
Showing posts from October, 2021

Tesla's third largest individual shareholder is a Chinese professor

人们似乎"突然意识到"特斯拉本周突破了万亿美元的市值,马斯克突破了3000亿美元的大关。事实上,它已经间接创造了无数"特斯拉百万富翁"-- It seems that people "suddenly realized" that Tesla broke the trillion market value this week and musk broke the $300 billion mark. In fact, it has already indirectly created countless "Tesla millionaires" -- 他们通过大量购买特斯拉的股票而变得"富有"。就连彭博社也怀疑有许多未被发现的亿万富翁。 They became "rich" by buying a lot of Tesla shares. Even Bloomberg suspects that there are many undiscovered billionaires. 一直坚持"靠钱生活"的华尔街可能早就忘记了在2016年斥责马斯克、特斯拉和SpaceX的过去。 Wall Street, which always insists on "living with money", may have long forgotten the past of scolding musk, Tesla and SpaceX to death in 2016. Just after Hertz holdings, the world's largest car rental company, announced on Monday that it had purchased 100000 Tesla, which made the latter's share price soar by 13%, in addition to the unwilling praise, Wall Street also began to pay attention to the billionaires who ...

The owner of Weilai found vomit in the car after changing the power, because the Commissioner carried a drinking friend

据《三言财经新闻》报道,威莱的所有者最近表示,他在凌晨和深夜给河南省洛阳市的一家远程通电服务公司打了电话。车被送回后,他发现车里有酒气,副驾驶座位上有呕吐物痕迹,脚垫上有呕吐物。车主怀疑员工使用客户的车辆拉人。 According to Sanyan financial news, the owner of Weilai recently said that he called a remote power on service in Luoyang, Henan Province in the early morning and late at night. After the car was sent back, he found that there was wine gas in the car, vomit mark in the co driver's seat and vomit on the foot pad. The owner suspected that the staff used the customer's vehicle to pull people. 据了解,河南威来的工作人员表示,他们可以申请新车和1万元的个人赔偿金私下解决,但被车主拒绝。 It is understood that the staff of Weilai Henan said that they could apply for a new car and personal compensation of 10000 yuan to solve it privately, but it was rejected by the car owner. 许多人质疑方案2中20万现金赔偿的要求。对此,车主回应道:"当车被归还给魏来时,我必须偿还剩余的20万贷款。我一进出,我就拿回我支付给魏来的26万和2.5万辆保险车产品。我不想要更多了。退款只是一个较小的折扣!" Many people questioned the requirement for cash compensation of 200000 in scheme 2. In this regard, the owner responded, "when the car...

Former Google CEO Schmidt: meta's meta universe is not necessarily a good thing for humans

这位前谷歌高管并不是唯一一位担心人工智能的人。近几个月来,这项技术越来越受到商界领袖的批评,包括特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)。马斯克说,他对公司人工智能的透明度和安全性"信心不足"。与此同时,一些分析师表示,增强现实技术的滥用风险甚至高于社交媒体。 The former Google executive is not the only one worried about artificial intelligence. In recent months, this technology has been increasingly criticized by business leaders, including Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla. Musk said he had "low confidence" in the transparency and security of artificial intelligence in his company. At the same time, some analysts said that the abuse risk of augmented reality is even higher than that of social media. 在施密特发表讲话之前,Facebook周四宣布将把公司名称改为meta,并将meta universe构建成一个虚拟空间,用户可以在其中使用虚拟角色进行数字交互。最近几周,由于扎克伯格和Facebook对错误信息和仇恨言论的处理,以及社交媒体对青少年和儿童的潜在危害,监管机构对Facebook的要求越来越严格。在此之前,Facebook前员工Frances Haugen(后来成为告密者)向媒体提供了内部文件,表明该公司意识到其产品和服务可能造成伤害,但很难解决这些问题。对此,Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)向媒体表示,人们认为泄露的文件已将Facebook带入舆论漩涡,并迫使该公司改名为meta,这是非常"荒谬"的。 Prior to Schmidt's remarks, Facebook announc...

Xiaopeng automobile: the total delivery volume in October was 10138 units, a year-on-year increase of 233%

Link: update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55

The new electric "exoskeleton" allows amputees to walk easily! Energy consumption decreased by 15.6%

作者:库珀 Author: Cooper 编辑:寇建超 Editor: Kou Jianchao 由于一些事故或灾难,有不少人不得不截肢。 Because of some accidents or disasters, there are not a few people who have to be amputated. 膝关节截肢严重影响了数百万人的活动能力和生活质量。虽然市场上有一些腿部假肢可以辅助行走,但步行效率很低,步行经济性差,人疲劳,这是限制患者活动能力的主要问题。 Knee amputation has seriously affected the activity ability and quality of life of millions of people. Although there are some leg prostheses on the market that can assist walking, the walking efficiency is very low, the walking economy is poor and people are tired, which is a main problem restricting the mobility of patients. 为了改善残疾截肢者的行走问题,犹他大学仿生工程实验室的研究人员开发出了一套轻便的外骨骼,使用电动马达、微处理器和先进的算法来帮助截肢者行走,就像电动自行车帮助骑手踏上踏板上坡一样。 In order to improve the walking problems of amputees with disabilities, researchers in the Bionic Engineering Laboratory of the University of Utah have developed a set of light powered exoskeleton, which uses motors, microprocessors and advanced algorithms to help amputees walk, just as electric bicycles help riders step on the pedal u...

Insider: Geely's geometric brand plans to be equipped with Huawei Hongmeng system

据知情人士透露,吉利geometry品牌计划在未来五年内搭载华为鸿蒙系统,进入华为智能生态,并通过纯电动双平台战略帮助geometry冲击中高端市场。前一天,吉利汽车发布了"智能吉利2025"战略,该战略表明几何品牌自2022年以来已经推出了5款以上由纯电动架构(包括广域架构)打造的新星产品。(金融美联社) According to people familiar with the matter, Geely's geometry brand plans to carry Huawei Hongmeng system, access Huawei's intelligent ecology, and help geometry impact the medium and high-end market with the pure electric dual platform strategy in the next five years. The previous day, Geely Automobile released the "smart Geely 2025" strategy, which showed that the geometric brand has launched more than 5 new star products built by pure electric architecture (including vast Architecture) since 2022. (Financial Associated Press) Link: update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55

Musk is considering running a university, challenging MIT or upgrading "Lanxiang technical school"?

成为世界首富后,你的梦想是什么? After becoming the richest man on earth, what are your dreams? 当地时间10月29日,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在社交媒体推特上表示,他正在考虑开设一所新的大学——德克萨斯理工学院。这是马斯克将特斯拉总部迁至德克萨斯州后的又一宏伟计划。 Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on social media twitter on October 29 local time that he was considering opening a new University - Texas Institute of technology. This is another grand plan after musk moved Tesla headquarters to Texas. 上周,特斯拉的市值刚刚超过万亿美元,马斯克的个人财富飙升至3000亿美元(约合1.92万亿元人民币),成为世界首富。马斯克关于开办一所大学的推特也登上了推特热门榜;在中国,这条新闻也成为了热门搜索。 Last week, Tesla's market value just exceeded $trillion, and Musk's personal wealth soared to $300 billion (about 1.92 trillion yuan), becoming the world's richest man. Musk's tweets about running a university also hit the twitter hot list; In China, this news has also become a hot search. "大学只是为了好玩" "College is just for fun" 然而,目前尚不清楚这位亿万富翁对办学有多认真。当一位推特用户问马斯克是否为这所大学筹款时,马斯克回答说:"很明显。"他还说这所大学将创造历史。 However, it is unclear how serious the billion...

Tesla again! There are hidden dangers in these functions, and nearly 2800 vehicles will be recalled

根据国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)网站上的通知,特斯拉将召回2019-2021年生产的部分3型车辆和2020-2021年生产的部分y型车辆,以紧固或更换连接前悬架和副车架的紧固件。 According to the notice on the website of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Tesla will recall some model 3 vehicles produced during 2019-2021 and some model y vehicles produced during 2020-2021 to fasten or replace the fasteners connecting the front suspension and subframe. 美国市场召回近2800辆汽车 Nearly 2800 cars recalled in the US market 据报道,此次召回涉及2019年至2021年生产的2791辆3型车和2020年至2021年生产的部分y型车。召回的原因是连接前悬架和副车架的紧固件没有按照正确的规格固定,这可能导致潜在的松动。在极端情况下,存在潜在的安全隐患。 It is reported that the recall involves a total of 2791 model 3 vehicles produced from 2019 to 2021 and some model y vehicles produced from 2020 to 2021. The reason for the recall is that the fasteners connecting the front suspension and subframe are not fixed according to the correct specifications, which may lead to potential looseness. In extreme cases, there are potential safety hazards. 虽然通知将在今年年底发出,但特斯拉已经开始通过电子邮件通知相关车主。 Alth...

Folding screen mobile phone: heart is higher than heaven, life is thinner than paper

饶夏飞主编 Editor Rao Xiafei 许多厂商纷纷涌入市场,新产品纷纷曝光,老一代产品降价促销。最近,关于折叠式屏幕手机的新闻很多。这种已经存在了三年的手机形式似乎正在成为手机行业的一个新风向。 Many manufacturers have been burst into the market, new products have been exposed one after another, and the price reduction and promotion of older generation products. Recently, there are rich news about folding screen mobile phones. This mobile phone form that has existed for three years seems to be becoming a new wind direction in the mobile phone industry. 10月下旬,国内手机制造商小米的另一款折叠式屏幕模型的产品渲染被曝光。据dsccross分析师称,小米今年7月从三星购买了一款8.1英寸的折叠屏幕,支持120Hz和lpto(动态刷新)。 In late October, the product rendering of another folding screen model of Xiaomi, a domestic mobile phone manufacturer, was exposed. According to dsccross analysts, Xiaomi has purchased an 8.1-inch folding screen from Samsung in July this year, supporting 120Hz and lpto (dynamic refresh). 不管这个消息是真是假,自从三星推出第一款批量生产的折叠屏幕手机以来,华为、摩托罗拉和小米等手机制造商也纷纷跟进。此外,oppo、维梧、荣耀等品牌也有概念机或相关信息。折叠屏手机已成为各大手机厂商抢占市场的又一新门类,这是不争的事实。 Whether this news is true or not...

I'm so disappointed! Android has been tested for 12 months, with too many bugs and serious rollover

不久前,谷歌终于推出了Android 12的官方版本,预览版最早于今年5月发布。根据往年的经验,我们应该能够在今年晚些时候看到小米、oppo和其他制造商的新系统。 Some time ago, Google finally pushed the official version of Android 12, and the preview version was released as early as may this year. According to the experience of previous years, we should be able to see the new systems of Xiaomi, oppo and other manufacturers later this year. 作为目前用户数量最多的系统,安卓的每一次更新都备受关注,这也与很多用户的使用体验有关。因此,谷歌通常会提前半年发布预览版,以便用户尽可能多地测试系统中的漏洞,以便在正式版本中修复它们。 As the system with the largest number of users at present, every update of Android has attracted much attention, which is also related to the use experience of many users. Therefore, Google often releases the preview version half a year in advance, so that users can test the bugs in the system as much as possible, so as to repair them in the official version. 幸运的是,目前只有持有谷歌pixel系列手机的用户才能使用Android 12系统,以及在一些根手机之后刷入官方系统包的极客。这对前者来说是一场灾难,但对后者来说却是一件平常的事。现在我们只能希望谷歌能尽快解决这些问题。 Fortunately, at present, only users holding Google pixel series mobile...

Owner claimed by Tesla: "want to prove that he didn't humiliate Henan people"

10月28日,特斯拉以名誉侵权起诉韩超,并在天津市北辰区人民法院举行了听证会。同一天,韩超告诉prism的作者,他仍在等待结果,法院没有在法庭上宣判。 On October 28, Tesla sued Han Chao for reputation infringement and held a hearing in Beichen District People's Court of Tianjin. On the same day, Han Chao told the author of prism that he was still waiting for the results, and the court did not pronounce a sentence in court. 2019年5月,韩超通过官方渠道购买了一辆二手s型车,并被认定为"事故车"。国庆前夕,经过两年多的诉讼,韩超起诉特斯拉虚假销售。二审宣判,韩超胜诉。但与此同时,他被特斯拉以侵犯名誉罪起诉,索赔505万元。 In May 2019, Han Chao purchased a second-hand model s through official channels and was identified as an "accident car". On the eve of the national day, after more than two years of long litigation, Han Chao sued Tesla for false sales. The judgment was pronounced in the second instance, and Han Chao won the lawsuit. But at the same time, he was sued by Tesla for reputation infringement and claimed 5.05 million yuan. 特斯拉还以名誉侵权为由起诉张女士,她曾在上海车展上上演过"屋顶权利保护"。她于8月14日收到起诉书,要求赔偿500万元。 Also sued by Tesla for reputat...

Bypassing the nail, an attendance cheating app made a profit of $5 million in two years, and the CEO was sentenced

月费25元,年费89元。你可以通过app虚拟定位技术将假位置转移到钉钉系统,这样你就可以在不在公司时远程打卡和登录。 The monthly membership fee is 25 yuan and the annual membership fee is 89 yuan. You can transfer the false position to the nailing system through app virtual positioning technology, so that you can punch in and sign in remotely when you are not in the company. 红星资本局获悉,涉案应用名为Daniel assistant,由北京德牛科技有限公司通过购买深圳市漯河科技有限公司虚拟程序应用的使用权开发,优化了应用的界面,增加了充值界面,然后上线运行。 Red Star capital Bureau learned that the app involved, named Daniel assistant, was developed by Beijing deniu Technology Co., Ltd. by purchasing the right to use the virtual program app of Shenzhen Luohe Technology Co., Ltd., optimized the interface of the app, added a recharge interface, and then ran online. 根据张的供述,Daniel assistant通过虚拟位置信息、Wi-Fi信息和照片信息修改其他应用程序的此类信息,而不更改其他应用程序的源代码。当用户不想使用其他应用公开其位置信息时,Daniel assistant将屏蔽用户的位置;当用户需要修改自己的位置信息时,可以将目标软件添加到Daniel assistant应用程序列表中,选择修改后的位置,实现模拟定位功能。 According to Zhang's confession, Daniel assistant modifies such information of othe...

Don't be fooled by Zuckerberg: metauniverse can't save Facebook, and domestic venture capital is still waiting

作者/薛永伟 Author / Xue Yongwei 编辑/游勇 Editor / you Yong 扎克伯格完全疯了。 Zuckerberg is completely crazy. 10月29日,Facebook创始人扎克伯格宣布公司更名为"元"(意思是元宇宙的元),并将公司的股票交易代码改为"mvrs"。公司总部前的拇指背景板被撕下,换成了一个"无限"的符号。oza在一封公开信中说:"从现在起,我们将把元宇宙放在第一位,而不是把Facebook放在第一位。"。 On October 29, Facebook founder Zuckerberg announced that the company was renamed "meta" (meaning the yuan of the meta universe) and changed the company's stock trading code to "mvrs". The thumb background board in front of the company's headquarters was torn off and replaced with an "infinite" symbol. "From now on, we will put the meta universe first, not Facebook first," oza said in an open letter. 扎克伯格的每一个举动都会在互联网上引起一次次的嘲笑。这一次,有人说小扎不想要"面子",也有人说新标识与微信视频号的标识非常相似。看来他只是调整了角度。 Zuckerberg's every action will cause a lot of ridicule and ridicule on the Internet. This time, some people say that xiaoza doesn't want "face", and others say that th...

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