
Gartner: Q3 smartphone shipments reverse the decline in the first half of the year

新型冠状病毒肺炎甚至在新冠状病毒肺炎爆发之前就面临手机销售放缓的问题。原因:经过一段时间消费者对设备的热情高涨,许多国家的市场已经达到饱和。此外,虽然最新的功能层出不穷,但却无法刺激人们争相购买新车型,并为此付出高昂的代价。 Novel coronavirus pneumonia is facing a slowdown in mobile phone sales even before the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia outbreak. The reason: after a period of intense consumer enthusiasm for equipment, many countries have reached market saturation. Moreover, although the latest features emerge in an endless stream, they have been unable to stimulate people to rush for new models and pay a premium for them. 在这种背景下,智能手机行业最大的希望是5g,5g被运营商和手机制造商推崇为比旧技术更高的数据效率和速度的杀手锏。然而,如果我们看看5g更广阔的路线图,我们可以看到5g的推出仍然参差不齐。总体而言,消费者仍不完全相信自己需要5g。值得注意的是,在第三季度,仍有一些证据表明新兴市场和发展中国家市场继续对智能手机增长产生影响。相比之下,这些新特点是饱和市场持续增长的动力。 In this context, the biggest hope of the smartphone industry is 5g, which is promoted by operators and mobile phone manufacturers as a killer with higher data efficiency and speed than the old technology. However, if we look at 5g's broader roadmap, we can see that 5g's launch is

P2P clearing up: who will pay for 800 billion bad debts?

时代周报特约记者魏雯发自深圳 Time weekly special correspondent Wei Wen from Shenzhen 随着P2P网络借贷机构的清理,所有的疯狂和纠纷也都退出了历史舞台。 With the clearing up of P2P online lending institutions, all the craziness and disputes have also withdrawn from the historical stage. 11月27日,中国银保监会首席律师刘福寿表示,在防范和化解重大风险方面取得了实质性进展。"互联网金融风险大大降低。全国范围内的P2P在线借贷机构数量已从高峰时期的约5000家逐渐减少到今年11月中旬的0家。 On November 27, Liu Fushou, chief lawyer of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (cbcirc), said that substantial progress has been made in preventing and resolving major risks. "Internet financial risks have been greatly reduced. The number of P2P online lending institutions in operation nationwide has gradually decreased from about 5000 during the peak period to zero in mid November this year.". 自2007年6月国内首家P2P公司派派派贷成立以来,P2P产业从无到有,遍地开花,终于走到了尽头。前后才13年。 Since the establishment of the first domestic P2P company paipaipai loan in June 2007, the P2P industry has grown from scratch, blossomed everywhere, and finally came

The real enemy of Tesla killer is coming: lower production cost and more perfect autopilot system.

他们只是看起来像 They just look like 从外观上看,虽然特斯拉y型车看起来像是Model 3的放大版,但事实上,与3年前推出的Model 3相比,y型车有了很大的变化和升级。 From the appearance, although Tesla Model y looks like an enlarged version of model 3, in fact, model y has changed and upgraded a lot compared with model 3 launched three years ago. 作为一家为各大汽车企业提供咨询和研究服务的公司,蒙罗对每一个设计和制造过程都有一个更为实用的评价标准。质量和安全显然是第一位的,但在此基础上,每种设计和技术带来的优势都需要考虑成本。当他将购买的y型车完全拆解后,他给出了非常高的评价,尤其对各种工艺改进带来的成本降低感到满意。 As a company providing consulting and research services to major automobile enterprises, Munro has a more practical evaluation standard for each design and manufacturing process. Quality and safety are obviously the first importance, but on this basis, the advantages brought by each design and technology need to consider the cost. When he completely disassembled the purchased model y, he gave a very high evaluation, especially satisfied with the cost reduction brought about by various process improvements. "结果令人震惊。2018年的3型车和2020年的Y型车的成本有着巨大的差别,而且成本大大降低了!"—桑迪·蒙罗 &qu

The highest effective rate of Modena new crown vaccine was 100%. The application for emergency use was submitted on November 30

11月30日,新型冠状病毒肺炎(Moderna)宣布新冠状病毒mRNA-1273的有效性达到94.1%,重症新冠状病毒肺炎的有效率达到100%。它将向世界食品管理局(FDA)和欧盟药物管理局(EUA)和其他全球监管机构提交一份滚动申请,以获得疫苗的使用权。 On November 30th, novel coronavirus pneumonia (Moderna) announced that the effectiveness of the new crown vaccine mRNA-1273 reached 94.1%, and the effective rate of severe new crown pneumonia reached 100%. It will submit a rolling application to the world food regulatory agency (FDA) for the right to use the vaccine (EUA) and the European Union drug administration and other global regulatory agencies. 安慰剂组185例出现新型冠状病毒肺炎,mRNA-1273组11例,根据mod Na官方报告,196例有效率为94.1%。 Novel coronavirus pneumonia was observed in 185 cases of placebo group, while 11 cases were observed in group mRNA-1273, according to official reports released by mod Na, 94.1% of the results were effective based on 196 cases. 此前,在11月16日,摩德纳宣布对95例病例的评估显示,mrna-1273在新型冠状病毒疫苗研究中的有效率达到94.5%。摩德纳说,三期研究的最新主要疗效分析证实了第一次中期分析中观察到的高疗效。 Previously, on November 16, Modena announced that the evaluation of 95 cases sh

How three tiktok celebrities thwarted the US ban: not by chance

拥有230万粉丝的tiktok主播Cosette rinab加入诉讼,指控美国政府非法使用tiktok Cosette rinab, a tiktok anchor with 2.3 million fans, joined a lawsuit accusing the U.S. government of illegal use of tiktok 9月初,一群20出头的网络名人聚集在热门短视频平台tiktok上,讨论一个重大问题:他们是否应该与美国政府正面竞争? At the beginning of September, a group of Internet Celebrities in their early 20s on tiktok, a popular short video platform, gathered to discuss a major issue: should they compete head-on with the U.S. government? 经过多次讨论,23岁的新泽西喜剧演员道格·马兰(Doug MARLAND)举手加入反对特朗普政府禁止蒂克托克的行列。他的另外两位战友是音乐家亚历克·钱伯斯和时装设计师珂赛特·里纳布,他们也自愿提起诉讼。 After much discussion, Doug MARLAND, a 23-year-old comedian from New Jersey, raised his hand to join the opposition to the trump administration's ban on tiktok. His other two comrades in arms were musician Alec chambers and fashion designer Cosette rinab, who also voluntarily filed lawsuits. 三位网络名人在tiktok上的粉丝总数是740万,他们都是靠这个应用来谋生的。诉讼称,蒂克托克禁令不仅意味着他们失去了收入来源,也限制了他们表达自己的能力。 The total number of fans on tiktok of the three online celebrities is 7.

Xiami is said to be closed, Alibaba does not have a musical dream?

11月29日,注册微博用户项政(前华纳音乐/全球音乐中国区市场总监)在其微博上发布消息称,"传闻虾米音乐将于明年1月关闭。",夏米音乐的总编辑兼首席运营官目前正在北京开会,他们回国后必须进行一些人事调整。虾乐有可能被解散。 On November 29, Xiang Zheng, a certified microblog user (former marketing director of Warner Music / global music in China), posted on his microblog that "it is rumored that shrimp music will be closed in January next year." According to the user @ shell magnifying lamp, the chief editor and chief operating officer of Xiami music are currently meeting in Beijing, and they have to implement some staff changes when they go back. Shrimp music is likely to be dissolved. 这与音乐界独特的氛围和过去音乐家的密集工作有关。自2007年成立以来,夏米的命运几经改变。它原本被寄予了搅动国内网络音乐格局的希望,但现在由于一系列的失误,它已成为业界的边缘角色。 This has something to do with the unique atmosphere of the music community and the intensive work of musicians in the past. Since its establishment in 2007, Xiami's fate has changed several times. It was originally entrusted with the hope of stirring up the domestic online music pattern, but now it ha

According to sources, the Italian antitrust agency issued a 10 million euro fine to apple

据美国《It之家》11月30日报道,意大利反垄断机构在一封电子邮件声明中称,因苹果公司不当商业行为,该机构已对苹果分销国际公司和苹果意大利公司处以1000万欧元的罚款。 It house on November 30, it was reported that the Italian antitrust agency said in an email statement that it had fined Apple distribution international and apple Italia 10 million euros for improper business practices. 据it house称,意大利反垄断机构还认为,当iPhone型号被水或其他液体损坏时,苹果拒绝提供售后保修服务,从而妨碍了其根据《保修法》或《消费者法》享有的权利。基于这些原因,管理局决定对苹果分销国际公司和苹果意大利公司处以总额1000万欧元的罚款,并下令在苹果公司网站上公布措施摘要。 According to it house, the Italian antitrust agency also believes that when the iPhone models are damaged by water or other liquids, apple refuses to provide after-sales warranty service, thereby impeding its rights under the warranty law or the consumer law. For these reasons, the authority decided to impose a total of 10 million euro penalties on Apple distribution international and apple Italy, and ordered a summary of the measures to be published on the company's website. Link: update

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