Zhou is also the CEO of tiktok; Ali's salary increase for ordinary employees
一定要看今天的科技新闻 Must read today's science and Technology News 周首席财务官还是tiktok的首席执行官 CFO Zhou is also CEO of tiktok 4月30日,byte beat宣布,byte beat现任首席财务官周寿子(Shouzi chew)也将担任tiktok的首席执行官。与此同时,蒂克托克前临时主管瓦妮莎·帕帕斯(vanesa Pappas)将担任蒂克托克的首席运营官。 On April 30, byte beat announced that Shouzi chew, the current CFO of byte beat, will also be the CEO of tiktok. Meanwhile, Vanessa Pappas, the former interim head of tiktok, will be the COO of tiktok. Kevin Mayer于2020年8月离职后,tiktok正式迎来了新的CEO和coo。 After Kevin Mayer left in August 2020, tiktok officially ushered in the new CEO and coo. 据消息,阿里将在2021年冻结高管加薪,并给予普通员工更多加薪 According to the news, Ali will freeze the salary increase of senior executives in 2021 and give more salary increase to ordinary employees 这些薪酬变化标志着阿里巴巴正在为一种不同于过去的方式而奋斗。据知情人士透露,多年来,公司高层管理人员每年平均加薪5%至10%,并给予股票激励。 These pay changes mark Alibaba's fight for a different approach from the past. According to people familiar with the matter, for many years, the company's top management has been g...