
Uncover the secrets of Weilai high-end EP Club: some people mix in the circle and others improve it. The entry threshold is equivalent to selling 50 cars

500位威莱车主的联合声明不仅将威莱的"社区之泪"推到了最前沿,还将威莱最高端的车主社区"epclub"推到了聚光灯下。 The joint statement of 500 Weilai car owners not only pushed Weilai's "community tear" to the forefront, but also put the most high-end owner community "epclub" in Weilai under the spotlight. 关于威莱易趣俱乐部的传闻很多,比如会员门槛高达1000万元,帮助威莱人均销售25辆车,"高质量的人类社交圈"等等。在社交媒体上,有人说,威莱易趣俱乐部的大多数成员都是"社会专家",有经济自由,对他们"绝不冷淡"。还有人说EP俱乐部的一些成员是为了"混血圈"。为了进入这个俱乐部,威莱车主之间有大量的积分灰色交易。 There are many rumors about Weilai epclub, such as the threshold of membership is as high as 10 million yuan, helping Weilai sell 25 cars per capita, "high-quality human social circle", etc. On social media, some people said that most of the members of Weilai epclub were "social experts" with financial freedom, and "never be cold" with them. It is also said that some members of EP club are for the purpose of "mixing circles". In order to enter this club, there a

Meituan fast donkey contraction: difficult to transform the catering supply chain

当万里走了 Wen Wanli makhin 编辑黄俊杰 Editor Huang Junjie 大扩张后不到一年,美团提供外卖业务的B2B业务迅速转向收缩。后来,latepost独家获悉,fast驴在近100个城市提供服务。目前,预计将暂停部分城市,仅保留一线和二线城市。 Less than a year after the great expansion, meituan's B2B business supplying takeout businesses quickly turned to contraction《 Later, latepost exclusively learned that fast donkey provides services in nearly 100 cities. At present, it is expected to suspend some cities and retain only the first and second tier cities. 2021年第一季度,快鹿提出了"百城攻坚"的扩张计划,计划以比自营更轻的平台模式扩张。从那时起,大约有70个城市已经发展起来,主要是三线城市。 In the first quarter of 2021, Kuailu put forward the expansion plan of "100 cities tackling tough problems", which plans to expand in a lighter platform mode than self-operation. Since then, about 70 cities have been developed, mainly third tier cities. 一位快驴表示,在下半年,快驴将更多地关注现有的合作卖家,以加强平台的基本能力建设,如供应、存储和性能。 A fast donkey said that in the second half of the year, fast donkey will focus more on existing cooperative sellers to enhance the basic cap

Wang Xing's position on "common prosperity": rooted in meituan gene

在8月30日晚美团财务报告发布后的分析师会议上,美团首席执行官王兴详细解释了"共同繁荣"一开始的含义,称共同繁荣本身就植根于美团的基因,美团的名字意味着"一起更好",因为"美"更好,"团"在一起,和美团在一起更好"。 At the analysts' meeting after the release of meituan's financial report on the evening of August 30, meituan CEO Wang Xing explained in detail the "common prosperity" at the beginning, saying that common prosperity itself is rooted in meituan's gene, and meituan's name means "better together", because "beauty" is better, "Tuan" is together, and meituan is better together ". 根据美团当晚发布的财务报告,2021年第二季度和半年的总收入为438亿元,同比增长77%,调整后的净亏损环比收窄至22.17亿元。 According to the financial report released by meituan that night, the total revenue in the second quarter and half year of 2021 was 43.8 billion yuan, an increase of 77% year-on-year, and the adjusted net loss narrowed to 2.217 billion yuan month on month. 王兴说,最近宏观调控层面发生了很多变化,我们也非常关注这些变化,但这些变化是为了实现共同富裕的目标。他还表示,"监管变化有利于互联网行业的可持续发展和有序增长

Official release! The photos taken by the astronauts of Shenzhou 12 in orbit are shocking!

航天员唐洪波摄 Photographed by astronaut Tang Hongbo 2021年7月21日,在几内亚湾,西南季风夹杂着湿气,并没有阻止它前往北非大陆。经过自行车短跑间歇训练、肌肉尺寸、环境控制维护、神经肌肉训练等活动后,宇航员唐洪波回到卧室,拍下了这张照片。 On July 21, 2021, in the Gulf of Guinea, the southwest monsoon mixed with moisture did not stop its journey to the North African continent. After cycling sprint interval exercise, muscle dimension, environmental control maintenance, neuromuscular training and other activities, astronaut Tang Hongbo returned to his bedroom and took this picture. 航天员唐洪波摄 Photographed by astronaut Tang Hongbo 2021年7月30日,宇航员唐洪波拍摄了北非大陆上数千盏灯的壮丽景象。宇宙中的星星和地球上的光相辅相成,共同发挥着生命的和谐运动。 On July 30, 2021, astronaut Tang Hongbo photographed the magnificent scene of thousands of lights on the North African continent. The stars in the universe and the lights on the earth complement each other, playing a harmonious movement of life together. 航天员唐洪波摄 Photographed by astronaut Tang Hongbo 北京时间2021年8月8日上午6:32,核心模块组件穿过埃塞俄比亚高原。在星罗棋布的夜空下,它呈现出阳光灿烂的气氛,轻轻拥抱着这颗美丽的蓝色星球。远处索马里半岛的轮廓指向太阳的方向。 At 6:32

I work as a supervisor on Weibo: 4 iPhones and 2 iPads a year

资料来源:《泰晤士报财经》作者:徐丹 Source: times finance Author: Xu Dan 网民@tomo sauce微博的关闭使微博监督员这一职业进入了公众视野。 The closure of netizen @ tomo sauce microblog brought the profession of microblog supervisor to public view. 8月27日前后,官方认证的微博主管纪浩阳散布谣言,报道网友@tomo sauce。后来,@tomo saint微博被关闭,纪浩阳因谣言被微博永久解雇。 Before and after August 27, Ji Haoyang, an officially certified microblog supervisor, spread rumors to report the netizen @ tomo sauce. Later, the @ tomo sauce microblog was closed, and Ji Haoyang was permanently dismissed by the microblog because of rumors. 在这件事上,舆论的焦点是微博监管者是否权力过大,是否有权随意获取用户信息和盖章。8月27日,微博监管机构的官方账户回应称,关闭@tomo sauce账户的问题被发现是由该电台依法处理的,因为该账户此前发布了与时政相关的有害信息,而这不是监管机构的投诉。 On this matter, the focus of public opinion is whether the microblog supervisor has too much power and whether he has the right to obtain user information and seal at will. The official account of the microblog supervisor responded on August 27 that the issue of the closure of the account @ tomo sauce was found to be handled by the st

If lidar deceives you

在未来的某一天,自动驾驶仪已经普及,各种自动驾驶仪汽车在街上行驶,人们在车里睡觉。 One day in the future, autopilot has been popularized, and all kinds of autopilot cars are running on the streets, and people are sleeping in cars. 突然,一辆汽车上的激光雷达错误地接收到了不属于它的"信号",导致了一系列的误判。一时间,路上快速移动的机器陷入混乱 Suddenly, the lidar on a car mistakenly received the "signal" that did not belong to it, resulting in a series of misjudgments. For a moment, the fast-moving machines on the road fell into chaos 这种有点赛博朋克的场景在今天似乎很难理解,但事实上,这种情况已经出现在一些自动驾驶车辆集中的试验区。 This somewhat cyberpunk scene seems difficult to empathize with today, but in fact, this situation has appeared in some test areas where autonomous vehicles are concentrated. 据一位研究自动驾驶的高管透露,他们在亦庄安排了很多自动驾驶考试团队。这些测试装载了激光雷达和毫米波雷达,在我们想象的单车智能中实现了足够的设备和安全冗余。然而,在一次实际测试过程中,我们从未遇到过激光雷达出现故障。后来发现,原因是测试环境中的设备太多,导致干扰,导致一些传感器直接躺下。 According to a senior executive who studies automatic driving, they arranged a lot of automatic driving test teams in Yizhuang. These tests were loaded with lidar and

Crazy price rise of auto chips: the dealer's quotation is directly multiplied by 10 times, and the dollar transaction is difficult to trace

长达一年的汽车芯片短缺仍然没有缓解的迹象。汽车需求回升,但汽车芯片供应不足,使得越来越多的汽车企业被动减产停产,影响了汽车行业的正常运行。 The year-long shortage of auto chips still shows no signs of easing. Automobile demand recovers, but the insufficient supply of automobile chips makes more and more automobile enterprises passively reduce production and stop production, which has affected the normal operation of the automobile industry. 近年来,随着2019冠状病毒疾病在马来西亚的兴起,芯片密封装置的关闭加剧了汽车芯片的供应,导致许多汽车厂由于缺少备件供应而关闭。芯片代工台积电、联电和三星已经开始了新一轮的涨价,这将给已经处于高价的汽车芯片带来压力。 Recently, with the rise of COVID-19 in Malaysia, the closure of the chip sealing plant has intensified the supply of automobile chips, resulting in the closure of many auto factories due to the lack of spare parts supply. Chip foundries TSMC, liandian and Samsung have opened a new round of price increases, which will put pressure on automotive chips that are already at a high price. 自去年年底以来,汽车芯片的价格已经上涨了几十倍甚至几百倍。8月3日,针对汽车芯片市场炒作、价格高企等突出问题,国家市场监督管理局表示,将根据价格监测和报告线索,对涉嫌抬高价格的汽车芯片分销企业立案调查。 Since the end of last year,

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