
Showing posts from February, 2021

Skydio, Xinjiang's rival, obtained US $170 million through round D financing, with a valuation of over US $1 billion

去年7月,skydio刚刚通过C轮融资筹集了1亿美元,并发布了首款专用企业无人机x2。该公司还为商业和企业客户推出了一套软件,这是skydio首次离开消费类无人机市场。自2014年成立以来,公司一直专注于消费型无人机市场。 In July last year, skydio just raised $100 million through round C financing, and released the first dedicated enterprise UAV x2. The company also launched a suite of software for commercial and corporate customers, the first time skydio has moved away from the consumer drone market. Since its inception in 2014, the company has focused on the consumer UAV market. Skydio的首款无人驾驶飞机"R1"以其自主能力赢得了众多赞誉和赞誉。与当时其他消费类无人机不同,包括无人机制造商大江公司的产品,R1可以跟踪目标并射击,同时避开障碍物而无需任何人为干预。Skydio随后在2019年推出了第二款无人机Skydio 2,降价幅度超过一半,同时提高了自主跟踪和视频功能。 Skydio's first unmanned aircraft "R1" has won a lot of praise and praise for its autonomous ability. Unlike other consumer UAVs at that time, including the products of Dajiang, a UAV manufacturer, R1 could track targets and shoot them, while avoiding obstacles without any human intervention. Skydio then launched its second drone, skydio 2, in 2...

Selling 1.6 million cars in five years, why does Li want to "float"?

让我们从刚刚发布的财务报告开始。 Let's start with the financial report just released. 扭亏为盈 Turn losses into profits 对于理想汽车来说,2020年是非常特殊和重要的一年,因为目前,唯一的车型理想一号将于2019年12月交付(当月将交付1029辆)。此外,理想汽车于2020年7月11日向美国证交会提交了招股说明书,随后完成了在美上市。 2020 is a very special and important year for ideal car, because at present, ideal one, the only model, will be delivered in December 2019 (1029 vehicles will be delivered in that month). In addition, ideal car submitted its prospectus to the US SEC on July 11, 2020, and then completed its listing in the US. 因此,2020年是完成理想交付的第一年。同时,第四季度财报的发布意味着2020年的年度财报成果即将出炉,而这份财报也是李湘敢于说"疯话"的信心之一。 Therefore, 2020 is the first year for the complete delivery of ideal one. At the same time, the release of Q4 financial report means that the results of the annual financial report in 2020 will come out, and this financial report is also one of Li Xiang's confidence in daring to say "crazy words". 我们来看看全年的关键数据 Let's take a look at the key data of the whole year 2020年,共交付理...

Top 10 AI patent companies in 2020: more than half in the United States and only two in China

近日,GlobalData发布了2020年各科技公司在人工智能领域的专利清单,一些传统行业的公司在人工智能领域并不落后。排名前十的公司中,有一半来自美国,其余来自中国、日本和韩国。 Recently, GlobalData released a list of patents of various technology companies in the field of AI in 2020, and some companies in traditional industries are not lagging behind in the field of AI. Half of the top 10 companies are from the United States, and the rest are from China, Japan and South Korea. 关于"哪家公司是人工智能领域最好的公司"一直存在争论。GlobalData整理了世界上各个公司在人工智能领域发表的专利,在一定程度上可以看出哪家公司对人工智能的投资更多。 There has always been a debate about "which company is the best in AI". GlobalData collates the patents published by various companies in the world in the field of AI, which can show which company invests more in AI to a certain extent. 人工智能专利申请不仅是衡量一个企业未来数字化战略的标准,而且在一定程度上回答了谁在人工智能霸权竞争中胜出的问题。 AI patent application is not only the standard to measure a company's future digital strategy, but also answers the question of who is winning AI hegemony competition to some extent. 第十名:佳能 10th place...

Top five electric vehicle enterprises compete for hegemony: Weilai has the strongest financing ability and has raised 6.1 billion US dollars since last year

威来电动车 Weilai electric vehicle 腾讯科技讯3月1日消息,随着各电动汽车厂商投入数十亿美元研发新车型,并竞相在中国市场拓展基础设施,今年电动汽车资本密集型行业的资本竞争仍将持续。 Tencent technology news on March 1, as various electric vehicle manufacturers invest billions of dollars in the development of new models and compete to expand infrastructure in the Chinese market, the competition for capital in the capital intensive industry of electric vehicles will continue this year. 中国市场上许多电动汽车初创企业都在增加产量,而传统汽车制造商正从生产燃油汽车转向生产电动汽车。所有这些公司都需要更多的融资来筹集资金,用于开发行驶里程更长的电动汽车,提高车辆安全性。此外,汽车制造商还必须投入巨资在中国市场建设更多的充电站,以便向14亿消费者销售汽车。 Many electric vehicle start-ups in the Chinese market are increasing production, while traditional automobile manufacturers are shifting from producing fuel vehicles to producing electric vehicles. All these companies need more financing to raise funds for the development of electric vehicles with longer driving range and improve vehicle safety. In addition, car manufacturers have to invest heavily in building more charging stations in the Chinese mark...

1000 yuan 5g mobile phone market delayed, chip supply tight, price high

来源:时代周报记者李静 Source: time weekly by Li Jing "5g手机需求旺盛,但高端芯片供应偏紧,中低端芯片供应也在攀升",宣传游说。 "5g mobile phones are in great demand, but the supply of high-end chips is tight, and the supply of medium and low-end chips is also climbing." Propaganda and lobbying. "一方面,5g网络还不完全成熟。另一方面,5g手机缺乏杀手级应用。4G已经满足了广大消费者的数据需求。5g的低延迟和海量接入功能更多地用于商业目的,消费者对此感受并不深。"当日,野村综合研究(上海)咨询有限公司通信与信息通信技术咨询部总监陶旭军对《泰晤士报》记者表示。 "On the one hand, 5g network is not fully mature. On the other hand, 5g mobile phones lack killer applications. 4G has met the data needs of the vast majority of consumers. 5g's low latency and massive access features are more used for commercial purposes, and consumers don't feel deeply about it. " On the same day, Tao Xujun, director of communications and ICT Consulting Department of Nomura integrated research (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd., told the times. 核心缺失问题依然突出 The lack of core is still prominent 在各大手机厂商加大5g手机布局的背景下,芯片"断货"问题成为5g千元手机普及的一大障碍。...

China's chip related enterprises increased by 195%! The chip industry in the United States has been backfired and the supply of us enterprises has been delayed

本文是"金十数据"的原著。未经允许不得转载。任何违反规定的人都将受到起诉。 This article is the original article of "golden ten data". It is forbidden to reprint without permission. Anyone who violates it will be prosecuted. Link: update time:2021-03-01 14:59:46

Wall Street cuts off the "new power of car making": capital leaves as fast as it comes

消息公布时,理想上市前股价涨幅超过10%。不过,市场并不接受其盈利。当日股价下跌9.8%,次日下跌1.92%,令人尴尬。 When the news was announced, the ideal pre market trading stock price rose more than 10%. However, the market did not accept its profit. The share price fell 9.8% on the same day and fell 1.92% the next day, which was embarrassing. 这并不是理想股价下跌的开始。事实上,自2020年11月24日以来,其股价一直在不断下跌。截至2021年2月26日,美国的累计降幅已超过42%。 This is not the beginning of a fall in the ideal share price. In fact, since November 24, 2020, its share price has been in constant decline. By the end of February 26, 2021 in the United States, its cumulative decline has exceeded 42%. 小鹏汽车(纽约证券交易所:XPEV)对我来说更糟。自11月24日以来,它的股价已经下跌了52%,成为三家新车制造商中跌幅最大的一家。 Xiaopeng automobile( NYSE:XPEV )It's worse for me. Its stock price has dropped by more than 52% since November 24, making it the biggest one among the three new car makers. 小鹏汽车股价表现 Share price performance of Xiaopeng automobile 相反,尼奥。在新成立的汽车制造商中,N是上市时间最长、增长率最高的公司。不过,与理想相比,小鹏的降幅也最小,自2021年1月12日以来累计降幅接近27%。 In contrast, NiO. N ...

Walking into Shanghai Tesla super factory: the president sits beside the production line, every screw can be traced back

"朱先生,你觉得我的机械键盘酷吗!生产计划部的董晨正在向特斯拉大中华区总裁朱晓彤展示他的新机械键盘。 "Mr. Zhu, do you think my mechanical keyboard is cool! You have not Dong Chen of production planning department is showing his new mechanical keyboard to Zhu Xiaotong, President of Tesla Greater China. "在产品质量方面,对于工厂内部来说,对车辆的一致性有一系列的要求。去年还通过了ISO质量体系认证。全厂生产管理系统实现高度智能化运作,包括物料系统、生产作业系统、企业ERP系统等,均由特斯拉自行开发。每个系统都是有针对性的,可以实现快速的个性化配置和记录所需的数据。例如,在工厂员工使用的扭矩扳手上,扭矩、操作位置、角度等信息都准确记录在生产操作系统中,具有很高的可追溯性。一旦遇到问题,可以追溯到零件级别、具体工位和每一个细节,确保工厂能够及时有效地跟踪问题。 "In terms of product quality, for the interior of the factory, there are a series of requirements for vehicle consistency. Last year, it also passed the ISO quality system certification. The production management system of the whole plant realizes highly intelligent operation, including material system, production operation system, enterprise ERP system, etc., which are all developed by Tesla itself. Each system is targeted, which can realize fast personalized configuration and record the r...

It is said that Huawei P50 is tentatively released on April 17, and the suspected engineering machine sample is exposed for the first time in China

此前有消息称,华为的P50系列可能会在3月底发布,然后在4月初上市,但现在似乎有所改变。据知情网友最新消息,华为P50系列暂定于4月17日举行的国内新闻发布会上正式上市。宏盟OS系统将在工厂预装,三款机型也将同时推出。据说,它将采用定制的BOE显示器,并有一个新的像素排列。目前,网络上有疑似工程机械样品,具有边缘图像质量和图像质量的失真控制相当好。它应该与自由形式透镜有关。 Previously, it was said that Huawei's P50 series might be released at the end of March and then put on sale in early April, but now it seems to have changed. According to the latest information from netizens familiar with the situation, Huawei P50 series is tentatively scheduled to officially launch at the domestic press conference held on April 17. Hongmeng OS system will be pre installed in the factory, and three models will also be launched together. It is said that it will adopt customized BOE display and have a new pixel arrangement. At present, there are suspected engineering machine samples on the network, with edge image quality and image quality The distortion control is quite good. It should be related to the free-form lens. 不过,据声明称,华为P50系列网通超级杯将采用索尼imx800传感器配1英寸超级底,有人表示,实际感光面积可能接近三星GN2...

100 billion core deception farce ends! Wuhan Hongxin dismisses all employees: the end of semiconductor industry

投资1000多亿元,蒋尚义入局,资金链断裂,经营3年,公司陷入"烂尾"危机 With an investment of more than 100 billion yuan, Jiang Shangyi's entry into the Bureau, the capital chain broken, and three years of operation, the company fell into a "rotten end" crisis 最近闹得沸沸扬扬的武汉宏信千亿"核心诈骗"项目,再次传出新消息——辞退所有员工。 Wuhan Hongxin's 100 billion "core fraud" project, which has been making a lot of noise recently, has again spread new news - dismissing all employees. 2月27日,有媒体报道,武汉宏鑫半导体公司将裁员。据知情人士透露,近日宏信高层在集团内部发布公告: On February 27, media reported that Wuhan Hongxin semiconductor company will lay off all its employees. According to people familiar with the matter, recently Hongxin senior management issued a notice in the internal group: 从公司目前情况看,公司无复工生产计划。经公司研究决定,全体员工于2021年2月28日下班前提出辞职申请,2021年3月5日下班前办理辞职手续,休假人员可上网办理。 Based on the current situation of the company, the company has no plan to resume work and production. After the company's study, it is decided that all employees should appl...

Japanese media: Chinese manufacturers hoard second hand chip manufacturing equipment to resist US pressure

日本《日经亚洲评论》2月28日发表文章,原题:中国囤积二手芯片制造设备是为了抵御美国的压力。在中美贸易紧张、中国半导体制造商急于生产本土产品之际,他们纷纷购买二手芯片制造设备。这推高了日本二级市场的设备价格。 Japan's Nikkei Asia review published an article on February 28, original title: China is hoarding second-hand chip manufacturing equipment to resist the pressure of the United States. At a time of tight trade between the United States and China, and Chinese semiconductor manufacturers are eager to produce local products, they are rushing to buy second-hand chip manufacturing equipment. This has driven up equipment prices in Japan's secondary market. 老一代设备不受美国对中国的制裁,中国玩家可以不受限制地购买。流行导致的居家生活趋势也是因素之一。随着全球芯片需求持续上升,即使不是最新的设备也在快速销售。这些二手设备主要通过个人交易出售。 The older generation of devices are not subject to U.S. sanctions against China, which allows Chinese players to buy without restrictions. The trend of living at home caused by the epidemic is also one of the factors. As global chip demand continues to rise, even if not the latest devices are selling fast. These second-hand equipment ar...

Gates: COVID-19 is completely restored to normal after the end of 2022.

然而,盖茨警告说:"最大的问题是,我们在全球范围内结束这一流行病方面做得不够。世界各地的立法者还没有采取足够的行动来确保经济在明年年底完全恢复正常。" However, Gates warned: "the biggest problem is that we have not done enough to end the epidemic globally. Legislators around the world have not yet taken enough action to ensure that the economy is fully back to normal by the end of next year. " 他补充说,到目前为止,这种疫苗"只销售给富裕国家",造成变异后的新冠状病毒可能扩散到国外,悄悄返回美国的风险。这种风险,再加上潜在的再感染浪潮,意味着完全恢复正常"可能在2022年底,除非我们能做得更好。"。 He added that, so far, the vaccine "has been sold only to rich countries," creating a risk that the mutated new coronavirus could spread abroad and quietly return to the United States. This risk, coupled with a potential wave of reinfection, means that a full return to normality "may be by the end of 2022, unless we can do better.". 盖茨建议,在印度等国增加疫苗工厂有助于降低海外感染的风险,有助于更快地恢复正常。他说,阿斯利康、诺瓦瓦斯和强生等疫苗制造商已经在着手这类项目。 Gates suggested that increasing vaccine factories in countries such as India could help reduce the risk of...

Japanese media: Chinese manufacturers hoard second hand chip manufacturing equipment to resist US pressure

日本《日经亚洲评论》2月28日发表文章,原题:中国囤积二手芯片制造设备是为了抵御美国的压力。在中美贸易紧张、中国半导体制造商急于生产本土产品之际,他们纷纷购买二手芯片制造设备。这推高了日本二级市场的设备价格。 Japan's Nikkei Asia review published an article on February 28, original title: China is hoarding second-hand chip manufacturing equipment to resist the pressure of the United States. At a time of tight trade between the United States and China, and Chinese semiconductor manufacturers are eager to produce local products, they are rushing to buy second-hand chip manufacturing equipment. This has driven up equipment prices in Japan's secondary market. 老一代设备不受美国对中国的制裁,中国玩家可以不受限制地购买。流行导致的居家生活趋势也是因素之一。随着全球芯片需求持续上升,即使不是最新的设备也在快速销售。这些二手设备主要通过个人交易出售。 The older generation of devices are not subject to U.S. sanctions against China, which allows Chinese players to buy without restrictions. The trend of living at home caused by the epidemic is also one of the factors. As global chip demand continues to rise, even if not the latest devices are selling fast. These second-hand equipment ar...

Mobile phone chips are in full shortage, and the delivery period of Qualcomm has been extended to more than 30 weeks

Link: update time:2021-03-01 10:41:45

"Lack of core" affects mobile phone industry chain: channel price of Xiaomi 11 out of stock rises continuously

据科技创新板日报(上海讯,记者齐叶云)2月25日,小米中国总裁陆伟平正式发布了红米K40系列。卢伟彬一上台就谈到了"缺货"问题,并表示2021年芯片供应非常紧张,所以"不缺货"是没有保证的。前天,它甚至担心今年"核心"的缺失:"不是缺,而是极度缺。" According to the science and technology innovation board daily (Shanghai, reporter Qi Yeyun), on February 25, Lu Weibing, President of Xiaomi China, officially released the redmi K40 series. As soon as Lu Weibing appeared on the stage, he talked about the problem of "out of stock", and said that the supply of chips in 2021 is very tight, so there is no guarantee of "no out of stock". The day before yesterday, it even worried about the lack of "core" this year: "not lack, but extremely lack." 值得注意的是,K40系列很少配备"双旗舰"配置。K40采用了全新的snapdragon 870旗舰处理器,而K40 pro和K40 pro+则配备了最新的snapdragon 888旗舰处理器。不寻常的是,不仅不少手机厂商在近期的新品中异常采用了"双旗舰"配置。 It is worth noting that the K40 series is rarely equipped with "dual flagship" configuration. The K40 adopts the brand-new snapdragon 8...

Beating the table with the boss, power being lifted, income not improving: scientists are "escaping" from the enterprise

人才的故事总是离不开行业的发展背景。 The story of talents is always inseparable from the development background of the industry. 我们需要回到2016年AI浪潮的开始。 We need to go back to the beginning of AI wave in 2016. 当时,人工智能风起云涌,中国的创业热情空前高涨。一些人工智能明星公司应运而生。他们募集的资金往往超过1亿元,估值一路走高。例如,尚唐在2017年至2018年间筹集了数十亿美元。仅2018年,融资总额就达到22.2亿美元,估值从2017年底的20亿美元飙升至60亿美元。 At that time, the wind of AI was just rising, and the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship in China was unprecedented. A number of AI star companies emerged. They often raised more than 100 million yuan, and the valuation was rising all the way. For example, Shangtang raised billions of dollars between 2017 and 2018. In 2018 alone, the total amount of financing reached $2.22 billion, and the valuation soared from $2 billion at the end of 2017 to $6 billion. 公开资料显示,2016年至2018年,人工智能行业共发生投融资事件2000余起,融资金额再创新高,达2500亿元。资本的流动往往决定了顶尖人才的流动。 According to public records, from 2016 to 2018, there were more than 2000 investment and financing events in the AI industry, and the amount of f...

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