
Showing posts from December, 2020

What are the top ten rumors in the circle of friends in 2020?

1万一粮食短缺,我们应该赶紧收米换油 1. In case of food shortage, we should rush to collect rice for oil 典型谣言样本 Typical rumor samples 传言说:"受疫情影响,国内粮荒,要抓紧囤米抢油。" Rumor said: "affected by the epidemic, the domestic food shortage, we should quickly hoard rice to grab oil." 真相: truth: 对此,农业农村部、国家粮食和物资储备局等部门回应:"我国粮食生产库存充足,市场货源充足,价格稳定,米面供应充足,无需抢购囤积。"。所以你可以放心。 In response, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the State Food and materials reserve bureau and other departments responded: "China's grain production and inventory are sufficient, the market goods are sufficient, the price is stable, the supply of rice and noodles is abundant, there is no need to rush to buy and hoard.". So you can rest assured. 2、大蒜水和大蒜酒可杀灭新型冠状病毒。 2, novel coronavirus can be killed by garlic water and liquor. 典型谣言样本 Typical rumor samples 疫情期间,一张"偏方"在网上流传:"吃大蒜喝高级白酒能消灭新冠状病毒,效果比其他防疫用品好。" During the epidemic period, a "folk prescription" spread on the Intern...

Zhang Zheng, CFO of eggshell, and former CEO Assistant all quit, dangerous situation?

文西奥·斯诺 Vincio snow 蛋壳投资办公室另一位高管孟静蕾也被告知,他是蛋壳融资集团的代表之一。 Meng Jinglei, another senior executive of the eggshell investment office, was also informed that he was one of the representatives of the eggshell financing group. 一年之内,两名首席财务官辞职,高管频繁换人辞职,这似乎预示着蛋壳的危险处境。 Within one year, two CFOs quit, and senior executives frequently change and quit, which seems to be a foretaste of eggshell's dangerous situation. 此前,科技星球(微信ID:tech618)就去年蛋壳风波背后的分析和公司高层信息做了一份报告:今年"蛋壳"破了。 Earlier, tech planet (wechat ID: tech618) made a report on the analysis behind the eggshell turmoil in the past year and the company's top management information: "eggshell" broke "this year. 自2020年10月初以来,蛋壳公寓爆棚,金链断裂,导致上海、南京、武汉、杭州、天津等城市出现大量供应商拖欠装修款的现象。违约时间约为一年,所欠金额从几十万到三千万不等。 Since the beginning of October 2020, eggshell apartments have been burst and the gold chain has broken, resulting in a large number of suppliers defaulting on decoration payments in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Tianjin and...

How can old people not use software to call a car? The good news is that the "one click call" function will be widely promoted

资料显示,截至2020年12月28日,申城旅游平台注册用户已超过75万。在应用程序中使用"一键通话"功能的每日通话中,约有12%呈现逐渐增长的趋势。 According to the data, as of December 28, 2020, there are more than 750000 registered users on Shencheng travel platform. About 12% of the daily calls using the "one button call" function in the app show a gradual growth trend. 在平台注册用户中,55岁及以上的中老年用户占总用户的30%以上。其中,在55-65岁的人群中,约有15%左右的人会有较大概率使用手机独立打车,这与使用一键式打车基本一致。 Among the registered users of the platform, the middle-aged and elderly users aged 55 and above account for more than 30% of the total users. Among them, about 15% of the total number of 55-65 year olds who will have a high probability of using mobile phone to take a taxi independently, which is basically consistent with the use of one click taxi. 从人数上看,老年人叫出租车的比例相对较低。"由于客户群小,运营成本大,从投入产出的角度来看,"一键通"的性价比可能不高,业内人士指出,"然而,在数字鸿沟日益扩大的今天,愿意为少数弱势群体提供便捷服务是企业的责任,也是城市温度的体现。" In terms of numbers, the proportion of elderly people calling for a taxi is relatively low. "...

Is the crack of the international space station caused by micro meteorite? That's what Russian aerospace group said

据俄罗斯卫星网11日报道,俄罗斯国家航天集团总裁德米特里·罗戈津说,国际空间站俄罗斯服务舱出现裂缝可能是微陨石或技术原因造成的。 Dmitry Rogozin, President of Russia's national space group, said the cracks on the Russian service module of the international space station may be caused by micro meteorites or technical reasons, Russian satellite network reported on Monday. Link: update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54

The New York Stock Exchange will delist three Chinese operators in accordance with the trump administration's executive order

纽约证券交易所12月31日宣布,为了符合特朗普政府的行政命令,禁止美国人投资"有军事背景的中国企业",它将取消三家中国公司、中国联通(香港)、中国移动和中国电信。 The New York Stock Exchange announced on December 31 that in order to comply with the trump administration's executive order prohibiting Americans from investing in "Chinese enterprises with military background", it will delist three Chinese companies, China Unicom (Hong Kong), China Mobile and China Telecom. 根据交易所的声明,中国移动、中国电信和中国联通(香港)将于1月7日至1月11日取消。 According to the statement of the exchange, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom (Hong Kong) will be delisted from January 7 to January 11. Link: update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54

First line vivo Ni Xudong: 19 5g mobile phones released in one year, 2021 mentality returned to zero

2020年,手机市场未能摆脱新流行病的影响。虽然下半年国内市场有所好转,但全球市场继续下滑。 In 2020, the mobile phone market failed to escape the impact of the new epidemic. Although the domestic market improved in the second half of the year, the market continued to decline globally. 中国信息技术研究院最新数据显示,2020年1-11月,智能手机累计出货量2.71亿部,同比下降21.1%。期间,国内市场5g手机累计出货量达到1.44亿部,5g手机逐渐成为主流。 According to the latest data of China Academy of information technology, from January to November 2020, the cumulative shipment volume of smart phones was 271 million, a year-on-year decrease of 21.1%. During the period, the cumulative shipment of 5g mobile phones in the domestic market reached 144 million, and 5g mobile phones gradually became the mainstream. 对于2020年的维梧,倪旭东总结为一年的思考、总结和重新开始。"2020年是我们停下来思考的一年。智能手机产业发展太快了。现在又到了一个新的十字路口。流行病给了每个人一个冷静下来的机会。"他说。 For vivo in 2020, Ni Xudong summed up as a year of thinking, summing up and starting again. "2020 is a year for us to stop and think. The smartphone industry is running too fast. Now it's a...

Rouyu's sprint to the science and Technology Innovation Board: three years' revenue of 500 million, net loss of 3.1 billion, LETV grave digger Liu Shuwei sits on the board of directors

鳌飞寺杨靖 Yang Jing from Aofei Temple 量子比特报告官方账号QbitAI Qubit report official account No. QbitAI 这或许是继乐视之后,市场反馈最为两极分化的公司。 This may be the company with the most polarized market feedback after LETV. 柔宇科技由清华电子系校友、斯坦福大学博士刘子宏于2012年创立,专注于"柔性显示技术"。 Rouyu technology, founded in 2012 by Liu Zihong, an alumnus of Tsinghua electronics department and Stanford doctor, focuses on "flexible display technology". 后来,三星和华为相继推出了折叠屏手机的销售,但没有一家供应商在这个行业有"先行者"。即使是若雨开发的折叠屏手机,到目前为止在开放渠道的销售也非常有限。 Later, Samsung and Huawei launched the sale of folding screen mobile phones one after another, but none of the suppliers had "pioneers" in the industry. Even the folding screen mobile phones developed by Ruoyu have been sold in the open channel very limited so far. 在一个拥有数百万客户的大众电子消费品市场,鲁豫电子商务主渠道的自营旗舰店对其畅销产品的购买点评超过1万条,而今年主营折屏手机flexpai 2的购买点评只有1200多条。 In a mass electronic consumer goods market with millions of customers, the self operated flagship store of Rouyu's main e-commerce c...

Luo Zhenyu's New Year speech: we live in a digital system, and you can let everyone see it at any time

腾讯科技12月31日消息,罗振宇今晚举行新年致辞《时间的朋友》。这一次,他解释了什么是"时间的朋友":分工合作,让彼此更好;互相认同,互相帮助。 Tencent science and technology on December 31, Luo Zhenyu held the new year's speech "Friends of time" tonight. This time, he explained what is "Friends of time": working hard separately, making each other better; identifying with each other and helping each other. 只要我们同时在同一个社区,就会产生"朋友"效应。 As long as we are in the same community at the same time, there will be a "friend" effect. 罗振宇说,中国是一个有组织的网络。该网络规模大、层次丰富、轮回密集。它既有力量又有灵活性。这是我们这一代人信心和信心的源泉。 Luo Zhenyu said that China is an organized network. This network is large in scale, rich in layers and dense in turns. It has both strength and flexibility. This is the origin of the confidence and confidence of our generation. 至于生活方式,罗振宇说,长大后要学会与制度共同进化。因为在未来的数字系统中,一个人的价值,你的友好、合作和建设性,随时随地都能被所有人看到。好的制度,让人真正看得见。 As for lifestyle, Luo Zhenyu said, we should learn to co evolve with the system when we grow up. Because in the futu...

Xiaopeng will push flying cars by the end of 2021. He Xiaopeng's year-end summary: seeking balance in radical fast running

2020年,多数行业将难以为继,但作为新能源汽车的代表企业之一,小鹏汽车已在今年完成"转型"。 In 2020, it will be difficult for most industries, but as one of the representative enterprises of new energy vehicles, Xiaopeng automobile has completed "transformation" in this year. 2020年8月,小鹏汽车登陆美国纽约证券交易所,发行价为15美元,募集到全球新能源汽车历史上最高的IPO金额。 In August 2020, Xiaopeng automobile landed on the New York Stock Exchange of the United States, with an issue price of US $15, raising the highest IPO amount in the history of new energy vehicles in the world. 上市不到半年,小鹏的股价就达到了74.49美元的最高点,比发行价上涨了近400%。 Less than half a year after the listing, the share price of Xiaopeng reached the highest of 74.49 US dollars, up nearly 400% from the issue price. 而去年12月,小鹏汽车以每股2.45亿美元的增发价公布了其在美IPO的增发计划。 In December, Xiaopeng automobile announced the issuance of 48 million additional ads shares, with a public offering price of US $45 per share and a planned fund-raising of US $2.16 billion, which is the largest IPO in the history of China capital stoc...

The price of Tesla Model y long life version was lowered to 339900 yuan

据特斯拉中国官方网站显示,特斯拉y型远程版起价为33.99万元,较48.8万元下降了14.81万元。特斯拉车型yperformance高性能版起价36.99万元,较53.5万元下降16.51万元。 According to the official website of Tesla China, the starting price of the long-range version of Tesla Model y is 339900 yuan, down 148100 yuan from 488000 yuan. Tesla Model yperformance high performance version starts at 369900 yuan, down 165100 yuan from 535000 yuan. Link: update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54

Free for all! China's first new crown vaccine on the market, here are all the seven questions you want to know

一天之内就批准了。 It was approved in one day. 12月31日,即2020年的最后一天,根据国务院联合防控机制发布的信息,国药生物新皇冠疫苗获国家食品药品监督管理局批准有条件上市。 On December 31, the last day of 2020, according to the information released by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, Sinopharm sinobio's new crown vaccine was approved by the State Food and Drug Administration for conditional marketing. 这是中国第一种新疫苗。 This is the first new vaccine in China. 从2020年下半年开始,国内外各机构研制的新型疫苗陆续传出好消息。他们目前的进展如何,有什么不同? From the second half of 2020, the new vaccine developed by various institutions at home and abroad has been spreading good news one after another. What is their current progress and what are their differences? 根据各方的信息,我们整理了两张表供大家参考。 Based on the information of all parties, we have sorted out two tables for you to see. 新型冠状苗在我国的市场营销与研发进展 Progress of marketing or research and development of new crown vaccine in China 首先,第一种疫苗已经上市。谁应该先接种疫苗? First of all, the first vaccine is on the market. Who should be vaccinated first? 早在...

Tmall's response to being punished by the State Administration of market supervision: problems involved in comprehensive rectification

腾讯科技讯12月31日消息,天猫今日就国家监督管理总局的处罚作出回应:已收到有关部门的行政处罚通知,我们诚恳接受,并对通知中涉及的问题进行了全面整改。将进一步加强自身经营管理,充分保护消费者的合法权益。 Tencent technology news on December 31, tmall today responded to the punishment of the State Administration of supervision and administration: it has received the notice of administrative punishment from relevant departments, we sincerely accept it, and has comprehensively rectified the problems involved in the notice. It will further strengthen its own operation and management to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. 12月30日晚,针对"双11"前后消费者反映强烈的网络购物先涨价后打折、虚假促销、诱导交易等问题,根据价格监测、投诉等相关线索,市场监管总局依法处罚北京京东世纪信息技术有限公司(以下简称京东)、杭州浩超电子商务有限公司。,广州唯品会电子商务有限公司(天猫)和广州唯品会电子商务有限公司(唯品会)对三家从事自营业务的企业的不正当价格行为进行了调查,根据《价格法》第四十条和《行政处罚规定》第七条的规定,于2020年12月24日作出处罚决定价格违法行为,分别对三家企业处以50万元人民币的行政处罚。 On the evening of December 30, in response to the problems of online shopping that consumers strongly reflected before and after the "double 11", such as price increase first and the...

Baidu gives incentive bonus to employees over 2 years old; China's new coronavirus vaccine goes on the market

一定要看今天的科技新闻 Must read today's science and Technology News 早报详情 Morning post details 银保与蚂蚁商谈:建议各互联网平台尽快自查整改 Bancassurance talks with ant: it is suggested that all Internet platforms check themselves and rectify as soon as possible 近日,中央财政四部委再次约谈蚂蚁集团,并公布了重点内容。强调的突出问题和整改要求,不仅是个别的,而且是普遍的。建议各互联网平台尽快排查整改。特别是涉及网上小额贷款、保险、理财、信托等业务的机构更应引起重视,监管部门将在事后安排检查。 Recently, the four ministries and commissions of central financial management once again interviewed ant group and announced the key contents. The outstanding problems and rectification requirements emphasized are not only individual, but also universal. It is suggested that all Internet platforms should check and rectify as soon as possible. In particular, institutions involving online small loans, insurance, financial management, trust and other businesses should pay more attention, and the regulatory authorities will arrange inspection afterwards. 中国推出新型冠状病毒疫苗 New coronavirus vaccine launched in China 中芯国际宣布新一届董事会,梁梦松仍担任联席CEO SMIC announc...

Not only does public opinion control the business, but also the chain of love

"粉丝圈形成了一个空间,这个空间的定义是对世俗价值观和行为的排斥。它促进了深厚的感情,热情地拥抱乐趣。粉丝圈从正面和反面都赋予粉丝力量。它的系统让粉丝们不仅可以表达他们反对的东西,还可以表达他们为之奋斗的东西。其文化产品表达了粉丝们对日常生活的失望和对另类选择的渴望。" "The fan circle forms a space, which is defined by the rejection of worldly values and behaviors. It promotes deep feelings and embraces fun enthusiastically. Fan circle empowers fans from both positive and negative sides. Its system allows fans to express not only what they object to, but also what they struggle for. Its cultural products Express fans' disappointment in daily life and their longing for alternative choices. " 亨利·詹金斯:文本偷猎者 Henry Jenkins: the text poacher Z代(95-00代)生活在水稻圈的最高峰。高度发达的娱乐业和传播渠道使95后充分表达了对爱豆的态度。也许你知道什么是站姐,但你可能不知道皮下;你知道白娼和氪金,但你不知道净化和粉运;你只懂CP粉的含义,但你要学会脂肪粉的内涵,只有粉,只有毒;还有更多的俚语,如"走花路","墙头"、BP、"本明"让90后老人们在米饭圈外迷茫。 Generation Z (95-00 generation) lives at the peak of the rice circle. The highly developed entertainment industry and communication channels enable the post-95s to fully e...

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