
Showing posts from March, 2021

Zhao Ming: all aspects of glory have been integrated and a new strategy has been launched

据三岩财经4月1日消息,昨日,荣耀CEO赵铭表示,2021年3月31日是荣耀日的里程碑,各方面的整合全面完成,开启了荣耀新战略的全面冲刺。 According to the news of Sanyan finance and Economics on April 1, yesterday, Zhao Ming, CEO of glory, said that on March 31, 2021, the day of glory milestone, the integration of all aspects was fully completed, opening a comprehensive sprint of glory new strategy. Link: update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31 Apple's push for new regulations triggered an earthquake of 100 billion advertising market: FB and other giants get stuck

制作人|深圳网﹣腾讯新闻小曼工作室 Produced by | ﹣ Tencent News Xiaoman studio "在IOS 14.5正式版推出之前,很多应用开发者、运营商和第三方归属公司都在积极研究归属解决方案,并与苹果斯卡德网合作进行技术对接和SDK操作更新,以减少苹果新规对自身广告业务的影响。"广告服务平台汇亮科技的一位内部人士告诉记者深圳网. "Before the official version of IOS 14.5 was launched, many app developers, operators and third-party attribution companies were actively studying attribution solutions, and cooperated with Apple's skadnetwork for technology docking and updating SDK operations, so as to reduce the impact of Apple's new regulations on its own advertising business," an insider of ad service platform Huiliang technology told 所谓的苹果新规则指的是IDFA(广告标识)。IDFA是苹果公司在2012年推出的一种广告识别码,目的是为了避免用户无法向广告商透露UDID。现在,每个苹果手机都有自己的IDFA代码。用户手机上的应用程序可以使用IDFA识别用户的位置和跟踪,并根据用户的兴趣向用户推送准确的广告。在苹果更改IDFA规则之前,苹果手机用户的IDFA默认开启。 The so-called new Apple rules refer to IDFA (identifier for advertising). IDFA is an advertisement identifier introduced by apple in 2012 in order to avoid disclosing the UDID that use...

Money can't buy chips! The delivery cycle has been extended for more than three months, and the revenue of auto enterprises has shrunk by $60 billion

此外,它还扩展到消费电子、安防等领域。苹果、三星、索尼等公司近日发出警告称,他们的产品要么延长交货期,要么减少发货量。 In addition, it has also spread to consumer electronics, security and other fields. Apple, Samsung, Sony and other companies have recently issued a warning that their products will either extend the delivery time or reduce the shipment volume. 芯片危机会持续多久? How serious and how long will the chip crisis last? 汽车成为"缺核"灾区的后遗症影响着消费电子和安全 The aftereffect of automobile becoming "core lacking" disaster area affects consumer electronics and security 芯片交货期的延长也直接影响到汽车企业和研究机构(分析师)调低一季度的交货预期。以特斯拉和威莱为例 The extended lead time of chips has also directly affected auto companies and research institutions (analysts) to lower their delivery forecasts in the first quarter. Take Tesla and Weilai for example 全球汽车制造商:预计减产至少100万辆 Global car manufacturers: expected to reduce production by at least 1 million 特斯拉:从178000到172000(分析师预测) Tesla: from 178000 to 172000 (analyst forecast) 威来:20-20500年至19500年 Weilai: from 20-20500 to 19500 市场预测公...

TSMC will invest $100 billion in three years to increase production capacity

腾讯科技讯4月1日消息,据媒体报道,半导体市场需求旺盛,晶圆代工台积电计划在未来三年投资1000亿美元增加产能,以支持客户需求。 Tencent technology news on April 1, according to media reports, semiconductor market demand is strong, and TSMC, the wafer foundry, plans to invest $100 billion to increase production capacity in the next three years to support customer demand. 近日,业界流传台积电总裁魏哲佳致客户的一封信,解释半导体供应短缺以及台积电的应对策略和行动。 Recently, the industry circulated a letter written by Wei Zhejia, President of TSMC, to customers, explaining the semiconductor supply shortage and TSMC's coping strategies and actions. 魏哲佳在信中指出,台积电虽然在过去12个月增加了产能,产能利用率超过100%,但仍不能满足需求。因此,该公司计划投资1000亿美元,在未来三年内提高产能。 Wei Zhe Jia pointed out in the letter that although TSMC increased its production capacity in the past 12 months, and the utilization rate of production capacity exceeded 100%, it still could not meet the demand. Therefore, it plans to invest $100 billion to increase its production capacity in the next three years. 台积电将新建晶圆厂,并扩充现有的先进及特殊技术。魏哲佳在信中提到,台积电正在招募数千名新人,购买土地和设备。 TSM...

Apple will use giant Tesla batteries at its California Solar Farm to power its headquarters during the day

腾讯科技4月1日报道,苹果公司宣布最早于2015年在北加州建设太阳能发电厂。该公司当地时间周三宣布,将在这座发电厂启动一个大型储能项目,使用电动汽车制造商特斯拉的巨型电池。 Tencent technology reported on April 1 that Apple announced the construction of a solar power plant in Northern California as early as 2015. The company announced on Wednesday local time that it would launch a large-scale energy storage project in this power plant, using giant batteries from Tesla, an electric vehicle manufacturer. 根据去年提交的文件,苹果新项目将为7000多户家庭全天储存高达240兆瓦时的能源和电力。该项目将由85个巨型特斯拉锂离子电池组成,为位于库珀蒂诺的公司总部供电。蒙特利县规划局负责人在一封电子邮件中证实,苹果将使用特斯拉电池。苹果拒绝置评,特斯拉也没有回应置评请求。 Apple's new project will store up to 240 megawatt hours of energy and power more than 7000 homes throughout the day, according to documents submitted last year. The project will consist of 85 giant Tesla lithium-ion batteries to power the company's headquarters in Cupertino. The head of Monterey County Planning confirmed in an email that Apple would use Tesla batteries. Apple declined to comment, and Tesla did not respond to requests ...

Robin Li: Baidu Apollo will grow rapidly by 2024 at the latest.

参考消息网4月1日报道,3月2日,百度与吉利合资的"吉都汽车有限公司"正式成立,百度官方消息称,公司将进军汽车制造业。 Reference News Network reported on April 1, March 2, Baidu and Geely joint venture "Jidu Automobile Co., Ltd." was officially established, baidu official news said, the company will enter the vehicle manufacturing industry. 在资本结构方面,百度子公司持有55%的股权,吉利代表上海华普汽车有限公司认购9亿元,持股45%。 In terms of capital structure, baidu subsidiary holds 55% of the shares, while Shanghai Huapu Automobile Co., Ltd., a representative of Geely, has subscribed 900 million yuan, holding 45%. 据美联社发表的百度在智能汽车产业布局点评,未来百度阿波罗将充分发挥其在自主驾驶和v2x技术领域的核心优势,推进世界级城市交通和汽车制造标杆项目建设。 In the future, baidu Apollo will give full play to its core advantages in the fields of autonomous driving and v2x technology, and promote the construction of world-class urban transportation and automobile manufacturing benchmark projects, according to the review of Baidu's layout in the intelligent automobile industry published by AP. Link:

Xiaomi official announced that all Lei Jun in "gambling" will win this time?

随着公告和雷军的回复,小米的车终于落地了。小米集团计划成立全资子公司,以雷军为首,发展智能电动车业务。预计未来10年将投资100亿美元。 With the announcement and Lei Jun's reply, Xiaomi's car finally landed. Xiaomi group plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, led by Lei Jun, to develop intelligent electric vehicle business. It is estimated that it will invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. 近二十年来,雷军经历了从程序员到管理者、从企业家到投资者、从互联网产业到硬件产业三大转变。如今,年过50的雷军选择了重新开始,投身于智能汽车领域。无独有偶,就在同一天,张一鸣在一次内部讲话中说:"随便,全在的公司出了大问题",雷军如果说得太多,会不会挨打?小米在制造汽车方面将面临哪些挑战? Over the past two decades, Lei Jun has experienced three major changes: from programmer to manager, from entrepreneur to investor, and from Internet industry to hardware industry. Now, Lei Jun, who is over 50 years old, has chosen to start again and devote himself to the field of intelligent vehicles. Coincidentally, on the same day, Zhang Yiming said in an internal speech, "casually, all in's company has a big problem." Will Lei Jun be beaten in the face if he talks too muc...

Paopao Ma te's market value has been cut, why is Maotai not popular in the world of fashion and play?

文乔学薛玉洁 Wen qiaoxue Xue Yujie 因为它能给消费者带来不可替代的精神享受,泡沫集市盲盒的疯狂正从消费市场延伸到资本市场。 Because it can bring consumers irreplaceable spiritual enjoyment, the frenzy of bubble Mart blind box is extending from the consumer market to the capital market. 自2020年12月上市以来,股价一路飙升。最高市值一度超过1000亿美元,市盈率飙升了200倍以上,这也使得泡沫香港在时尚界被称为茅台。随着泡沫集市的高估,整个时尚游戏产业迅速扩张,玩家纷至沓来,资本不断涌入,迅速进入战国时代。 Since its listing in December 2020, the stock price has been soaring all the way. The highest market value once exceeded 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the price earnings ratio has soared by more than 200 times, which also makes bubble Mart known as Maotai in the fashion industry. With the overestimation of bubble mart, the whole fashion game industry expanded rapidly, players poured in one after another, capital kept pouring, and quickly entered the Warring States era. 然而,泡沫集市未能延续其高增长传奇。截至3月30日,泡沫集市的股价为60.3港元。从上市后的高点107.6港元到现在,股价下跌了近50%,市值蒸发了700多亿港元。这意味着资本市场已经开始冷静理性地对待泡沫集市。3月26日财报发布后,股价虽有小幅上涨,但距离辉煌时期的千亿市值仍有较大差距。 However, bubble Mart fai...

The Starship prototype blew up again. Musk: it's OK. We still have some

埃隆·马斯克在twitter上证实了sn11的爆炸。北京时间3月30日晚9时许,星舰原型机在10公里高度进行了第四次飞行,未能完成前辈们"解释"的任务,甚至没有走到Sn10以上。 Elon Musk confirmed the explosion of sn11 on twitter. At about 9:00 p.m. Beijing time on March 30, the Starship prototype made its fourth flight at 10 km level, which failed to complete the mission "explained" by the predecessors, and even went no further than Sn10. 美国东部时间3月30日上午8:00(北京时间下午8:00),博卡奇卡雾气弥漫。很多进入演播室的网友问:"sn11,为什么我看不到?」 At 8:00 a.m. EDT on March 30 (8:00 p.m. Beijing time), Boca Chica was filled with fog. Many netizens who entered the studio asked, "sn11, why can't I see it? 」 网友们比伊隆·马斯克更焦虑。但是SpaceX也很瘦。 Netizens are more anxious than Elon Musk. But SpaceX is also very skinny. 3月17日,SpaceX在twitter上查看了Sn10测试视频。之后,美国航天局再次登陆月球的候选宇航员前往博卡奇卡,与星际飞船合影留念。 On March 17, SpaceX reviewed the Sn10 test video on twitter. After that, NASA's candidate astronauts for re landing on the moon went to Boca Chica and took photos with the Starship. 所以每次新闻发布,网友都会问,sn11什么时候能...

Should we laugh at Xu Jiayin: Evergrande is finally coming down from ppt?

这份财务报告不错。可见,恒大在过去的一年里,一直在为迎接"三条红线"而努力。 This financial report is not bad. It can be seen that Evergrande has been working hard to meet the "three red lines" in the past year. 财报显示,从去年3月底到今年3月底,恒大的生息负债减少了2000亿元,从8743亿元减少到6740亿元。恒大还给出了减债时间表:2021年6月30日减至5900亿元以下;2022年6月30日减至4500亿元以下;2023年6月30日减至3500亿元以下。 According to the financial report, from the end of March last year to the end of March this year, Evergrande's interest bearing liabilities decreased by 200 billion yuan, from 874.3 billion yuan to 674 billion yuan. Evergrande also gave a schedule to reduce its debt: to below 590 billion yuan on June 30, 2021; to below 450 billion yuan on June 30, 2022; to below 350 billion yuan on June 30, 2023. 目前,"三条红线"都是红色的恒大也给出了由红转绿的降档时间表:2021年6月30日,净负债率将降至100%以下。根据财务报告,截至2020年12月31日,其负债率仍将高达152%;2021年12月31日,现金负债率将达到1以上;2022年12月31日,资产负债率将降至70%以下。 At present, Evergrande, whose "three red lines" are all red, has also given a downshift schedule from red to gree...

How long can the 10 billion yuan invested in the first phase of Xiaomi burn? It's not a big problem until the first car is delivered

众所周知,汽车制造是一项非常昂贵的生意。在外界看来,当年贾跃亭的失败,主要是因为他对造车这个无底洞的不满,即使挪用了其他企业的融资。 As we all know, car building is a very expensive business. In the eyes of the outside world, Jia Yueting's defeat in that year was largely due to his dissatisfaction with the bottomless pit of car building even if he misappropriated the financing of other businesses. 那么,对于刚刚踏入汽车制造领域的小米来说,100亿元的初始投资和未来十年100亿美元的累计投资是什么概念呢?腾讯科技对国内三大汽车制造新势力(威莱、理想、小鹏)在财务报表和招股说明书中公布的数据进行解码。 So, what is the concept of the initial investment of 10 billion yuan and the cumulative investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next decade for Xiaomi, who has just stepped into the field of car manufacturing? Tencent technology decodes the data published in the financial statements and Prospectuses by the three new domestic car making forces (Weilai, ideal and Xiaopeng). 最大烧钱人威来:近两年研发、行政、营销成本年均支出超过100亿元 Weilai, the biggest money burner: the average annual expenditure of R & D, administration and marketing costs in the past two years has exceede...

First line Huawei: mobile phone business is not clear, but the planned flagship model will continue to be launched

Link: update time:2021-03-31 18:34:34

Xiaomi's "biting" Huawei: all in all

在以"生命永无止境"为主题的会议上,雷军称会议为"拐点之战"。在此之前,在小米新闻发布会的热身中,还有一句话:"为了这场转折点的战争,我们已经等了十年。"。 At the conference with the theme of "endless life", Lei Jun called the conference "the battle of inflection point". Before that, in the warm-up of Xiaomi's press conference, there was another sentence: "we have been waiting for ten years for this turning point war.". 小米新闻发布会 Xiaomi press conference 毋庸讳言,对于当下的小米来说,在这个拐点背后,小米的两大抱负显露出来: It goes without saying that for the current Xiaomi, behind this inflection point, two big ambitions of Xiaomi are revealed: 一是整体高端化,不仅是手机,更是将原生态商务笔记本、智能家居推向高端; First, the overall high-end, not only the mobile phone, but also the original ecological business notebook, smart home to the high-end; 其次,就小米现有业务而言,也将正式涉足电动车领域,10年投资100亿美元,全部归小米所有。 Second, as far as the existing business of Xiaomi is concerned, it will also formally set foot in the field of electric vehicles, with an investment of US $10 billion in 10 years,...

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