
Who is "washing white" Jia Yueting

作者/AI金融机构魏帅红韩琦韩玲 Author / AI financial agency Wei Shuai Hong Han Qi Han Ling 编辑/毛世阳 Editor / Mao Shiyang 9月19日,中秋节的第一天,气温骤降,连绵不断的降雨使得北京的街道人烟稀少。 On September 19, the first day of the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, the sudden drop in temperature and continuous rain made the streets of Beijing sparsely populated. 然而,朝阳区798艺术区却熙熙攘攘。法拉第未来(以下简称FF)将在这里举办"919未来派共同创作节"。与此同时,一项主题相同的活动将在洛杉矶举行。 However, 798 Art District in Chaoyang District is bustling. Faraday future (hereinafter referred to as FF) will hold the "919 futurist co creation Festival" here. At the same time, an activity with the same theme will be held in Los Angeles. 这是贾跃婷创立的公司自离开后首次在中国举行公开活动。同一天,798年,FF中国高管首次亮相。FF中国首席执行官陈雪峰在现场宣布,公司与吉利的合作已取得"实质性进展",首款产品ff91将"按计划交付"。该公司正在加快寻找FF中国总部落户该市。 This is the first time that the company founded by Jia Yueting has held public activities in China since he left. On the same day, in 798, FF Chinese executives appeared for the first time. Chen Xuefeng, CEO of FF

Under power rationing, the new energy vehicle market has no choice but to brake?

资料来源:pexels Source: pexels 9月29日,辽宁省发布了严重缺电二级橙色预警,很快就登上了热搜。 On September 29, Liaoning issued a serious power shortage level II orange warning, which soon boarded the hot search. 自9月23日以来,东北地区许多地方都发布了限电通知,这表明如果电力短缺得不到缓解,限电可能会继续。 Since September 23, many places in Northeast China have issued power rationing notices, which show that if the power shortage is not alleviated, the power rationing may continue. "那天晚上,我正走在拐角处,隔壁沈阳二中教学楼的灯突然熄灭,然后学生们欢呼起来。"沈阳沈北新区居民周欣仍然记得9月23日晚上的停电。那天晚上,坏电影响了,一些道路因为信号灯没电而拥堵。 "I was walking around the corner that night, the lights of the teaching building of Shenyang No. 2 middle school next door suddenly went out, and then the students cheered." Zhou Xin, a resident of Shenyang Shenbei New District, still remembers the power outage on the night of September 23. That night, the broken movie rang, and some roads were congested because the signal lights were out of power. 在过去的一周,"限电"从东北开始,并蔓延到中国的10多个省份。据《未来汽车报》不完全统计,截至9月28日,黑龙江、吉林、辽宁等省、广东、

Coal legion, Huawei's desire for survival

这些2B和2G产业不仅要遵循与2c完全不同的商业运作逻辑,还要接受中国工业市场新技术的认知差异、交易特征和竞争关系。华为的《财富》业务运营商通信业务为其软件包在传统行业中找到突破提供了很大帮助,业务模式具有一定的延续性。 These 2B & 2G industries should not only abide by the commercial operation logic completely different from 2c, but also accept the cognitive differences, transaction characteristics and competitive relationship of new technologies in China's industrial market. Huawei's fortune business - Operator communication business has provided great help for their software packages to find a breakthrough in traditional industries, and has a certain continuity in their business model. 就像这样一场"将红蒙操作系统首次投入矿井"的新闻发布会一样,当红蒙之父王成禄描述系统的特点时,我们只能将其与华为线下门店巨大的"红蒙"标识联系起来。事实上,当它第一时间进入煤矿行业时,就意味着它不再是主角; Just like such a press conference to "put the Hongmeng operating system into the mine for the first time", we can only connect it with the huge "Hongmeng" logo in Huawei's offline stores when Wang Chenglu, the father of Hongmeng, describes the characte

Evergrande automobile has a department on vacation until the end of October. The employees said that the office was in panic and were brushing their resumes

目前,恒大汽车通知休假是"带薪"的,但很多员工表示,他们与恒大签订的劳动合同的薪酬结构由基本工资和绩效组成,每月5日和20日支付一半。"已付"的最低支付标准实际上是工资的一半。 At present, Evergrande automobile notifies that the leave is "paid", but many employees say that the salary structure of the labor contract they signed with Evergrande is composed of base salary and performance, with half paid on the 5th and 20th of each month. The minimum payment standard of "paid" is actually half salary. 一位上海员工表示,现在办公室里的人都很恐慌,"每个人都在刷简历。" An employee in Shanghai said that now people in the office are panic, "everyone is brushing their resumes." 2019年8月,恒大发布了新品牌"恒驰",并委托一家外部设计公司同时开发了十几辆汽车。该公司表示,2025年将实现100万辆的年产销量,2035年将实现500万辆以上的年产销量。过去两年,恒大在产业链上游进行了大量投资和收购,并在许多地方建厂。但研发进展并不顺利,随着恒大集团资金链的收紧,这一问题进一步放大。 In August 2019, Evergrande released the new brand "hengchi" and entrusted an external design company to develop more than a dozen vehicles at the same time. It said that the annual production and sales of 1

Frontline | Hua Zhibing, a virtual student of Tsinghua University, became popular. Xiaobing responded that the three-dimensional virtual human is expected to be generated by AI in the future

腾讯新闻一线小冉 Tencent News frontline Xiao ran 最近,清华大学第一位人工智能虚拟学生华志兵首次露面唱歌,在互联网上大受欢迎。华志兵的外表、面孔和声音与真人没有什么不同,这引起了人们对三维虚拟人物是否都是人工智能生成的广泛关注。 Recently, Hua Zhibing, the first AI virtual student in Tsinghua University, showed his face and sang for the first time, becoming popular on the Internet. Hua Zhibing's appearance, face and voice are no different from those of real people, which has aroused widespread concern about whether the three-dimensional virtual characters are all AI generated. Link: update time:2021-09-30 14:40:26

Uncover epic's metauniverse plan: Taking changing social style as the core, vowing to break the "walled garden"

集中 Focus 1.电子游戏和软件开发商Epic Games致力于构建一个元宇宙,其核心是改变人们的社交方式。 1. Video game and software developer Epic Games is committed to building a meta universe, the core of which is to change people's social style. 2.epic的首席执行官斯威尼认为,他设想的元宇宙应该是一个巨大的数字空间,用户可以在其中自由探索。 2. Sweeney, CEO of epic, believes that the metauniverse he envisions should be a vast digital space in which users can explore freely. 3. Sweeney said that compared with the carefully edited and advertised news push provided by platforms such as Facebook, the metauniverse will be very different. 4.斯威尼将硅谷巨人创造的经济生态系统称为"围墙花园",这阻碍了元宇宙的构建。 4. Sweeney calls the economic ecosystem created by Silicon Valley giants "walled gardens", which have hindered the construction of the meta universe. 5.Epic本身目前有一个有围墙的花园。应用商店仍然是一个封闭的市场,但它正在推广跨平台和互操作性标准。 5. Epic itself currently has a walled garden. The app store is still a closed market, but it is promoting cross platform and interoperability standards. 6.建立斯威尼的元宇宙观仍然面临许多重大障碍,甚至超出了epi

SpaceX starship project approved: environmental protection work blocked, residents overwhelmed

集中 Focus 腾讯科技讯9月30日,美国太空探索技术公司SpaceX正准备发射太空史上最大的火箭。如果得到联邦监管机构的批准,它将从德克萨斯州南端的海岸设施起飞。然而,当地居民和研究人员强烈批评该项目的许可程序,称特斯拉藐视法律,以牺牲环境和社区利益为代价。 Tencent technology news on September 30, US space exploration technology company SpaceX is preparing to launch the largest rocket in space history. If approved by federal regulators, it will take off from a coastal facility at the southern tip of Texas. However, local residents and researchers are fiercely criticizing the licensing process of the project, saying Tesla is flouting the law and at the expense of the environment and community interests. SpaceX在未经监管部门批准的情况下为星际飞船建造了发射塔,并在没有实际发射许可证的情况下开始组装火箭 SpaceX has built a launch tower for the Starship without regulatory approval and has begun assembling rockets without an actual launch license 通往SpaceX设施的唯一途径是德克萨斯州4号公路。这条路与格兰德河平行,从布朗斯维尔到博卡奇卡海滩。40分钟的车程将带领游客穿过茂密多刺的灌木丛,这是濒危豹猫的首选栖息地。在多刺的植被后面是平坦的海岸、沙丘和宁静的海滩,是濒危海龟和独特候鸟的家园。 The only way to the SpaceX facility is Texas Highway 4. The road runs parallel to the Rio Gr

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