
After the disaster, Ding Dong's fundraising for vegetables has shrunk, and the scene of a fresh e-commerce accident?

鼎东开盘后表现平平,为28元,较发行价上涨19.1%。截至收盘,鼎东股份股价报23.51元,与发行价持平,上涨0.04%,市值55.41亿元。 Dingdong's performance after the opening was fair, at $28, up 19.1% from the issue price. By the end of the day, dingdong's share price was at $23.51, flat with the issue price, up 0.04%, with a market value of $5.541 billion. 无论如何,这一募资金额远低于游仙日化IPO近3亿元的募资金额,当然也远低于鼎东IPO前的预期金额。当然,在定东的蔬菜采购方面,目前募集资金较少,还有控制股价、后期发布利好消息、提高股价以利于增发再融资的可能。 In any case, this amount of fund-raising is far less than the amount of nearly $300 million raised by the daily Youxian IPO, and certainly far less than the expected amount before dingdong's IPO. Of course, in the aspect of dingdong's vegetable shopping, the current fund-raising is less, and there is also the possibility of controlling the stock price, releasing the good news later, and raising the stock price to facilitate the refinancing of additional issuance. 不过,市场普遍认为,投资者对生鲜电子商务股价表现存在疑虑,甚至取消订单,而叮咚买菜则是在日优生鲜电子商务破发后受到拖累。一开始,游仙担心被拖累是自己的事。那么,我们就要带头IPO拖累别人。这两家公司对凯投如何看待新鲜电子商务

County town sinking, monthly average thousand stores: Xiaomi fights offline channel again

记者:李静雅 Reporter: Li Jingya 编辑温舒淇 Editor Wen Shuqi 讲同样的故事,组合新戏,赢得更多的合作伙伴——这就是小米正在做的。 Tell the same story, combine a new play, and win more partners - this is what Xiaomi is doing. 4月3日,第5000家小米家居专卖店在沈阳欢乐城开业。小米开第一家店已经5年多了。 On April 3, the 5000th Xiaomi home store was launched in Shenyang Joy City. It has been more than five years since Xiaomi opened its first store. 4月27日晚,在小米集团旗下品牌红米召开新闻发布会后,卢伟平表示,"现在中国大约有2100个县,小米家居应该覆盖60%。预计今年上半年将覆盖70%-80%。我们现在在网上开店的速度非常快。" On the evening of April 27, after the press conference of redmi, a brand of Xiaomi group, Lu Weibing said, "now there are about 2100 counties in China, and Xiaomi home should cover 60%. It is estimated that it will cover 70% - 80% in the first half of this year. We are now opening stores online very fast." 回到2017年小米6的上市,雷军首次透露了小米家居的战略目标:5年内线下零售收入突破700亿,3年内开店1000家。 Back to the launch of Xiaomi 6 in 2017, Lei Jun revealed for the first time the strategic goal of Xiaomi home: to break through 70 billion in offline

Can't sell mobile phones without Huawei?

艾金融学会吴迪牛耕 AI Financial Society Wu Di Niu Geng 编辑:赵艳秋 Editor: Zhao Yanqiu 赵舍的手机是中国移动两年前购买的旗舰手机。当时的价格是5000多元。虽然这台机器仍然运行平稳,像新的一样好,但64g的内存已经捉襟见肘。今年1月,这家制造商发布了最新的旗舰飞机。赵舍从床上爬起来,开始寻找配置。 Zhao she's mobile phone was a flagship mobile phone bought by China Mobile two years ago. At that time, the price was more than 5000 yuan. Although the machine is still running smoothly and as good as new, 64g of memory has been stretched. In January this year, the manufacturer released its latest flagship aircraft. Zhao she crawled out of the bed and began to search for configuration. 但今年的手机让他失望了:低配置旗舰机的配置比去年落后。屏幕由3200*1400像素减少到2400*1080像素,内存由12g减少到8g,景深摄像头减少,取消了招牌的弧形屏幕、金属框和玻璃后盖。他受不了异形屏幕,期待这一代手机能实现屏幕下的摄像头,但事实并非如此。 But this year's mobile phone let him down: the configuration of low configuration flagship machine is backward than last year. The screen is reduced from 3200 * 1400 pixels to 2400 * 1080 pixels, the memory is reduced from 12g to 8g, a depth of field camera is reduced, and the curved screen,

Full speed up! China Post enlarges the recruitment, Shun Feng you flurried not flurried?

邮政服务终于不慢了! Postal service is not slow at last! 6月28日,中国邮政快讯微信发布消息称,中国邮政正式开通了官方账号。看到这条消息,网友们惊呆了。以缓慢著称的邮政服务终于要改变这种"公众印象"。很快,这条消息就登上了热门搜索的榜首。 In June 28th, the WeChat post of the China Post Express said that China Post officially launched official account. Netizens were stunned to see this news. Postal service, which is famous for its slowness, is finally going to change this "public impression". Soon, the news hit the top of the hot search. 现在,通达、顺丰等快递基本可以到第二天,有的甚至可以当天送到家里。虽然邮政提速已经晚了,但能做出如此大的改变还是令人欣慰的。 Now, Tongda, Shunfeng and other express delivery can basically reach the next day, and some can even be delivered to home on the same day. Although the postal speed-up is late, it is gratifying to make such a big change. 事实上,邮政业务在几年前就开始悄然提速。如邮政实行"千线大提速",各地各邮政局从作业频次到联卡点再到航线,逐一梳理优化邮路,逐一发现问题、解决问题。 In fact, the postal service began to speed up quietly a few years ago. For example, the post has carried out the "great speed increase of 1000 lines", and all

Tesla put Ningde era on "C position"

作者:陆毅编辑:余慧茹 Author: Lu Yi, editor: Yu Huiru 由于董事长曾钰群身价飞涨,加上与特斯拉的电池合同,宁德时报最近成为新能源行业的c位领头羊。 Ningde times has recently become a c-position leader in the new energy industry because of the soaring price of chairman Zeng Yuqun and a battery contract with Tesla. 6月28日,宁德时报宣布与特斯拉签署协议,从2022年1月至2025年12月,即未来4年内,向特斯拉供应锂离子动力电池产品。具体采购情况由特斯拉以订单形式确定,最终销售金额以特斯拉发出的采购订单实际结算为准。 On June 28, Ningde Times announced that it had signed an agreement with Tesla to supply lithium-ion power battery products to Tesla from January 2022 to December 2025, that is, in the next four years. The specific purchase situation shall be determined by Tesla in the form of order, and the final sales amount shall be subject to the actual settlement of purchase order issued by Tesla. 未来,特斯拉的model 3、model y等车型将使用宁德时代的电池。 In the future, Tesla's model 3, model y and other models will use batteries from Ningde era. 在"2019世界人工智能大会"上,两人再次见面,40多分钟就敲定了合作意向。 At the "2019 world Artificial Intelligence Conference", t

A large number of Western Digital hard disks are formatted, or hackers attack each other: there are new vulnerabilities

机器核心报告 Heart of the machine Report 编辑:陈平泽南 Editor: Zenan, Chen Ping 你的硬盘可能已被黑客破解并用于采矿。最近,突如其来的自动格式化是因为另一波黑客想与其"抢地盘"。 Your hard disk may have been cracked by hackers and used for mining. Recently, the sudden automatic formatting is because another wave of hackers want to "grab territory" with them. 上周四,大量西部数据我书移动硬盘用户数据被远程清除事件引起公众关注。随着西方数字官员要求用户拔掉电缆,事情开始变得有点混乱。 Last Thursday, a large number of Western data my book mobile hard disk user data was remotely cleared event caused public concern. As Western Digital officials asked users to unplug the cable, things began to get a bit chaotic. 本周,另一位安全官员透露,这些硬盘仍然存在新的漏洞。 This week, another security official revealed that there are still new loopholes in these hard disks. 在将这些发现提交给Western data后,安全人员收到了以下回复:"我们可以确认,至少在某些情况下,攻击者利用了一个命令注入漏洞(cve-2018-18472),然后是一个工厂重置漏洞。目前尚不清楚攻击者为何会利用这两个漏洞。我们将请求CVE恢复工厂设置漏洞,并将更新我们的公告以包含此信息。" After submitting these findings to Western data, the security personnel received the following reply:

Musk MWC's speech: Star chain will make 30 billion US dollars in the next year, which is 10 times of its rocket business

马斯克还表示,由于硬件价格接近1300美元,公司向客户提供卫星天线服务"赔钱",但SpaceX仅向用户收取499美元的费用,"我们正在开发下一代终端,可以提供相同水平的能力,大致相同水平的能力,但成本要低得多,"他说。 Musk also said the company was "losing money" for its satellite antenna service to its customers because the hardware price was close to $1300, but SpaceX charged users only $499" We are developing the next generation of terminals that can provide the same level of capability, roughly the same level of capability, but at a much lower cost, "he said. 正如SpaceX管理层此前所言,马斯克估计SpaceX可能需要50亿至100亿美元来全面运营星链,然后长期投资高达200亿至300亿美元。但SpaceX相信它可以扩展到更大的市场。据估计,星空链每年可产生高达300亿美元的收入,约为其火箭发射业务年收入的10倍。 As SpaceX management has said before, musk estimates that SpaceX may need $5 billion to $10 billion to fully operate the star chain, and then invest as much as $20 billion to $30 billion in the long term. But SpaceX believes it can expand into a larger market. It is estimated that the star chain can generate as much as $30 billion in revenue a year, about 10 times

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