically adjust the charging direction when the equipment moves. 世界各地的研究人员正在研究免费无线充电,这可以使智能设备摆脱充电线路的限制。目前,最常见的无线充电解决方案包含一些复杂的控制和检测功能。 Researchers around the world are working on free position wireless charging, which can make smart devices get rid of the restrictions of charging lines. At present, the most common wireless charging solutions contain some complex control and detection functions. 例如,充电系统的能量发射器通常需要检测充电设备及其位置,然后才能确定向设备发送能量的方向。此功能通常由摄像头或...

Intelligent vehicle road test specification released: braking performance test shall not be carried out!

根据工业和信息化部网站,工业和信息化部,公安部、交通运输部近日发布《智能网络车辆道路试验示范应用管理规范(试行)》(以下简称《管理规范》)。 According to the website of the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of transport recently issued a notice on the management specification for road test and demonstration application of intelligent networked vehicles (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the management specification). 本管理规范自2021年9月1日起生效。 The management specification shall come into force as of September 1, 2021. 根据《管理规范》,道路测试是指在社会机动车使用的各种道路的指定路段,如高速公路(含高速公路)、城市道路和区域,对智能网络车辆进行自动驾驶功能测试。 According to the management specification, road test refers to the automatic driving function test of intelligent networked vehicles in the designated sections of various roads used for social motor vehicles, such as highways (including expressways), urban roads and regions. 据介绍,道路测试、示范申请主体和驾驶员应遵守中国道路交通安全法律法规,严格按照道路测试或示范申请安全自我声明中规定的时间、路段、区域和项目开展工作,并随车携带相关资料备查...

Shanghai takeout brother commands traffic in the rainstorm, netizen: pay more!

7月29日下午,你还记得那场突如其来的大雨吗? On the afternoon of July 29, do you remember the sudden heavy rain? 上海至浦兴高速公路鲤鱼路交叉口,由于信号灯故障,交叉口车流明显超员。这时,一个送货员停下来,走到十字路口,在雨中指挥交通。很快,十字路口的交通秩序恢复正常。 At the intersection of Liyue road of Shanghai Puxing highway, the traffic flow at the intersection is obviously overstocked due to the failure of signal lights. At this time, a delivery boy stopped and walked to the intersection to direct the traffic in the rain. Soon, the traffic order at the intersection returned to normal. Link: update time:2021-08-01 10:37:05

"Midfield battle" of travel market

本报记者夏志斌张家珍上海报道 Our reporter Xia Zhibin zhangjiazhen reports from Shanghai "如果其他共享旅游平台'扔钱'抢劫客户,我们还将关注订单量。7月22日,滴滴在江西省上饶市的全职司机李玲(化名)告诉《中国商报》记者,如果订单多、折扣幅度大、利润空间大,我们肯定会将精力转向其他平台。 "If other shared travel platforms' throw money 'to rob customers, we will also look at the order volume. If there are many orders, large discount range and profit space, we will certainly tilt our energy to other platforms." On July 22, Li Ling (a pseudonym), Didi's full-time driver in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, told the reporter of China business daily. 从李玲的经历和感受中,你还可以窥探当前整个共享旅游市场的风潮。占共享旅游市场份额近90%的滴滴被下架整顿,打破了共享旅游市场"一超多强"的原有格局。为了在短时间内抢占更大的市场份额,各大旅游公司都在加紧进行新一轮的补贴战。 From Li Ling's experience and feelings, you can also spy on the current agitation of the whole shared travel market. Didi, which accounts for nearly 90% of the market share of shared travel, has been taken off the shelf for rectification, which has shaken the original pattern of "one super and m...

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