
Showing posts from September, 2021

Xiaopeng delivered 10412 vehicles in September, approaching the total delivery of last year

10月1日上午,小鹏汽车官方微博报道,小鹏汽车9月份交付10412辆,成为新车制造商中每月交付10000辆以上的第一家企业;小鹏P7交付7512台,连续五个月创历史新高,累计交付5万多台;7-9月累计交付25666台,单季度交付量接近2020年全年交付量。今年前9个月,共交付56404台,是2020年年年交付量的两倍多。 The official microblog of Xiaopeng automobile reported in the morning of October 1 that Xiaopeng automobile delivered 10412 units in September, becoming the first enterprise among the new car manufacturers to deliver more than 10000 units a month; Xiaopeng P7 delivered 7512 units, a record high for five consecutive months, with a cumulative delivery of more than 50000 units; The cumulative delivery volume from July to September is 25666 sets, and the delivery volume in a single quarter is close to the delivery volume of the whole year in 2020. In the first nine months of this year, 56404 units were delivered, more than twice the annual delivery in 2020. Link: update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10

Eternal regret: these five Chinese scientists have missed the Nobel prize!

(1947年诺贝尔物理学奖授予爱德华·维克托·阿普尔顿爵士。来源:维基百科) (Nobel Prize in physics awarded to Sir Edward Victor Appleton in 1947. Source: Wikipedia) 诺贝尔奖的发表时间即将到来。谈到获得诺贝尔奖的中国科学家们,我不得不提到屠友友。 The time for the publication of the Nobel Prize is approaching. Speaking of the Chinese scientists who won the Nobel Prize, I have to mention Tu youyou. 2015年10月,中国女科学家涂有有因发现青蒿素和疟疾新疗法获得了2015届诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,填补了中国诺贝尔科学奖的空白。 In October 2015, Tu Youyou, a Chinese female scientist, won the 2015 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for the discovery of artemisinin and a new treatment for malaria, filling the gap of China's Nobel Science Prize. 事实上,在中国历史上,许多科学研究都非常接近诺贝尔奖,但由于种种原因,他们最终错过了诺贝尔奖。 In fact, in Chinese history, many scientific studies are very close to the Nobel Prize, but they finally missed the Nobel Prize for various reasons. 作者|云杉 Author | spruce 编辑|杨树/乔木 Editor | poplar / Arbor 赵忠尧:因为别人的错误而失去诺贝尔奖 Zhao Zhongyao: losing the Nobel Prize because of others' mistakes (物理学家,中国核物理研究和加速器建设的先驱之一——赵忠尧。图源|百度百科全书) (phys...

Science and technology Morning Post | Lenovo into the first share of CDR back to a; Xiao Peng confirmed that the flight test of the aircraft was successful

小米副总裁高子光辞职。他是小米线下渠道扩张的核心人物 Gao Ziguang, vice president of Xiaomi, resigned. He is the core figure of Xiaomi's offline channel expansion 9月30日,小米集团副总裁、中国第一销售部总经理高子光正式辞职。下一步有待确定。离开之前,高子光管理着小米网和小米家居等新的零售业务,是小米目前拓展线下渠道的核心人物。 On September 30, Gao Ziguang, vice president of Xiaomi group and general manager of Sales Department 1 in China, officially resigned. The next step is to be determined. Before leaving, Gao Ziguang managed new retail businesses such as and Xiaomi home, and is the core figure of Xiaomi's current expansion of offline channels. 乐视网又被强制执行了15亿元,由于没有财产,共计90亿元 LETV was enforced for another 1.5 billion yuan, with a total amount of 9 billion yuan due to no property 9月30日,天眼沙app显示,近日,深圳乐鹰产业投资基金合伙企业(有限合伙)等行政裁决被公开。在这起案件中,被执行人的近15亿元银行存款被冻结并转移。乐视本案结案132起,总金额90.1亿元,不履行比例100%。 On September 30, tianyancha app showed that recently, Shenzhen Leying industrial investment fund partnership (limited partnership) and other executive rulings were made public. In this case, ne...

Today's in-depth selection | Evergrande auto employees are worried about being dismissed; Who is "washing white" Jia Yueting?

今日关注 Focus today 恒大汽车有一个部门在休假,直到10月底。员工们说办公室里人心惶惶,正在刷简历 Evergrande automobile has a department on vacation until the end of October. The employees said that the office was in panic and were brushing their resumes 目前,恒大汽车通知休假是"带薪"的,但很多员工表示,他们与恒大签订的劳动合同的薪酬结构由基本工资和绩效组成,每月5日和20日支付一半。"已付"的最低支付标准实际上是工资的一半。一位上海员工表示,现在办公室里的人都很恐慌,"每个人都在刷简历。" At present, Evergrande automobile notifies that the leave is "paid", but many employees say that the salary structure of the labor contract they signed with Evergrande is composed of base salary and performance, with half paid on the 5th and 20th of each month. The minimum payment standard of "paid" is actually half salary. An employee in Shanghai said that now people in the office are panic, "everyone is brushing their resumes." 在限电下,新能源汽车市场别无选择,只能刹车? Under power rationing, the new energy vehicle market has no choice but to brake? 这些2B和2G产业不仅要遵循与2c完全不同的商业运作逻辑,还要接受中国工业市场新技术的认知差异、交易特征和竞争关系。华为的《财富》业务...

The world's fastest electric vehicle charger will be on the market at the end of the year: four at a time, full in 15 minutes!

资料来源:金融网 Source: Financial Network 工程巨头ABB周四宣布,它已经推出了世界上最快的电动汽车充电器,并正在推动剥离该业务的计划,该业务可能价值约30亿美元。 Engineering giant ABB announced on Thursday that it has launched the world's fastest electric vehicle charger and is promoting plans to spin off the business, which may be worth about $3 billion. 该公司表示,其新型Terra 360模块化充电器一次可以为四辆汽车充电,并在15分钟内为任何电动汽车充满电。 The company said that its new Terra 360 modular charger can charge four vehicles at a time and fully charge any electric vehicle in 15 minutes. 该装置能在不到3分钟内提供行驶100公里所需的电力,并将于今年年底在欧洲和美国推出。 The device can provide the power required to drive 100 kilometers in less than 3 minutes and will be launched in Europe and the United States at the end of this year. Link: update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10

Boldly predict this year's Nobel Prize: mRNA vaccine scientists are expected to win the chemistry prize

年度诺贝尔奖将于10月公布,今年生理学或医学奖将于北京时间10月4日下午5:30公布;物理奖于5日下午5:45宣布,化学奖于6日下午5:45宣布。那么,今年哪些科学家有望分享这一崇高荣誉呢? The annual Nobel Prize will be announced in October, and this year's physiology or medicine prize will be announced at 5:30 p.m. Beijing time on October 4; The physics prize was announced at 5:45 p.m. on the 5th and the chemistry prize at 5:45 p.m. on the 6th. So which scientists are expected to share this noble honor this year? 生理学或医学奖 Physiology or Medicine Award 三例发现丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的科学家被授予新冠状病毒肺炎。正如今年预测的那样,这次行动带来了一些困难。从各个方面来看,今年最受欢迎的候选人应该仍然专注于神经科学领域。基于这一假设,我们可以预测2021年的热门候选人。 Novel coronavirus pneumonia was awarded to the three scientists who discovered the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in. This operation has brought some difficulties as the prediction of this year. Based on all aspects, the most popular candidates this year should still focus on the field of neuroscience. Based on this assumption, we can predict the popular candidates in 2021. 第一候选人: No. 1 candidate: 斯坦福大学的卡尔·亚历山大·戴瑟罗斯、柏林洪堡大学的彼得...

Large screen refrigerator mandatory advertising? Yunmi: sorry for the misunderstanding caused by customer service, but it can be closed with one click

(文/周申编辑/周元元编辑)云密大屏幕冰箱的真正目的是"见底"? (text / edited by Zhou Shen / edited by Zhou Yuanyuan) the real purpose of yunmi large screen refrigerator "comes to the bottom"? 9月28日晚,云蜜的官方微博声明称,大屏幕冰箱的屏幕右上角总是有一个明显的"关闭广告"按钮,用户只需点击一下即可关闭。 On the evening of September 28, yunmi's official microblog statement said that the large screen refrigerator always had an obvious "close advertisement" button in the upper right corner of the screen, and users can close it with one click. 在声明中,该公司对客户服务沟通引起的误解表示道歉,并表示将继续加强客户服务培训,提高管理服务水平。 In the statement, the company apologized for the misunderstanding caused by the customer service communication, and said it would continue to strengthen customer service training and improve management service level. 值得一提的是,云密在声明中直接将相关用户指为"加冕、恶意歪曲事实、诽谤":上述信息中的产品并非云密产品。 It is worth mentioning that in its statement, yunmi directly pointed to relevant users as "crowning, maliciously distorting facts and slandering": the pr...

Ding Dong buys vegetables. Where are you going?

8月30日,鼎东购物发布了上市后的第一份财务报告。根据财务报告数据,截至2021年6月30日,定东实现收入46.5亿元,同比增长77.9%,但尚未实现正利润。营业利润方面,与2020年同期7.95亿元的亏损相比,2021年第二季度的烧钱趋势更加突出,同比增长143.9%,达到19.38亿元。 On August 30, dingdong shopping released its first financial report after listing. According to the financial report data, as of June 30, 2021, dingdong achieved a revenue of 4.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 77.9%, but it has not yet achieved positive profit. In terms of operating profit, compared with the loss of 795 million yuan in the same period in 2020, the money burning trend in Q2 in 2021 is more prominent, with a year-on-year increase of 143.9% to 1.938 billion yuan. 与丁东的蔬菜采购类似,同样在前端仓库轨道上的《每日游仙报》随着第二季度收入的增长,进一步扩大了亏损,陷入了收入增加而利润不增加的怪圈。从这个角度看,前沿阵地模式还远未实现自我融资,自我认证能力之路也远未结束。不乐观是合理的。我们下一步该去哪里?丁东买蔬菜时能给出答案吗? Similar to Ding Dong's buying vegetables, daily Youxian, also in the front warehouse track, further expanded its losses with the growth of Q2 revenue and fell into a strange circle of increasing revenue without increasin...

Double label? In compliance with French government regulations, apple provides earphones to iPhone 13 buyers in the country

Link: update time:2021-10-01 10:36:45

Employees exposed the toxic culture of blue origin: executives often harass female employees and call them "babies" and "sweethearts"

文章称,"蓝色起源"迫使员工签署严格的保密协议,压制内部反馈,忽视安全问题,并将女性置于性别歧视的环境中。此外,文章还列举了许多性骚扰指控的例子。 The article claims that blue origin forces employees to sign strict confidentiality agreements, stifles internal feedback, ignores safety issues, and puts women into a sexist environment. In addition, the article also cited many examples of allegations of sexual harassment. 文章写道:"根据我们的经验,蓝色文化的基础是忽视地球的困境,对性别歧视视而不见,在安全问题上没有足够的协调,对试图纠正错误的人保持沉默。这不是我们应该在地球上创造的世界,也不是我们通往更美好世界的跳板。" The article wrote: "according to our experience, the culture of blue origin is based on ignoring the plight of the earth, turning a blind eye to gender discrimination, not enough coordination on security issues, and keeping silent those who try to correct their mistakes. This is not the world we should create on the earth, nor the springboard for us to a better world." 这篇文章的作者是Alexandra Abrams,blue origin的前员工公关总监。她说,有20名现任和前任员工签署了该协议。这些人大部分是工程师。他们拒绝公开披露自己的身份,因为他们不想危及自己在blue origin的工作,也不想损害自己在航空航天行业其他工作的前景。"我...

Scientist Wang Yifang: our generation has no Nobel Prize, and the next generation will have it

有人总是问王一芳,做中微子研究和粒子物理研究有什么用?有时他会微笑着回答:"没用。" Some people always ask Wang Yifang, what's the use of doing neutrino research and particle physics research? Sometimes he would smile and answer, "it's no use." 花这么多时间、精力和金钱在看似"无用"的基础科学上值得吗?除了科学研究之外,他还必须向公众解释这些问题。 Is it worth spending so much time, energy and money on the seemingly "useless" basic science? To explain these problems to the public is something he must do in addition to scientific research. 9月23日,在2021年未来青年论坛(future youth forum)上,王一芳站在讲台上解释基础科学研究如何促进企业和国家的技术发展。 "Only when basic science takes the lead in the world, can there be real leadership in science and technology and prosperity of the country." on September 23, at the 2021 future youth forum, Wang Yifang stepped on the podium to explain how basic science research can promote the technological development of enterprises and a country. 他举了一个例子。在江门进行中微子研究时,高能物理研究所需要20个岭獾岭来满足世界最高探测效率的要求。过去,他生产小型光电倍增管,但该技术后来被日本滨松垄断。在他们的推动下...

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