It's "lost" by Ali
作者苏琪 Author Su Qi 编者按 Editor's note_ �[ 真正的虾音乐爱好者可以通过打开自己的应用程序界面来证明这一点。注册年数和你听过的歌数就是最好的证明。 Real fans of shrimp music can prove it by opening their own app interface. The number of years of registration and the number of songs you have heard are the best proof. 2006年,一个名为emumo的"小破站"出现了,意思是"学习音乐和金钱"。之后很多网友为爱发电,自发上传相册。这个网站赢得了很多少数民族歌手和独立音乐家的支持。它有独特的歌迷粘性和音乐氛围。当融资困难时,它受到阿里巴巴的青睐。 In 2006, a "little broken station" named emumo appeared, meaning "learn music & money". After many users for love power generation, spontaneous upload album. This website has won a lot of minority singers and independent musicians. It has unique fans' stickiness and music atmosphere. When it is difficult to finance, it is favored by Alibaba. 2018年,行业洗牌。腾讯音乐在美国股市上市。从那以后,我就一蹶不振了。虾仁只能出现在出售和合并的传闻中。 In 2018, the industry shuffled. Tencent music was listed in the U.S. stock market. Since then, TME has gone through the dust. Shrimps can only appear in rumors of selling and...