
Showing posts from April, 2021

Zhou is also the CEO of tiktok; Ali's salary increase for ordinary employees

一定要看今天的科技新闻 Must read today's science and Technology News 周首席财务官还是tiktok的首席执行官 CFO Zhou is also CEO of tiktok 4月30日,byte beat宣布,byte beat现任首席财务官周寿子(Shouzi chew)也将担任tiktok的首席执行官。与此同时,蒂克托克前临时主管瓦妮莎·帕帕斯(vanesa Pappas)将担任蒂克托克的首席运营官。 On April 30, byte beat announced that Shouzi chew, the current CFO of byte beat, will also be the CEO of tiktok. Meanwhile, Vanessa Pappas, the former interim head of tiktok, will be the COO of tiktok. Kevin Mayer于2020年8月离职后,tiktok正式迎来了新的CEO和coo。 After Kevin Mayer left in August 2020, tiktok officially ushered in the new CEO and coo. 据消息,阿里将在2021年冻结高管加薪,并给予普通员工更多加薪 According to the news, Ali will freeze the salary increase of senior executives in 2021 and give more salary increase to ordinary employees 这些薪酬变化标志着阿里巴巴正在为一种不同于过去的方式而奋斗。据知情人士透露,多年来,公司高层管理人员每年平均加薪5%至10%,并给予股票激励。 These pay changes mark Alibaba's fight for a different approach from the past. According to people familiar with the matter, for many years, the company's top management has been g...

Bezos strongly protested NASA's suspension of SpaceX lunar program contract

腾讯证券5月1日报道,美国国防承包商dynetics和杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)旗下的太空探索公司blue origin company向美国国会下属的"政府问责办公室"提交抗议文件后,SpaceX为美国宇航局提供的月球着陆器项目暂停。 Tencent securities reported on May 1 that the lunar lander project provided by SpaceX for NASA was suspended after the blue origin company, a space exploration company under the US defense contractor dynetics and Jeff Bezos, submitted a protest document to the "Government Accountability Office" under the US Congress. Blue origin声称,美国宇航局与SpaceX就拟议价格进行了谈判,但没有与Blue origin进行类似的谈判。 Blue origin claimed that NASA negotiated a proposed price with SpaceX, but did not have similar negotiations with blue origin. 美国航天局回应说,预算问题和国会资金的缺乏意味着该机构只能选择一个投标人。据报道,美国宇航局原计划今年投资34亿美元用于月球着陆器的研制,但国会只批准了四分之一,即8.5亿美元。 NASA responded that budget concerns and a lack of congressional funding meant the agency could only choose one bidder. According to reports, NASA originally planned to invest $3.4 billion in the development of lunar landers this year, but Congress approved on...

One step closer to 40000 small targets: SpaceX launches the 25th batch of satellite chains

北京时间周四上午11点44分(美国东部时间周三晚上11点44分),SpaceX Falcon 9号从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的slc-40发射了第25批60颗Starlink卫星。 At 11:44 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday (11:44 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday), SpaceX Falcon 9 launched its 25th batch of 60 Starlink satellites from slc-40, Cape Canaveral Air Force base, Florida. 这次任务是猎鹰9号B 1060助推器的第七次发射。截至目前,SpaceX已向太空发射了1505颗卫星,在轨卫星1434颗,距离4.2万颗的目标又近了一小步。 This mission is the seventh launch of Falcon 9 booster B 1060. Up to now, SpaceX has launched 1505 satellites into space, with 1434 satellites in orbit, a small step closer to the target of 42000. (来源:SpaceX) (source: SpaceX) SpaceX公司总裁格温恩·肖特韦尔(Gwynne shotwell)早些时候表示,第28批卫星发射成功后,SpaceX将实现"全球全连接"。 Gwynne shotwell, President of SpaceX, said earlier that SpaceX would be "fully connected globally" after the successful launch of the 28th batch of satellites. "猎鹰9号"火箭助推器先后发射了美国航天部队的GPS III卫星、土耳其的土耳其卫星5A卫星和SpaceX公司的4颗"星链"任务。SpaceX这次仍在计划恢复它。当它从太空返回时,预计将在大西洋的一艘名为"刚刚阅读指令"的无人自动助推器回收船...

Supply shortage of miniled Apple's 12.9-inch iPad Pro delayed delivery

据国外媒体上周五在苹果网站上的调查显示,几乎所有版本的新款12.9英寸iPad Pro都有望在6月24日至7月8日期间在美国交付。苹果公司销售的ipadpro有两种颜色:银色、深灰色和五种存储容量,有Wi-Fi或Wi-Fi和5g两种版本。目前,唯一能尽快交付的版本是存储容量为2TB的Wi-Fi版本。相比之下,新款11英寸iPad Pro仍然采用了液体视网膜显示屏,交货时间不变,仍将在5月份交货。 Almost all versions of the new 12.9-inch iPad Pro are expected to be delivered in the United States between June 24 and July 8, according to a foreign media survey on Apple's website on Friday. Apple sells the iPad pro in two colors - silver, dark grey, and five storage capacities, with versions of Wi Fi or Wi Fi and 5g. At present, the only version that can be delivered as soon as possible is the Wi Fi version with 2TB storage capacity. By comparison, the new 11 inch iPad Pro still uses the liquid retina display, and the delivery time remains unchanged, and will still be delivered in May. 新款iPad Pro配备了M1芯片,CPU性能比目前最强的iPad Pro高出50%,GPU性能为40%。前1200万超广角镜头支持纵向定心功能,后镜头模块支持HDR 3技术,目前仍搭载lidar。12.9英寸的ipadpro配备了一个新的mini-LED显示屏,苹果称之为"liquid retina XDR display"。新的ipadpro有银色和深灰色两种颜色,6.4...

Yu Chengdong: the high-end mobile phone is given over to Apple; Netizen: it's more than apple that Huawei falls down

余承东的朋友圈转发,更是引起很大轰动。 Yu Chengdong's circle of friends forwarding, it is caused a big sensation. 华为手机平板电脑的国内市场对苹果来说是高端市场 The domestic market of Huawei's mobile phone tablet is high-end to Apple 这是余成东所说的"放手"的一部分吗? Is this part of what Yu Chengdong called "let go"? 让我们看一段对话: Let's look at a dialogue: 考恩公司分析师:第二季度中国市场表现非常好。哪些产品或服务是主要驱动因素? Cowen & Company analyst: Q2 China market performs very well. What products or services are the main driving factors? 库克:中国第二季度的营收创下新高,所有产品线都实现了两位数的增长,包括全系列的iphone12和新款ipadpro。本季度的业绩增长应该考虑到中国去年第二季度关闭城市的因素。此外,重要的是,三分之二的MAC和iPad买家是新用户。 Cook: China's revenue hit a new high in the second quarter, and all product lines achieved double-digit growth, including the full range of iPhone 12 and the new iPad pro. This quarter's performance growth should consider the factor that China closed its city in the second quarter of last year. In addition, it's important that two-thirds of MAC and iPad buyers are new users. 有三分之二...

Exclusive dialogue with female owners of Tesla's "roof protection": I didn't expect a car to buy itself

记者:李星编辑:裴建如 Reporter: Li Xing editor: Pei Jianru "我从不后悔维护我对特斯拉的权利。当时采取的行为有点极端。在行政拘留的5天时间里,我深刻反思。在今后的维权过程中,我会更加注重方式方法。"4月29日晚,在距离特斯拉体验中心(郑州富达店)不到500米的一家酒店,《每日经济新闻》记者见到了上海车展期间"车顶保护"的客户——特斯拉女车主张亮(化名)。 "I have never regretted defending my rights to Tesla. The behavior adopted at that time was a little extreme. During the five days of administrative detention, I deeply reflected on it. In the process of safeguarding rights in the future, I will pay more attention to ways and methods. " On the evening of April 29, in a hotel less than 500 meters away from Tesla Experience Center (futa store in Zhengzhou), the reporter of daily economic news met the client of "roof protection" during the Shanghai Auto Show - Tesla female owner Zhang Liang (pseudonym). 图片来源:李星摄 Photo source: by Li Xing 张亮说,在行政拘留的5天里,她饿的时候一口饭也不吃,还喝水,"我一点也吃不下。我买了一辆车,但没想到自己也买了。"张亮告诉记者,正是因为当时她喜欢特斯拉,才给他们的车"上了粉"。买车后,她还拍了一张自画像,并推荐其他朋友购买。 Zhang Liang said that during the five...

Weilai and Tesla are 24 rocs away

市值方面,按照4月29日收盘价计算,特斯拉的市值为6498.21亿美元,威莱的市值为638.86亿美元。威莱和特斯拉之间,有24个小鹏(小鹏市值244.91亿美元)的差价。 In terms of market value, according to the closing price on April 29, Tesla's market value is $649.821 billion, while Weilai's is $63.886 billion. Between Weilai and Tesla, there is a difference of 24 Xiaopeng (Xiaopeng's market value is $24.491 billion). 最重要的是,越来越多的力量试图瓜分这一市场,传统汽车企业已经恢复了理智。他们凭借百年来积累的资金、技术和经验,正在准备一场又一场的大反击。 The most important thing is that more and more forces are trying to carve up this market, and the traditional auto companies have come back to their senses. With their capital, technology, and experience accumulated over the past century, they are preparing for a big counterattack one after another. 2021年的中国市场更危险。你准备好去威莱了吗? The Chinese market in 2021 is more dangerous. Are you ready for Weilai? 如果你想减少损失,就必须卖出更多 If you want to lose less, you have to sell more 过去,威来一直在努力降低成本,提高效率。 In the past, Weilai was working hard to reduce costs and increase efficiency. 2021年第一季度,威莱实...

The deputy director earns 41 yuan from delivering delivery, and punishes the riders one by one. Can they earn more than 10000 yuan a month?

文爱金融社 Wen AI Financial Society 编辑:杨杰 Editor: Yang Jie 近日,北京卫视播出的一部纪录片讲述了北京市人力资源和社会保障局副局长王林变身"外卖哥"并赠送外卖一天的故事。这个话题太热门了,他曾经在微博上被搜索过。 Recently, a documentary broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV tells the story of Wang Lin, deputy director of Beijing human resources and Social Security Bureau, turning into a "takeaway brother" and giving away the takeaway for a day. The topic is too hot, and he was once searched on microblog. 这一天,该部门副主任王林经历了接单、接饭、骑电动车上路的经历。。。12小时内,他完成了5份送餐单,收入41元,平均每小时不到3元。其中一个,他跑了近一个小时,只赚了6元6角。王副局长说:"发晚了要扣60%。" In this day, Wang Lin, deputy director of the Department, experienced the experience of receiving orders, picking up meals, and riding an electric car on the road... Within 12 hours, he completed five orders of delivering meals, earning 41 yuan, less than three yuan an hour on average. One of them, he ran for nearly an hour and earned only 6 yuan and 60 cents. Wang deputy director said: "send late to deduct 60%." 一天后,王副局长沮丧地坐在路边...

60 year old cook vs. 36 year old zakar, who can win the two kinds of Internet thinking?

以下是文章的主体部分 The following is the main body of the article 2019年7月,在美国爱达荷州太阳谷举行的科技和媒体大亨论坛上,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)坐下来举行非正式会议,试图修复他们之间的紧张关系。 In July 2019, at a forum of technology and media tycoons in Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, Tim Cook, CEO of apple, and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, sat down and held informal meetings to try to repair the tension between them. 扎克伯格在2018年的艾伦大会上与Facebook高管丹·罗斯和首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格联手 Zuckerberg joined Facebook executive Dan Ross and coo Cheryl Sandberg at the Allen conference in 2018 更重要的是,库克和扎克伯格互相攻击。2017年,由Facebook和其他苹果竞争对手资助的华盛顿一家政治公司发表匿名文章批评库克,并策划了一场虚假的竞选活动,让库克成为总统候选人,大概是为了颠覆他与前总统唐纳德J。王牌。2018年,当被问及如果处在扎克伯格的位置,他将如何处理Facebook的隐私问题时,库克简单地回答说:"我不会处于这种情况。" What's more, cook and Zuckerberg attacked each other. In 2017, a Washington political company funded by Facebook and other apple competitors published anonymous articles criticizing cook and plotted a false campaign to make cook a presidential candidate, presum...

B & B owner: tourists take Sanya instead of Bali and Maldives. All the rooms are full

据爱必应平台数据显示,与2020年相比,"农家书屋"和"乡间小屋"的搜索数据增长了9倍以上,"客栈"的搜索量是2020年同期的17倍以上。 According to the data of aibiying platform, compared with 2020, the search data of "farmhouse" and "country cottage" houses increased by more than 9 times, and the search volume of "inn" was more than 17 times of the same period in 2020. 本期《个人经历》聚焦爱比盈B&B的三名员工:有人在三亚经营海边别墅。原计划春节期间销售额将达到1000万元。因此,由于当地的过年政策,与这个数字有几百万元的差距;有人在苏州开了一家农家乐,觉得现场过年本来对自己的生意有好处,没想到苏州某地方的门把手被发现是阳性的,结果所有商店都关门了;任女士是上海西舍B&B的创始人,她再一次讲述了时隔一年后今年生意的起起落落 This issue of "personal experience" focuses on three employees of aibiying B & B: someone runs a seaside villa in Sanya. Originally, it was planned that the sales would reach 10 million yuan during the Spring Festival. As a result, because of the local new year policy, there is a gap of several million yuan from this figure; Someone opened a country house in Suzhou, feeling that celebrating the new year on the spot was origin...

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