What are the top ten rumors in the circle of friends in 2020?
1万一粮食短缺,我们应该赶紧收米换油 1. In case of food shortage, we should rush to collect rice for oil 典型谣言样本 Typical rumor samples 传言说:"受疫情影响,国内粮荒,要抓紧囤米抢油。" Rumor said: "affected by the epidemic, the domestic food shortage, we should quickly hoard rice to grab oil." 真相: truth: 对此,农业农村部、国家粮食和物资储备局等部门回应:"我国粮食生产库存充足,市场货源充足,价格稳定,米面供应充足,无需抢购囤积。"。所以你可以放心。 In response, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the State Food and materials reserve bureau and other departments responded: "China's grain production and inventory are sufficient, the market goods are sufficient, the price is stable, the supply of rice and noodles is abundant, there is no need to rush to buy and hoard.". So you can rest assured. 2、大蒜水和大蒜酒可杀灭新型冠状病毒。 2, novel coronavirus can be killed by garlic water and liquor. 典型谣言样本 Typical rumor samples 疫情期间,一张"偏方"在网上流传:"吃大蒜喝高级白酒能消灭新冠状病毒,效果比其他防疫用品好。" During the epidemic period, a "folk prescription" spread on the Intern...